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Messages - Jimbob

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General Discussion Area / Re: Lawnmowers
« on: 13 May 2024, 16:18:05 »
May continue to play with the old one in the background, but need something that works and is appropriate for what I have.

Yep, keep it for when you want to tinker with something.  :y  I’ve recently repaired my neighbours rotary recoil starter as the pawls cover plate had sheared off. The nut for the bolt is moulded in to the underside of the top cover so I drilled a hole in the top cover, drilled and tapped a bush for the underside to replace the sheared moulded in nut, put a washer on the other side and tightened it all up. It’s as good as new now and stronger than the original design.  :y
There’s a mower scrapyard seller on eBay, he has a yard full of old mowers and will strip parts off them as required. He’s based in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire and he’s really helpful and easy to speak to. I’ll try to find a link to his site.  :y

Quite like the idea of that...may be able to do something like that yet.  This cylinder is far from ideal for me.....So ill go to a rotary anyway....but be nice to get it right if time and inclination allows.  Its certainly not worth me spending more than a few quid one...its too wrong for me to invest in.

Found a couple of Stihl, and a couple of Al-Ko that fit the bill, very similar machines but Al-Ko's about £100 dearer.
Not paying 100+ plus a load of mileage for an Admiral....but if I see one come up very cheap and local, I may well grab anyway, but havent the time to wait right now.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lawnmowers
« on: 12 May 2024, 15:20:40 »
Had a look around a few places, and quite liking this

I dont want too big.
I dont want a fabric collection 'box'

Felt comfy to use and decently made.

It is now difficult to start, the pull handle feels like its going to fall of at the next pull every time. did fall off at the next pull  ;D ;D

2 metal 'weights' plastic riveted on....or chance of a start now

From memory the Suffolk Punch shares the same engine as the Suffolk Colt so opens up another spares avenue. The recoil starter is held on by three nuts and once removed exposes the metal parts that fling out to engage the starter and then spring back. The spring, cord etc is straightforward so I assume the fling out bits have come adrift. If you can't find a replacement and you're feeling brave, you can knock up a bracket to fit the flywheel slots and start it with a drill. You just need to be very quick at removing the socket once it starts.   ;D
The carb is straightforward as you've probably already found out but both of these models were prone to fuel tank tap leaking. If you know someone in a machine shop, both the footplate (cutting edge) and blade can be sorted. We used to remove the blade (chain driven) and stick it in a lathe with a running centre. You could always tell when one of us was doing it by the ping ping ping as the cutter touched the cylinder blade.  ;D

Yes the pawls have come off, one 'could' go back on, other has sheared, Ive not found a similar enough one yet.  I'll not be going down the drill route.
If I could get gaskets, carb be ok.  Or a replacement may work if they fit.  dunno.
Either way, time, and need to cut the grass are against me.

No final decision yet.

May continue to play with the old one in the background, but need something that works and is appropriate for what I have.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lawnmowers
« on: 12 May 2024, 12:26:16 »

It is now difficult to start, the pull handle feels like its going to fall of at the next pull every time. did fall off at the next pull  ;D ;D

2 metal 'weights' plastic riveted on....or chance of a start now

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 12 May 2024, 10:57:31 »
Sods law dads away down on the south coast so also missed them.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lawnmowers
« on: 12 May 2024, 10:47:34 »
Beer holder, love it!

Theres a few places near me I can go and look at newer stuff if thats the way I go..
Can get 20% off at B&Q too...

Some expensive bits there, Wondering on Stihl.....beleive well thought of, and not horrific on cost....

General Discussion Area / Lawnmowers
« on: 12 May 2024, 10:36:13 »
I have been given (local village group) and old Qualcast Suffolk Punch 30s (80219) with a few issues...Not starting being the main one...
I was having a little tinker, and making some progress, alongside using my Bosch Rotak....which let the magic smoke out last week..

So I need to sort this properly, or buy something different.

I beleive it dates from late 80's - 90's and wasnt exactly well thought of when new...

So, Its had a new plug, new oil, new fuel pipe, cleaned the carb.

It is now difficult to start, the pull handle feels like its going to fall of at the next pull every time.
The carb leaks fuel badly, choke spring? bit looks bent, doesnt seem to do anything - suspect it had E10 in it, which disolved bits, and clogged the engine.
However once running, its ok, and I can squash the grass just fine with it.

So, I need to find the bits to make it seal...or replace the carb.  Ive seen a load at £10-15, not sure if they will fit or not.
Ive cleaned and adjusted the blades, so it has a (slim) chance of cutting / tearing the grass next time.....both the blades and the bottom blade are very very pitted.

I can buy one of those sandpaper clip on jobbies to try and bring the blades up to a degree.
Bottom blade I don't think theres much I can do for it if needed, but there are some pattern ones out there.....removing this seems tricky due to spinning captive nuts once youve loosened it most the way.

Possible pull starters available.

So...20-30 quid may may get this usable...maybe up to £100 if it needs more parts and I can actually identify and swap the right bits...


its buy another....but which, I'd certainly rather have rotary than a cylinder like the but when they are right, but weve a fair bit of gravel thats often hidden in the suspect keeping it right will also be awkward.

I remember a recommendation of Atko Admiral, which theres a couple, but nothing local.
Or a few hundred on a more modern contraption.

Weve enough lawn, with bushes dotted in it that electric is / was a pain.  Battery's not enough power / longevity. So will need to be petrol, some slopey bits, no needs to be manoeverable easily enough too...this bugger's heavy and doesnt like it.

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 11 May 2024, 09:36:46 »
Couple of phone pics...

General Discussion Area / Re: Auroras this weekend?
« on: 11 May 2024, 09:10:55 »
Fantastic show here in Flintshire, we were out till 1am watching, and looking at the graphs it may have got better still.

General Car Chat / Re: Mark Drakeford
« on: 25 April 2024, 08:13:19 »
well ..... that was money well spent on 20mph roads in Welsh Wales ..... apparently now under review

One of the 2? Pilot towns was the town 2 miles from me...
Feedback nearly all bad (exceptions of schools / housing estates etc)

I'd love to know what lessons were learned from the feedback.....I'd suggest none, so why pilot in the first place.

General Discussion Area / Re: Starlink.
« on: 28 March 2024, 16:09:40 »
VPN's (legitimate business ones) are the other thing thats not always stable from what ive heard....but dont think that applies to you....and he is launching more all the time so may improve yet.

General Discussion Area / Re: Starlink.
« on: 28 March 2024, 15:45:46 »
I know of one or 2 in rurul locations...been underwhelmed, however neither over technical.

I have heard it works better for general net access than constant streams like streaming etc,  So review your needs.

General Car Chat / Re: Remap questions
« on: 12 March 2024, 07:33:22 »
Hi Tony, Good to see you about, how you doing?

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