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Messages - grifter

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Got a 2.8 Ghia x stored up at the moment needs the bottom end rebuilt, top end already done with new valve seats. Body ok done a bit of welding on it years ago small bits on inner wing, back of inner sills (there is a guy does repair panels for that section if anyone needs them - topbaggers on bay of E), back window drain channels were starting to go so took rear screen out & fixed them. Bad bit is the back panel join to rear wing as water had been getting in boot and rotted that section. Got replacement panels for that bit.

A guy in the town has 2 black Ghia X executives, they used to be owned by the town provost years ago and a local businessman.

General Car Chat / Re: Who's this ? own up
« on: 26 February 2024, 08:10:11 »
Pity - he only got the bike  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: British Army’s Race Action Plan
« on: 22 February 2024, 05:58:48 »
If we ever went into a real war we'd be rubber ducked!

General Car Chat / Re: VW Passat door latch issue
« on: 19 February 2024, 10:53:42 »
Could be a handle issue holding the mech in the opening door position?

Funnily enough I'd read someone tried opening the drivers door from inside and it close afterwards, might be the cable itself for the outer handle.

General Car Chat / Re: VW Passat door latch issue
« on: 18 February 2024, 07:19:20 »
Just replace latch if that’s the fault. He needs reliability from it

It's looking like that as taking it out and lubing it all up didn't work, think it's about 500 all in.

General Car Chat / VW Passat door latch issue
« on: 17 February 2024, 19:20:20 »

My brother has a VW Passat, 2015 model, and he's having an issue with the drivers door not closing when it's cold. Apparently it's a common issue and he's had a local mechanic take all the lock out and lubricate it and the guy said there's no wear in the lock either. Tried the usual before this spraying loose oil spray grease etc. in the lock. The only thing that fixes it (temporarily) is pouring hot water over the latch area. So obviously something triggered by lower temps.

He does dialysis every other night at the local hospital so it's a bit of pain when he comes out, opens the door then goes to close it and it bounces open again. It's usually about 1 in the morning by the time he's finished and so just wants to get home and go to his kip, but has to go back in and get a kettle of hot water from the porter to fix it.

Just thought I'd ask on here if anyone had suffered similar issue and if it was that maybe the whole latch needed replaced.



Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Outside air temp sensor
« on: 17 February 2024, 08:24:49 »
If it’s intermittent, it’s often loom, usually either side of multi plug near horn

Readings were consistently lower than actual temp hence trying the sensor first.

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Outside air temp sensor
« on: 16 February 2024, 14:32:28 »
Panic over, it's now sitting at 9.5oC

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Outside air temp sensor
« on: 16 February 2024, 10:26:52 »
3.2 Elite

So I was getting weird readings on my temp reading way below what it was, so replaced temp sensor behind bumper and doesn't seem to be any different, showing 0oC when it's about 9oC. Is this then the wiring at fault somewhere?

Omega General Help / Re: rear brake pad question.
« on: 11 February 2024, 21:56:54 »
Just a the rears have wear indicators?

Not that I'm aware of, they should have seized and rusted up indicators though as that seems to happen first before they wear out!

General Discussion Area / Re: Gas Chamber
« on: 27 January 2024, 09:27:29 »
My better half swears she is in a virtual gas chamber anytime I have south indian garlic chilli !

Omega General Help / Re: Question about cabin filter
« on: 21 January 2024, 12:07:41 »
I have to compress the sides slightly on the genuine GM pollen filters to place them in position, but they still need a helping finger to support them until 'clipped'....
Maybe I should write to GM and tell them their filters are the wrong size then.... ::)

I don't have any clips as such it just slides into a recess. There is plastic sort of guides but they've not get clips or anything on it to secure it.

Omega General Help / Re: Question about cabin filter
« on: 20 January 2024, 08:22:07 »
I'll double check the one in it and see if it is for the FL one. Just thought it would have been tighter in the slot it goes in.


Omega General Help / Question about cabin filter
« on: 19 January 2024, 11:28:03 »
I noticed when I replaced the cabin filter/pollen filter thing it was quite loose in it's mountings, is that right? It seemed like almost half the thickness of the actual holder bit it goes into, so you can move it up and down in holder. I also seen some talk that the facelift model it should be a charcoal filter and not a plain filter that's for the PFL, I think the replacement was charcoal as it had a sort of dark hue look to it on it but couldn't be sure.



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