The recruiting officer was giving a lecture on survival to an
adult education class at the local college. He laid out all the
items from his knapsack including flares, water, chocolate,
torch, map, warm clothing etc. plus a pack of cards.
“What are the cards for?” asked one bright spark.
“Ah ha,” replied the officer. “Once you’ve tried all other
means of survival, take your pack of cards and lay out a
game of patience. You can lay odds that after a couple of
minutes some bugger will come along and say black eight on
the red nine!”
The Officer was giving a lecture on survival to a class of
New Entries at Regimental Barracks . He laid out all the
items from his knapsack including flares, water, chocolate,
torch, map, warm clothing etc. plus a pack of cards.
“What are the cards for?” asked one bright spark.
“Ah ha,” replied the officer. “Once you’ve tried all other
means of survival, take your pack of cards and lay out a
game of patience. You can lay odds that after a couple of
minutes some bugger will come along and say black eight on
the red nine!”