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Messages - Jimbob

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General Car Chat / Re: Golf PCV Valve replacement or just Diaphram
« on: 17 September 2023, 13:26:36 »
Starting to think the same. All Chinese. Can get a whole unit for a little over double. And not much more again for something more reputable.

General Car Chat / Re: Heavy Oil Stain
« on: 15 September 2023, 09:09:07 »
I inherited some triplewax jet wash driveway cleaner that took the oily residue of a small spill off a black driveway very easily.

I reckon your best bet is to cover the rest of the drive the same, then it will all match.

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 13 September 2023, 12:23:58 »
Jean Boht  / Nellie Boswell from Bread

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 12 September 2023, 08:33:10 »
Joe Fagin - That's Living Alright!

General Discussion Area / Re: Any saddos on overnight?
« on: 04 September 2023, 07:37:19 »
 Around 5:30 it was showing timeout, not tried again until just now, where it seems fine  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 30 August 2023, 13:40:45 »
Talking of DHL deliveries - DHL delivered the Creality doors, they also delivered a parcel with car service parts. Amongst other things, I ordered a single pattern air filter and received 2 genuine ones :).  Makes up for another minor cock-up on the order from that seller ;D
I'm waiting for a DHL delivery at the moment, so you lot have really filled me with hope.  ;D
Don't Handle Logistics
Don't Handle Luggage
Don't Handle Limpio
Don't Handle Lotsofthings  :-X

Drop, Hide, Lose

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 03 August 2023, 21:10:05 »
Fixed the Corsa handbrake. Nothing broken in the end. Had just jumped off mounts and seized a bit. Cleaned, greased and reassembled and adjusted and all is well. One happy Harry.

Speaking of the Corsa C.....our car has soaking wet carpets on the driver side floor (behind pedal area is perfectly dry)

Both scuttle drains cleared out the first time it happened.

Where is the water coming from????? :-\

Passenger side leak on this one!  only seems to be when facing uphill in the rain, also checked the drains etc last night

Electrical box cover seal:

Swapped, old seal virtually gone, most the screws rusty.
Whipped the battery tray out, and all good under there too.
the battery clamp nut may have, erm, stripped a bit though.  But a job for another day

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 26 July 2023, 15:28:43 »
Fixed the Corsa handbrake. Nothing broken in the end. Had just jumped off mounts and seized a bit. Cleaned, greased and reassembled and adjusted and all is well. One happy Harry.

Speaking of the Corsa C.....our car has soaking wet carpets on the driver side floor (behind pedal area is perfectly dry)

Both scuttle drains cleared out the first time it happened.

Where is the water coming from????? :-\

Passenger side leak on this one!  only seems to be when facing uphill in the rain, also checked the drains etc last night

Electrical box cover seal:

Shall have a look

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 26 July 2023, 12:55:55 »
Fixed the Corsa handbrake. Nothing broken in the end. Had just jumped off mounts and seized a bit. Cleaned, greased and reassembled and adjusted and all is well. One happy Harry.

Speaking of the Corsa C.....our car has soaking wet carpets on the driver side floor (behind pedal area is perfectly dry)

Both scuttle drains cleared out the first time it happened.

Where is the water coming from????? :-\

Passenger side leak on this one!  only seems to be when facing uphill in the rain, also checked the drains etc last night

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 25 July 2023, 21:23:16 »
Fixed the Corsa handbrake. Nothing broken in the end. Had just jumped off mounts and seized a bit. Cleaned, greased and reassembled and adjusted and all is well. One happy Harry.

Not sure if they are still the same but they had a shorter cable leading to each rear brake and dirt would sit in the pivoting groove and eat away at or pinch the cable. The main cable from the handbrake is generally fine and when they do snap it’s just the short part that needs replacing.  :y

Yes. I think the passenger side short one to the drum is where it started going wrong. Still all in one piece for the moment. Looks like it has some life left yet. ESP now zits all greased up. Quite shocked none of it was broken.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 25 July 2023, 20:46:12 »
Fixed the Corsa handbrake. Nothing broken in the end. Had just jumped off mounts and seized a bit. Cleaned, greased and reassembled and adjusted and all is well. One happy Harry.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 22 July 2023, 16:39:34 »
3 oil changes done.....but as Harry parked his Corsa for its service, the handbrake cable snapped.

Ahh well, 1 job done, another to go! (once I work out how)

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