I have recently been searching for information about some parts of the Omega, which had me stumbling upon this forum. The idea of being able to learn and share valuable information and experience made me register here. I hope to contribute as much as I can learn here!
My Omega-journey started back in 2009 in connection with me obtaining my driver's license and as I bought my first car ever; a 1998 Opel Omega B1 2.0 16V (X20XEV). I got it cheap since it was sold to me with CEL. Also, I really liked the color of it (Y573 (76L) / Tizianrot / Tizian red). I was inexperienced, got excited and was quick with my decision to buy it. In retrospect perhaps a stupid decision. But I mean... I really liked the color!

I saw the CEL as an oppportunity to learn, while getting a reduced price. Altough, beyond this it would turn out that this car had been neglected for a long time. In addition, I didn't check until afterwards that the car had had 15 owners in the last 9 years since it left factory, which is a bit of a warning sign.
I eventually solved the CEL, and used the car extensively for about 3 years. The car was fantastic! I then bought my second car (not an Opel this time

), and ended up leaving this Omega unregistered on the front yard of my parents place as I moved far away.
In 2020 I considered getting a car dedicated for winter driving, and decided to check the condition of my old Omega. The interior was completely taken over by mold, the steering wheel looking as if it had a green fluffy wheel cover. I spent a whole day cleaning and clearing the interior. After installing a new battery, the car started. It had a rough idle and felt weak (weaker than usual

), which after a little investigation turned out to be a bad head gasket. At this point it was basically a decision to either scrap the car or replace the head gasket. I ended up making a decision using the same reasoning as 13 years ago when I bought the car; an opportunity to learn and also save a cool car.
After having been left standing for eight years, the Omega got new purpose. I became determined to finally give the Omega the attention it deserved. It has been my daily driver since. Although this Omega doesn't look like much to the world right now, I'm determined to restore it step by step to mint condition. At this point I feel like I'm too far down the rabbit hole to stop.. also, it's alot of fun!

My biggest obstacle today is lack of time. Slowly but surely...
Below are some mixed before/after pictures.
Head gasket replacement and some touch up, back in 2020.
... and some more touch up
Some well-needed polishing
New driver side door, retrieved from a sad looking Omega on a scrap yard after some hunting
Further restoring...
Self-made amplifier rack hidden away
And what the car looks like todayCheers!