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Messages - grifter

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General Discussion Area / Re: South Norfolk Classics
« on: 03 October 2024, 12:01:01 »
Nice early mk3 cav. Need to spruce up my 1.8ls and the diplomat I have in garage looking at the prices they're going for - plus also maybe a crook lock!

General Car Chat / Re: walk around scrapyards
« on: 23 September 2024, 21:49:00 »
Saturday mornings were my scrappy day to see what I could fill my toolbox with stuff I could pay the scrap man for. One of the ones I used to go to my mate said his dad and friend used to go there, go up the back and lob everything they took off over the fence and get it outside after they'd finished!

My biggest misdemeanor in a scrappy was taking a dump in the back of a merc sprinter but there you go when nature call it calls!

Not be long till it's slammed with a welded diff and doing donuts in a retail part car park!

General Car Chat / Re: Cheapish oil
« on: 11 September 2024, 21:23:12 »
Used to ask my friendly garage if they would give me 5 litres out of their big drum of oil for a tenner. I had to pump it out obviously, that was in the days before everyone went all officious and now refuse you to even walk about in their workshops for "insurance purposes" (so you can't watch them poking holes in your car at MOT time)!

Mine sometimes does this in 'N' have to wiggle the lever a slight way back and forward occasionally for it to crank.

General Discussion Area / Re: Family member's car written off
« on: 11 September 2024, 21:17:15 »
They came back and said there was no structural damage but the repairs would cost about £6850, and the car was valued at £7007, strange number to come to that!

I'd looked at similar cars on parkers and they were up about the 10k mark, I know dealers will whack on a margin I suppose, there is the market value and the insurance's book price as well, obviously the latter being less.

Still doesn't make sense why they would not be able to repair it but can pay out the value of the car and he can get it repaired that way with no real losses. Must be that the cost of repair is over 50% of the value of the car.

General Discussion Area / Re: Family member's car written off
« on: 10 September 2024, 18:22:46 »
No cat A B C D anymore. The definitions changed several years ago.
Never accept the first offer from the insurance company. Always haggle.

Sound advice, I'll pass that on to him. Thanks for all replies so far  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Family member's car written off
« on: 10 September 2024, 13:58:27 »
I think an engineer is going to phone him today with all the details, probably the damage assessment and the category of write off. I did think he could take the driver to small claimes court for out of pocket expenses if he has to fork out for a replacement or repair costs.

General Discussion Area / Family member's car written off
« on: 10 September 2024, 12:40:29 »
A couple of weeks ago my brother left his car in the local railway station car park and while it was there, a woman with a disability car reversed right into the front offside wheel area, bent the wing, bonnet/damaged light and whatever else damage done underneath. It doesn't look that bad on the face of it but imagine it might have damaged the steering/suspension as there was a big puddle of what looked lke steering fluid on the ground.

The front of the car was shunted about 3 feet sideways out the parking bay. Apparently the woman driving it was the friend of the actual named driver and she said she had drove it as her friend wasn't well, but turns out she wasn't insured to drive it.

The car is a VW passat 15 plate 1.6 diesel with just shy of 50k miles and I think valuation is around the 7 grand mark thereabouts. Insurance company said they were willing to cover it but have now said it is deemed a write off. I think it can still be repaired but is deemed a certain category of repaired write off.

I am no expert in this but how do they determine the car is written off, is it if the cost exceeeds 70% of the value of the car or similar?

I think there is also the option he can get the car back from the insurance and use the valuation the insurance give him to get it repaired himself. He is currently on the sick, needs the car for dialysis and would potentially have to pay any difference in repair costs over the book valuation he gets from insurance, if that's what it comes to.

Just wondering what his options are, he'd prefer to keep the car and not sure if he's get one the same with such low miles unless he forked out a premium.



General Discussion Area / Re: Coincidence ?
« on: 22 August 2024, 10:15:59 »
That's the risk of big business upset the wrong people & they can reach out  wherever you are.
Yep, this fella done us over, let's arrange for a typhoon to sink his yacht.

When I worked in HP for a while years ago, one of the bigwigs told us that yes they set their printer cartridges to fail after so many prints even when it still has plenty of ink, so I wouldn't put it past them to have a waterspout making machine  ;D

My 2.6 runs on E10 ok, but it seemed that the lamdba code came up a lot more with e10, so I just use e5, if on occassion it does come on I just disconnect the battery for a while. Fuel consupmtion also much higher on E10.

General Discussion Area / Re: Good news for Wales
« on: 17 July 2024, 13:31:02 »
What a clusterfark devolution is turning out to be.  ;D

I was I think one of the very few who voted No to the 1997 "Yes" devolution vote as I could see what way it was going to go even then, just another talking shop of windbag career politicians. Case in point Krankie and her clique of CND bods.

General Discussion Area / Re: Trump shot !
« on: 14 July 2024, 22:08:04 »
No one said Donald Duck!

General Discussion Area / Re: Which one would you choose?
« on: 04 July 2024, 17:55:45 »
He actually farted  during the debate. Hears / saw it on GB news tonight.
He also farted when meeting Charles and Camilla when he met them. Camilla described it as loud and urgent.  ::)
Could have been worse I suppose.  ;D
Yep, at least he never followed through. Or did he.......?  ;D

I think he did at the D Day event:

sounded watery that one!

General Discussion Area / Re: TRAFFIC LIGHTS
« on: 27 June 2024, 12:04:10 »
I like the idea they use in Spain/Portugal where they turn traffic lights to flashing amber outside of rush hour then everyone just uses the road as normal, no sitting at traffic lights for 4 mins while no cars pass through. Noticed in spain the green crossing man lights up into a walk mode, and then near the end the wee green man starts jogging, quite right bloody peds lol get out the way!

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