Hi, thought I'd better introduce myself after lurking about here for a few months getting info for this and that. Firstly may I say that you have a great site here with lots of useful information and it seems like you all help each other out loads - whilst my VX knowledge is pretty limited (as I've had Japanese cars for a few years) I'll do what I can!
I got my Omega late last year purely as a comfortable motor to get me to work and back (I do 80 miles a day) as I fancied a bit of luxury and an automatic car for the first time. I have to say for the first month or so in the depths of winter it didn't get a lot of love as it was looking pretty scruffy when I got it...
But as time passed I have really started to appreciate the cars qualities and that makes me want to take better care of it and restore at least some of its former glory. So far I've replaced the rear bumper, reconditioned all the leather, replaced climate bulbs, service, tyres, about a 100 stonechips and more recently had it valeted, which really made it shine. The valeter managed to remove some pretty deep scratches from the doors and bootlid and (when clean) it really is a nice looking car for something almost 10 years old. Here's a few pics;
Oh, and since that day I've replaced the side repeaters with dark ones to match the plastic strip and also sprayed the silver 'V' in the grille black as I think it looks a little meaner. Shoddy phone pic but thats all I have;
Anyway, sorry to waffle on but thats my car - hope you like it and feel free to add your comment.