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Messages - biggriffin

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 712
Omega General Help / Re: Driver's door actuator - again!
« on: 12 October 2024, 12:25:17 »
I think there's a helpful guide in the relevant area on how to refurb these

Omega General Help / Re: Coolant change
« on: 06 October 2024, 18:10:52 »
Don't mix it with tap water buy 5ltr of de-ionised water, then just mix 5ltr together, 10ltr of 50/50.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wtd - pair of front hubs
« on: 05 October 2024, 19:12:40 »
The usual reply.
 6weeks ago I sent ex-met Estate bodyshell to scrap, had wishbones,,Uprights, rollbars, interior,, absolutely rot free shell, all that had been sold was Engine, Gbox, diff, springs, and the usual bits...

Possibly airlock in system,

General Car Chat / Re: New insurance risk calculator
« on: 05 October 2024, 12:54:43 »
Can't fault them, Bloody self righteous milk float aimers

Those numbers bring up std shocks,,

Just put the part number and Google is your friend  :y

Omega General Help / Re: 2.6 v6 rear diff fill plug knackered
« on: 29 September 2024, 21:27:55 »
Just pop a drive shaft out, if you see 4 pins it's LSD, if you see 2 pins it's open.

Also don't use normal EP75/80w it doesn't contain the correct additives, use Amsoil,  I did put a link in another thread

General Car Chat / Re: Cheapish oil
« on: 29 September 2024, 16:40:50 »
I have just found this Opel GM oil from Autodoc:

Can this be correct?? Is this Opel GM oil still being produced?  I thought the GM connection was now dead! :o :o ::)

 Well looking at the pictures and descriptions it looks like the right stuff, possibly they've got a lot of old new stock to shift.

If Simon's had it for any length of time, chances are it's already got that T shirt...

Assuming of course that it still has the original diff :-X

 I think that was the last one he sold, was his daily,,,  Don't get the air filter they restrict the flow,and gets warm air sucked in, reducing Power...

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 11 September 2024, 22:05:58 »
And, if I didn't have a dog, I wouldn't mind a not-so-micra. They're a fair size now.
My daughter in law has just got herself a Micra. They look twice the size of the old ones.  :)

 I've got a K12, lovely little runaround, can drive it flat out every where, good on fuel,  teaching son to drive in at moment, and the price of putting him in the insurance is horrendous...

General Car Chat / Re: Cheapish oil
« on: 11 September 2024, 20:01:57 »
My last omega had been on 5/30 from its 2nd oil change, Had been VX service until I got it, Sold with 142000, no leaks,, previous one was ex-met, I used 5/30 in that no issues.

Omega Gallery / Re: Omega B2 3.0 V6 Executive from scrap to sunshine
« on: 08 September 2024, 17:07:08 »
Just read this, noticed you say you've fitted LSD,, I us to put Amsoil in mine, not cheap but has additives for LSD already added.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: v6 front spring
« on: 08 September 2024, 17:00:14 »
Still trying to source a pair of plod rear springs for mine, but rare as hens teeth now by the look of it.  ::)
Thought I may have had some front springs in my spares pile, but had a look yesterday and couldnt find any.
Ones of a Herse are the same spec as police. If you've got EPC look on there, Hearse, Ambulance and Police.

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