What an odious and deeply repugnant creature he is .
I grew up in Scotland when he was carving his career in the Dundee Labour party where even then he was an egotistical opportunist , he was universally disliked even then .
He's slowly slipped to the bottom of the pile of merde that he wallows in .
His saving grace (

) is his ability to orate at length which leads the willing to believe that he is profound and deeply intellectual .
In reality he is a charlatan , a bigot and a seriously divisive individual who can "read the room " and exploit the weakness's of his adversaries using any means he can manipulate .
To paraphrase the man ......." I despise him " .
I predict that he will exploit his new found , and fortunate , exalted position and galvanise the Islamic vote in other areas for others to follow / join him in his pursuit of his subversive ideology .
The UK is slowly awakening from it's slumber regarding the threat of Islamisation ...........albeit about ten years too gnikcuf late .
Note to self , explore if Amazon have a Kindle version of the quoran .