Three flights today...
First one, (D153 to R247) 7am from Germany to Lundun... "It's not going well" When we arrived in Lundun I did give him the R267 news. He took it well.

Second one, (D211 to R267) Lundun to Denmark... "I'm covering the election, I just need to send this email"
Actually, I need you to put your laptop away because you're sat by an exit.
"But it's really bad..."
Let me put it another way... When Alaska is counted, he's won. Everything else is gravy and delaying this flight for your email won't change that. The chap from Florida sat behind her had the decency not to laugh out loud
Third one... (D233 R274ish) Denmark back to Lundun. Twenty something boards in floods of tears.
Good afternoon madam, are you an anxious flyer?
"No, I ok, it's just that Kamalala has lost"
Worst case, tomorrow it might rain. But seriously, you've 155 ish million voters and the current tally is about 130 million votes cast... That's actually something to celebrate compared to the last UK election."
Off to the States on Friday... Could be entertaining.