I'd agree with all of that, for me, snap on just isn't worth it for a DIY'er. And tbh even if I was in the trade I'd probably only buy a few bits.
When I was working we had a big (red) Snap-On trolley with all the drawers and top cabinet which cost our company thousands. Each drawer had the foam organiser in which cost absolutely stupid money for a bit of foam. Only benefit was that you instantly knew something was missing, so it was like a shadow board.
When I worked for GKN a few of our aerospace sites that did engine assembly had snap on boxes that had foam cut outs, but also had built in scales on each drawer so the box 'knew' if there was something missing. Any gaps and it would put a red light on on the drawer front. Foreman had to sign off on the boxes being full before an engine could progress to the next work station.
All in aid of certification and to ensure you didn't put a jet in the air with an extra 10mm socket in the fan casing 
The sign out sheet and tool counts as well as the tool box check before and after all have to be signed by the storeman, the B1/2 sponsible for the aircraft and the C responsible for the shift.
And if you did lose something and didn't report it, ie it was found to be missing during the end of shift check, and there wasn't a very good reason, then you can potentially lose any privileges of licence/approval and potentially your job. Equally if you found something missing when you went for it, you had to report it instantly. Usually it was because someone had picked it up to use it in the vicinity rather than going down to the boxes/stores.
But it is most definitely a thing and actually pretty good practice, even at home.
Most everything is engraved or watched to the box it comes from and you sign for it either via the storeman or the electronic draws.