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Messages - Mr Skrunts

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So then Skruntie....

What is your classic car of choice?

What is your classic bike of choice?

Money no object. :)

Not sure if they would be classed as classices.

Aston Martin Lagonda &  a proper AC Cobra. :y

Kawasaki Z1300 or a Honda CBX1000 :y

6 cylinder bikes do have a certain charm.

How about a Benelli 6 with 6 zorsts. :y

Add it to the collection. 

The rest of the bike collection would have to include a Goldwing and maybe a Harley powered trike.

And another car for the collection.  BMW M1 oh and a BMW 3.0 CSL, this list could go on for ages.

My fav collection would be the 80's Rally cars.  HSR,  Lancia Rally & Stratos, Renault 5 Gordini Turbi etc etc ::) :y

So then Skruntie....

What is your classic car of choice?

What is your classic bike of choice?

Money no object. :)

Not sure if they would be classed as classices.

Aston Martin Lagonda &  a proper AC Cobra. :y

Kawasaki Z1300 or a Honda CBX1000 :y

For those that are interested.

Sunday 14th July, 10.00am-4.00pm

Wentworth Woodhouse
Wentworth, Rotherham, United Kingdom

General Discussion Area / Re: Best pork pie ever!
« on: 10 July 2024, 12:42:32 »
I worked in a food factory when I was younger, the pasties  & pork pies once cooled from the ovens were the best ever before they were blast chilled. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Camera
« on: 27 June 2024, 16:43:48 »
Cheers for the advice.

Had a look on Amazon and wll get some fliud in the near future. :y

The list of odd jobs is getting larger  :-\ so will tackle them all at once.  just need to find some odd tools and my soldering iron for some of the other jobs. :-\

General Discussion Area / Camera
« on: 26 June 2024, 17:12:34 »
With the new fangled mobile tech & having a  camera in my pocket whilst out and about I havent used my bridge camera in quite a whlle. :-\

So I came accross my camera and was planning to put the batteries on charge and check the memoery cards etc.

Was pleasantly supprised to find the battery to be fully charged, but so disapointed that the body was very tacky, so put it back in the bag to look for advice.

With all the controls on the camera I need to be carefull with it, but dont know where to start with how to clean it.

Plus for further use whats the best way to stop this happening again.

All advice welcome. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Political Compass
« on: 26 June 2024, 09:23:15 »
Me being a bit thick hadn't figured out how to post images  ::)

Here you go. :y :y

General Car Chat / Re: Buzzing from headlining/rear window
« on: 21 June 2024, 19:56:11 »
Sounds like a window motor under stress, and applying pressure to the glass is like putting your finger in the way of the glass going up and it stops the motr lifing the glass.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 21 June 2024, 11:42:24 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Google Pixel 8
« on: 17 June 2024, 15:41:10 »
Its a top end Android phone.  It can make and receive calls.

I found my old Samsung Tocco the other week and that can still make and receive calls as well. ::)

General Discussion Area / Google Pixel 8
« on: 17 June 2024, 10:19:31 »
Does anyone have one?

Are they any good?

General Discussion Area / How Much?
« on: 17 June 2024, 09:51:25 »
Is a Pint in your local?

I havent been in a Pub for years so totally out of date. :-\

But speaking to a mate who spent last week in Ireland Golfing mentioned a Pint cost 8 Euros.  So I asked what a Pint costs locally and he said our area was about a fiver.

Then on the News this morning it was mentioned that 80 pubs have been closed each month and 239 have been closed or demolished in the 1st 1/4 of this year. :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 15 June 2024, 18:45:55 »
Mr Skrunts, are those items Amazon or Marketplace?

Completely different rules apply to marketplace, and the fact you've been asked to send pictures makes me think it is.  Which also means Amazon ain't gonna refund £40 difference between 2 Marketplace sellers - that's your punishment for stupidity ;)


I looked for a cheaoer price when ordering but only thw 120/140cm desks were chweaper.

Been caught out before but allways check.  and as often mentioned the prices constantly change.

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 15 June 2024, 16:02:20 »
You could be right,  I bought a 4'x2' desk on wheels, same pattern top & that was a single piece, but on looking at similar 160cm desks (different brands but obviously looking at the pics they are made in the same factory) just one pic in the extra details showed the top in 4 pieces, but I just cant tell that from looking at the pics.

But thankyou.  I believe you are right. :y :y
Now ring Amazon and tell them, despite it being the wrong size, you've decided to keep it anyway  ;D

Might do, was thinking of asking for a £40 refund to price match. ::)

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