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Topics - mong00sehun

Pages: [1]
Omega Gallery / Passed hungarian "mot"
« on: 06 February 2025, 21:38:55 »
The car passed the "mot", so it get 2 more years on the road

Omega General Help / V6 Exhaust
« on: 11 November 2024, 22:17:23 »
Hi guys,
is all V6 exhaust are the same? i search for middle silencer for my 2.6 v6 and i found a cheap one but the website say its compatible with 2.5 v6 and 3.0 v6. can i use this for my 2.6 v6?

Omega General Help / Bonnet latch loose
« on: 07 October 2024, 16:40:53 »
Hi guys,
my bonnet latch very loose, feels like it wont open the bonnet, but it does the last few mm when you pull the lever. how can i fix this?

hi guys.
i bought smoked taillights for my facelift sedan, but one of the 'inner' lamp is broken.

so i need 1 pair inner taillights for sedan facelift, the factory smoked ones.

i live in hungary so the package sending maybe will be a hedache...

Omega Gallery / The Piglet finally badgeless!
« on: 12 August 2024, 14:36:36 »
Hi guys!
I have the car more than one and a half year, and since day one i was looking after a badgeless front mask, and i finally found a used one with a hefty price around 109 GBP (50000HUF in my balkanish country).

I need to get used to the new look, now i think the front is maybe too clean.  ::)

Newbie Welcome Area / Greetings from Hungary
« on: 19 July 2024, 18:14:03 »
Hi Guys, my name is Arnold. I have a Saloon Facelift 2.6 V6 Manual Omega from 2002. I bought it around one and a half year ago, and its still awesome to ride.
We had a little trip to the Nurburgring and the Opel factory in Rüsselsheim was in the way, so we make a little tour around it.

It was great, the car was stable, no issue at all, it just needed a little oil in his belly ;D (~0,6l 2500km)

I read this forum around when i started the looking for the car, and now i try to be more active in the forum.

Omega General Help / Heater bypass valve fail?
« on: 19 July 2024, 09:57:47 »
Hi guys,
i have a clue, maybe my heater always hot when the car is running because of the heater bypass valve is always 'open' so there is no vacuum. And its blowing hot air to my feet. So where can i find the HBV?  I read some topic about it, they said its behind the glovebox, but i have an Opel Omega soooo i have the steering wheel in the normal position (on the left side  :D), the HBV still behind the glovebox?

Omega General Help / Something heats up the interior!
« on: 29 June 2024, 20:19:26 »
Hi guys!
I have a strange problem with the car. Fortunately not about the mechanical or engine things.
I noticed, when i going with the car, something blows hot air to my leg. Its not from the "pipe" where the "normal" air or AC air comes, its the left side from the gas pedal (its an opel, so there is a steering wheel is oppostite what you get used to  ;D).
The AC is blowing nice cold air, but at the same time the hot air is coming to my feet, and its heat up the entire dashboard. You can feel the radiating heat from it, and heats it up so it fight against the AC.
What could be wrong? When i dont blow air, and i turn on the inner circulation there is no hot air to my feet.

Hi guys,
i bought the gaiter for my manual transmission and handbrake, but i dont have a guide for the job. Is there any guide out there?

Omega General Help / 2.6 V6 Manual transmission fluid change
« on: 24 April 2024, 17:58:53 »
hi guys,
this oil is okay for my 2.6 v6 manual transmission?
Mobil 75W-90 Multi-Vehicle Manual Transmission Fluid
its have some general motors spec: GM 1940768, GM 1940182, GM 1940764
and some other: API GL-4 (75W-85), API GL-4 Synthetic (75W-85 & 75W-90)

Omega General Help / After Cruise control no throttle response
« on: 19 April 2024, 15:01:05 »
Hi Guys!
Today i had a little wtf moment with my omega. B2 Sedan 2.6 V6 manual elegance. I had my cruise control at steady 70km/h, and i accelerated the car via the cruise control button. I held the button for around to get 85-90km/h and then i heard some noise from the back, then the TC icon appeared, and the rpm is dropped down around the idle revs but a little higher around 800rpm, and then i tried to accelerate but there was no response from the engine, i floored it but nothing happened. After that, i turned off the engine, and started, and its working just fine ever since. I tried to reconstruct the scenario but i couldnt, i will try again after work... Whats can be wrong with the car? Maybe the throttle body?

ps: this is my first post, sry for broken english solutions xd

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