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Messages - mong00sehun

Pages: [1] 2
Omega Gallery / Re: Passed hungarian "mot"
« on: 12 February 2025, 18:32:13 »
That is a lovely example. 8) 8) :y

I cannot remember when I last saw a white one on the roads around us.  That would make a great wedding day car! ;D ;)

yeah it was some sort of undercover car for hungarian homeland security. so i think this is why its white. in hungary there are no more white fl cars what i know.

Omega Gallery / Re: Passed hungarian "mot"
« on: 12 February 2025, 18:29:46 »
thanks again guys

Omega Gallery / Re: Passed hungarian "mot"
« on: 07 February 2025, 21:38:01 »
thanks guys

Omega Gallery / Passed hungarian "mot"
« on: 06 February 2025, 21:38:55 »
The car passed the "mot", so it get 2 more years on the road

Omega General Help / V6 Exhaust
« on: 11 November 2024, 22:17:23 »
Hi guys,
is all V6 exhaust are the same? i search for middle silencer for my 2.6 v6 and i found a cheap one but the website say its compatible with 2.5 v6 and 3.0 v6. can i use this for my 2.6 v6?

Omega General Help / Re: Bonnet latch loose
« on: 07 October 2024, 17:45:03 »
thanks guys, the lever is fine i think, but it has so much "deadzone" (i pull gently and nothing happens), and when i pull to the limit, then the latch open the bonnet
i cleared the thing, its a lil bit better, i topped the oil just in case if something break or tear apart, and i try again tomorrow
thanks again (sry for broken english solutions)

Omega General Help / Bonnet latch loose
« on: 07 October 2024, 16:40:53 »
Hi guys,
my bonnet latch very loose, feels like it wont open the bonnet, but it does the last few mm when you pull the lever. how can i fix this?

hi guys.
i bought smoked taillights for my facelift sedan, but one of the 'inner' lamp is broken.

so i need 1 pair inner taillights for sedan facelift, the factory smoked ones.

i live in hungary so the package sending maybe will be a hedache...

i have a 2.6 too, and i had this error code around one month ago
this occoured when i had a just little amount of fuel in the tank and i drove on serpentine roads, when i think the fuel is was too low, and and the pump cannot recivie the right quantity.
i refulled and i dont have this code anymore

Omega Gallery / The Piglet finally badgeless!
« on: 12 August 2024, 14:36:36 »
Hi guys!
I have the car more than one and a half year, and since day one i was looking after a badgeless front mask, and i finally found a used one with a hefty price around 109 GBP (50000HUF in my balkanish country).

I need to get used to the new look, now i think the front is maybe too clean.  ::)

Omega Gallery / Re: Omega B 3.0 V6
« on: 12 August 2024, 09:07:05 »
nice wheels, i looking for same stlye wheels, but i dont have a fortune for it. the lowering is good too  :D

Omega General Help / Re: Starting issue
« on: 29 July 2024, 06:28:24 »
i had the same issue, some cable was loose around the fuse box in the engine bay. my mechanic tightened the screw or something. there is a tip. wait for the dark, and with friend or someone  who try to start the engine, and you for some spark around the fuse box.

Omega General Help / Re: Heater bypass valve fail?
« on: 28 July 2024, 13:00:50 »
i changed the HBV its good i think, but there is no vacuum at all.

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Greetings from Hungary
« on: 28 July 2024, 12:04:32 »
thx guys,

"In the UK if you saw a white Omega in your mirrors, you immediately checked your speed - the majority of white Omegas here in the UK were Police cars!!"

i checked my car papers when i bought, and in 2009 there is something that mention this: the car is no longer able to have emergency lights. so maybe it was an undercover police car maybe. in hungary there was many astras as police cars, maybe some police kingpin had this car xD

Omega General Help / Re: Heater bypass valve fail?
« on: 19 July 2024, 20:14:25 »
thx i ordered the new one. it will arrive on monday. we going to croatia at tuesday morning, so ive got one shot  >:D

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