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Topics - Cliffo B

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General Discussion Area / A HUGE THANK YOU
« on: 20 May 2015, 23:49:56 »
From myself to Darth Loo Knee
On my asking he travelled up to Leeds and sorted out the mess I'd got myself and Miggy in
What I did was strip down Miggy so I could change her cambelt
I've done a new cambelt  job 4 yrs back with the aid of the Forum DVD and Haynes manual with no real problems
But wait for it
The DVD wouldn't work 
Anyhow when it came to trying to remember how to work the new cambelt on and adjust the new tensioner pulleys
I realised my memory (somewhat aged) was a little too risky
So in desperation I pmd Darth and he was kindly here in no time 
Cambelt on and engine all expertly and neatly re-assembled   
Once more in Darth the true spirit of OOF prevailed
So Thanks again

Omega General Help / Now need a 3.2 cambelt kit supplier
« on: 01 April 2015, 18:13:39 »
Just priced one at the dealers and £178 quoted :o
A Contitech one would be much preferred
And price not that critical within reason
So over to you guys
 if anyone knows a good source it will be much appreciated :y :y
Spent most of today on the case without much luck :'(

Oh dear!
As we're thinking of hitching up our tourer to miggy to have a cheap break
Funds are a little scarce at present
Thought I'd check out the rear suspension by the usual method 
Disconnect ball joint off the sensor arm and raise it up
Then ign on and start up but no response
I spent yesterday checking the system as best I can with my limited knowledge
I found fuse No 27 had blown I understand this protects the self level system
However a new fuse made no difference
I think that perhaps the compressor might be OK as when I disconnected and reconnected the sensor connector
There was a momentary reaction from the compressor
I'm now at a loss as to what could be wrong and would greatly appreciate any helpful info :y :y


Wanted "18 Irmscher Sportstar alloy wheel :y
To replace a badly damaged one
Needs to have an ET30 spec (to be found embossed on inside face)

Omega General Help / Traction Control fault & MOT due shortly!!
« on: 15 March 2014, 20:12:19 »
Miggy's having a problem with the in dash TC  warning light :o
And I'm afraid I'm not that well up on the technicals of traction control :'(
If theirs  any kind soul who can put me in the rite groove in view of the
closeness of the MOT it will be much appreciated :y :y

Also accompanying the TC flag is the usual car/spanner warning this being there when the ign is switched on
I think the pedal trouble code its throwing up is 1 7 10 10
Hope there's something I can try :y :y

Hello all,can anyone help?
the display on Migsy's NCDC 2013 (with black/orange display)
keeps changing to German
it's done it about 6 times in the last couple of weeks
is there a way to program it back to English permanently?
anyone know what can be causing this problem?
Thanks all in advance

General Car Chat / Performance ugrade from new petrol??
« on: 26 April 2013, 01:35:00 »
iYesterday I tanked Migsy up with a new grade of Shell fuel called Shell V-Power Nitro+Unleaded
This has superceeded/replaced Shell V-Power which I've used for the past 4 years
I was quite surprised to  find that Migsy's performance is definitely improved
According to the brochure this is achieved by having 25% more  friction modifiers than the previous Shell V-Power formulation
It is specified as a 99 octane (RON) formulation

It would seem there is also an upgrade Diesel fuel called Shell V-Power Nitro+ Diesel

There it is give it a test
If Migsy's anything to go by you won't be disappointed

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / F/S Bosch Parkpilot
« on: 28 February 2013, 00:55:54 »
F/S Bosch park Pilot System removed from Miggy(an estate)
Includes ECU unit with wireing loom and 4 sensors (colour Z148 Oyster)
Does not include speaker/sounder!!!
I forgot to take it off :'( :'(
Can't see any reason why the system shouldn't fit a saloon
Asking around 85.00 + postage

General Car Chat / Anyone know of estates with 3 button remotes?
« on: 12 February 2013, 20:43:53 »
Hi everybody :y
I think I've finally sorted Migsy's key programming problem
Finally went to a local mobile locksmith
To be told that Migsy cannot have 2 button keys if originally supplied with 3 button ones
This info came from his manual and applied to some late model estates
I did of course at first dispute this more or less insisting that estate cars only had 2 button remotes
So it looks as if the key that came with Migsy could well be original
It apparantly came up with the same Car Pass No's
So has anybody else had experience of 3 button keys with an estate?
Now I've saved my most interesting query till last namely:-
What function does the third button serve on an estate?
Asked this one to the locksmith got the response he didn't know and a suggestion that I ask the main dealer
Could it be a total closure button?
Anyway all will become alot clearer on Thurs when I should have the keys complete with the remotes
He couldn't supply them today as he needed to order the 2 remotes (3 button ones)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Replacement Keys needed
« on: 02 February 2013, 02:49:52 »
I now need 2 keys as the one that came with Migsy is a 3 button one
And as far as I know estates have 2 button ones
This will now no longer lock Migsy remotely
On investigation the micro switch has come off the circuit board
And the key is also much the worse for wear
So I need 2 replacement 2 button ones 1 for a spare (kept in swmbo's handbag) and of course 1 for myself
I have the car pass that came with Migsy
So I need to know who is my nearest member (to Leeds) with Tech 2 who can help me
Thanks :y :y

Omega General Help / What are these connector sockets for?? ( Pics)
« on: 18 January 2013, 23:10:25 »
   They are spring loaded flip up lids and reveal some sort of possible
                                                                                      jack socket.On the lids in embossed letters is the word BRITAX
                                                                                      I realise that probably the best way to find out is to take off the
                                                                                      centre console and trace back whatever is connected up
                                                                                      However if anyone knows what they are advance knowledge can
                                                                                      can be usefull  :y


Pic is of the inside of the N/S scuttle drain which was full of the usual debris
Bottom of the pic the frogmouth grommet can be seen
I need to know if the hole (about 22mm) in the bulkhead should be there
I can't recall one being there on my previous Miggies
And it does have rusted edges
Thinking it could have been done by the previous owner for some unknown reason
Possibly to allow cable with connector entry???
I'd appreciate and be gratefull for any comment/advice anyone may have :y :y

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Wtd Front R/H wheel arch liner
« on: 13 January 2013, 02:39:37 »
Wanted front R/H (Drivers side) black plastic wheel arch liner
This to replace existing one with broken off sill fix on lug

Ive been to the shop to order a Large car sticker for Migsy
The site won't accept my details (could this be as I'm useing Norton Identity Safe)
Also if it did can I use Paypal to pay?

If i'm doing something wrong (these days don't seem to be able to get owt right)
Please could someone kindly make things ok or tell me what to do
Thanks Cliff :y


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