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Central locking inoperative using key fob.
The central locking including the boot release on my 2002 3.2 elite is currently inoperative using either key fob.
It starts with both keys, but when trying to lock it or open the boot with either key, nothing. It will lock and deadlock using the key in the drivers door, and then sets the alarm correctly (the flashes on the centre console display), and then the alarm sounds when unlocking it using the key until the engine is started. I have had both keys checked - the usual key I use is sending out a signal on all buttons (although the led doesn't illuminate on the fob); the spare is not sending any signal out when any button is pressed but the led on this fob illuminates. They both have new batteries, and the resyncing procedure hasnt done anything.
The boot releases using the interior button, and the central locking operates when locking the car using the drivers door button manually via the back door, and then unlocks ok using the key in the door lock. The powersounder battery is brand new and has eliminated the periodic middle of the night alarm activations and chirpping, but prior to it being replaced, the car could be locked using the key remote. How long the key has actally been inoperative, I'm not certain because I usually leave it unlocked at home when not in use to reduce battery drain down.
A car locksmith checked for fault codes with the following showing - trunk sw, code 32.
With electricals not being my 'chosen subject', has anyone ever had this issue, or may possibly be able to give me any pointers? I've tried to give as much info as I can to assist you more 'knowledgables'...
So the remote fob is not working at all?
If so, check the battery holder connections to the PCB - a weak point on these if people are heavy handed replacing batteries.
The main fob I had been using has been tested and although the led light on it doesn't illuminate, it is sending a signal out from all buttons; the led on the 'spare' fob illuminates, but the fob is 'dead' and is not sending out any signal from any buttons. Does this make sense? Both start the car. The fob batteries are new on both.
Nick W:
--- Quote from: johnnydog on 19 November 2021, 18:07:03 ---The main fob I had been using has been tested and although the led light on it doesn't illuminate, it is sending a signal out from all buttons; the led on the 'spare' fob illuminates, but the fob is 'dead' and is not sending out any signal from any buttons. Does this make sense? Both start the car. The fob batteries are new on both.
--- End quote ---
You're mixing up the three separate parts of the key: the remote which operates the central locking and the alarm and is reliant on the battery; the key which operates all the lock barrels, but is normally only used to turn the ignition lock; and the immobiliser chip which is hidden inside the remote body and works on PFM.
Checking the battery holder inside the remote is the first place to check a poorly performing fob.
Doctor Gollum:
They will start the car as long as the transponder recognises the totally unrelated chip in each key. ;)
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