Except that very little of it does *actually* happen.
In this instance, we aren't adopting any new EU law in the way we did when we were part of the club, so it won't apply to us. Also, as far as I can tell we already have a system in this country and have for a long time under which cars (of any age) can be deemed irreparable or unfit to go back on the road, or even unfit to be sold for parts. What used to be called Cat A or B write offs (no idea what they are called now).
So I really don't see what all the fuss is about
If I had to guess, I would say this legislation is aimed at levelling the playing field, I don't know, but could easily imagine that parts of Eastern Europe have much more lax rules around what can be repaired and put back on the road than somewhere like Germany, such legislation would stop a flow of potentially badly repaired cars making their way back onto roads in Western Europe after having been certified as fit to drive in countries which don't have the same safety standards.
Or it could all be a massive conspiracy. Who knows....