Given that this thread has rapidly turned into a "have a go at the police" thread, it is hardly surprising jason has had enough and left.
I agree that it's a shame that Jason felt the need to leave, even though I was one of the posters criticising the police. I won't retract that criticism as I feel they have failed in their duty on several occasions, when we had required their support. It's no secret that I have very little time for them, not because I had broken the law but because I've needed their help when somebody else has. My
lack of time for them has nothing to do with motoring either.
1. Attempted burglary on my house, cristal clear CCTV image of the men on my doorstep, phone the police who eventually attend, drink my coffee and eat my biscuits and the end result is zilch, jack, nothing.
2. Girl in street being attacked by recently dumped ex-boyfriend, my son intervenes and pushes the man away, gets hit with an iron bar and the guy runs off. My lad ends up in hospital with stitches and a scar but the police won't visit the guys house that night as 'his mum is a nice lady' (their words not mine) so they won't disturb her until the next morning.

The bar is found in her sons room, with my sons skin and hair still on it, and put in an evidence bag. It is left in a police van on a sweltering hot day, sweats in the polythene bag and goes rusty. It is deemed inadmissable to be used in court so the case is less clear cut.
Add this to the car scenario in this post, so yes, it's fair to say that I have no time for them.
I, for one, am sorry jason left, although I see why, as his was an interesting and knowledgeable insight in to many of the facets of policing we seldom think about. He will be missed.
As said, it's a shame when anybody feels the need to leave. The posts on this thread were from people giving their first hand impressions of what had happened to them. It was not intended as a personal dig at Jason, James or any other serving officer or ex officer.
An article in the paper today says that 84% of police officers are unhappy with the lack of respect they receive from the public. Maybe someone should tell them that this works both ways. Sadly all of the good things that the police do are eradicated by the thoughts of camera vans/police hiding in bushes with speed guns etc. Even though I've been done for speeding, this is not why I have gripes with them, I was guilty as charged and I'll get over it. It's just a shame that this is mostly what the public think of them so they are on a hiding to nothing.
I've said my piece but just to make it clear, this was not a snipe at an individual.