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Messages - Bigron

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 323
General Discussion Area / Re: BREASTS
« on: 30 November 2021, 13:06:04 »
Yours, Lizzie? *


General Discussion Area / Re: Sky Q & Netflix
« on: 27 November 2021, 11:17:52 »
Thanks for your comments gents, but 'er indoors would want the unlimited phone calls and I would want my ,fast broadband service. Any suggestions?

General Discussion Area / Re: Sky Q & Netflix
« on: 27 November 2021, 06:22:10 »
My Sky subscription keeps increasing in price. I have fibre broadband and all phone calld included, for over £100 per month.Is there an alternative? It must  include all calls, as SWMBO loves her phone calls!

General Discussion Area / Re: Last night I found myself glued......
« on: 25 October 2021, 20:38:15 »
Jacqueline Clarke got naked in "White Mischief" - COR!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: Shady Goings On....
« on: 14 October 2021, 19:02:06 »
There's a road in Corfe Mujjen called "Happy Bottom". Homophic?

General Discussion Area / Re: My birthday
« on: 08 October 2021, 22:20:26 »
ronnyd, I gave up on "that bloody tadio" many moons ago!  If I don't get any good news regarding my eyes, I will have to ggive up my beloved Omega too.  :'( :'( :'(

General Discussion Area / Re: My birthday
« on: 08 October 2021, 10:58:00 »
Thank you gents for your commebts and good wishes, all much appreciated. This surely is the best forum for help, friendship (and piss-taking) there is. Long may it continue.

General Discussion Area / My birthday
« on: 08 October 2021, 06:49:33 »
It's  my birthday today and with my terminal health issues, is likely to be my last. I don't have a definite idea of time left, but It won't be much longer.
My Omega failed its MOT a year ago, but I can't drive it anyway  due to eye problems amd it has been   SORNed  since last April.
I would like to remain a member for as long as possible, please.

General Discussion Area / Re: Don't use the word 'curry' again.
« on: 09 August 2021, 17:20:03 »
Ny ghast is flabbered!

General Discussion Area / Re: Don't use the word 'curry' again.
« on: 09 August 2021, 16:42:04 »
Was this a news item? I must have missed it: who was the cupid stunt?

General Discussion Area / Re: WTF!?
« on: 08 August 2021, 13:28:00 »
Agreed 100%, Albs! :y

General Discussion Area / Re: WTF!?
« on: 07 August 2021, 19:38:46 »
A tear starts, unbidden, to the eye.....

The end of an era indeed, James. It has been a privilege and an honour  to have known such a thoroughly good bloke and I thank you for all the help you have given me.
I too have to give up on Omegas, and indeed all driving, I fear, due to terminal kidney failure and poor eyesight, together with the fact that my Omega failed its MOT last September and is now SORNed. I won’t actually get rid of It until I get a final verdict regarding my eyes as it is my only form of mobility after breaking my hipbone!
Please take care and stay safe – and don’t leave the Forum!

General Discussion Area / Re: Christmas Card
« on: 30 October 2020, 16:37:15 »
Don't  be a humbug, dear doctor! If you don't like them, design something different?


P.S. Please don't Spoonerise "humbug"!

General Discussion Area / Ageas home contents insurance- shysters!
« on: 19 October 2020, 16:59:58 »
Two months ago my son accidentally pierced the refrigerant pipe in our freezer, causing it to fail. I completed the online claim form, stating clearly the cause of the damage and there ensued a series of delaying, incommunicative emails. My broker could not get them to respond effectively AND FINALLY THEY DISMISSED MY CLAIM, SAYING THAT i WAS NOT COVERED FOR ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE!
 Had I been told that such damage was not covered back in August, I would have beeen spared a lot of unwelcome stress and effort, which, given my health issues, I could well have done without.
Just what exactly is covered if not accidental damage? Wear and tear would be excluded also, so that doesn't leave much else!
Once again, an insurance company is happy to collect premiums, but very reluctant to pay out and will try anything  to avoid doing so.

Ron. >:(

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