It came back with a vengeance last night. Ended up driving to A&E (somehow) at 2am.
Blood pressure through the roof and two brainscans later diagnosed with an Aneurysum !
not sure yet if it will involve surgery or not.
Ive had better days 🙄
Sincerely hope all goes well Albs, and a good job that you went to have it checked out.
Getting kind of past caring Steve, but thanks.
I felt like that even before I was ill, but seeing the tears and pain on my family’s faces when they thought they were going to lose me made me feel awfully guilty and embarrassed to have those thoughts.
They visited every single day for the entire three months that I was hospitalised, and I saw their pain on each visit. Even my dear old Mum, riddled with rheumatoid arthritis and with Dementia, refused to die until she knew that I was ok.
Regardless of our thoughts, there’s people that actually do care what happens to us.
Wishing you all the best Albs.