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Messages - biggriffin

Pages: 1 ... 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 [711] 712
General Car Chat / Re: Fastest you've driven your car?
« on: 24 January 2010, 13:37:52 »
bit of a silly thing to ask.

General Car Chat / Re: Best car for £1000?
« on: 24 January 2010, 13:40:52 »
was robbed paid £1500 for mine.
  but then only had 50k and full history(ex-met)

General Car Chat / Re: How hard do you drive your car?
« on: 24 January 2010, 14:02:28 »
i just plod along at 50-60mph as i know when i press the loud pedal and the play button on the gearstick the look on the cock in the audi/beemer when a vx estate is going to pass them is priceless. ;D

General Car Chat / Re: ex-police omega query
« on: 24 January 2010, 13:54:37 »
i have had 4 ex plod cars. at the moment ive got an ex met one(auto) the manuels should have lsd. if its a true spooks car(VERY RARE) it may be chipped.  some met cars do have a different programe in the gearbox for acceleration. rember tho traffic cars and gun cars do get thrashed and trashed just watch the tv shows they are serviced by hours not miles,all parts are genuine that are used.the best ones to get are cheif coumtsables or training cars less miles and not as thrashed.hope this helps you

General Car Chat / Re: I hate my Omega!
« on: 16 January 2010, 21:18:46 »
WALK!  no never. my legs stopped the day i past my test. ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Trade club card
« on: 29 November 2009, 09:53:16 »
that is correct but they do prefere you to have LC if possible us megga owners like the poor relation sometimes [smiley=angry.gif]

i was going to be there on both days with the shed but ive got to work on sunday and weve just discoverd that herselfs car hasnt had an mot on it since october, gawd knows how shes avoivd being ANPRed buy the contstubulls. so ive got that to do in the morning so might make it tomorrow afternoon. :)

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Billing 2010
« on: 31 March 2010, 21:10:34 »
should be there both days on ABS stall. with the shed :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Speeding tickets
« on: 16 July 2010, 23:22:11 »
look here :y         

General Discussion Area / Re: i got flashed :(
« on: 27 June 2010, 10:58:21 »
they dont use film any more they are digital.
  for everthing you ever wanted to know aboutspeeding gatsos speccs etc look here :y

General Discussion Area / Re: i got flashed :(
« on: 27 June 2010, 10:32:49 »
ok here we go.
  a noips has to be recived within 14 days of the offence.
   most cameras are set 5mph higher than the limit,depending what area you are in.
   if its a gatso. takes picture of the rear of the car.
   1 flash you may be ok as 2 photos are needed to work out the speed hence 2 flashes.
    gatsos do flash sometimes on there own twice as a automated self can hope. :y

General Discussion Area / Re: I'm voting Labour
« on: 02 May 2010, 08:25:24 »
voting/ politics the subject like religon has started just as many wars, and my feelinga are.
    why bother ,they all rob the honset hard working christian tax payer.

General Discussion Area / Re: Frickin' caravans!!!
« on: 01 May 2010, 11:53:44 »
2secndid mr debs.
  and on the truck point "with out trucks you get nowt"

General Discussion Area / Re: Frickin' caravans!!!
« on: 01 May 2010, 07:33:51 »
 ar yes a bank holiday. the annueal outing of the weekend pikey,
   load as much crud as possible in a woobly box that has been sat on the drive for a year,then chuck the kids in the back,then off we jolly well go, then they stop for a brew or to let the dog out for a wee now the fun starts watching them trying to reverse it into a space, must not laugh, after that little stop off they go again causing caoas stop ranting

General Discussion Area / Re: The Real Hustle - Jesicca (NWS)
« on: 02 May 2010, 08:30:04 »
bad news peeps.  ive tried all off them lynx products and they dont do what the adverts show, any body fancy taking them to court. :D :D :D
   mmm she pretty as well.

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