Newbie Area > Newbie Welcome Area
Forum Guidlines
Posts which are outside these guidelines are subject to modification or even deletion by the Moderators. The decision of the Admin Team is final, and a long drawn out post mortem on any action or decision is never helpful.
Avatars and Signatures
Not everyone has a 20 meg broadband connection to the forum and some use mobiles/PDA's. Please keep avatars to below 50k to avoid annoyance to low bandwidth users. Also, keep the maximum size to 110 x 110 pixels.
For the same reasoning as per avatars, please keep signatures to less than 3 lines of std text. If using images, the maximum height is the equivalent of 3 lines of std text, and no wider than 640 pixels.
Absolutely no links to your Ebay auctions, or Ebay auction numbers, or direct or indirect links to other places where it is advertised.
Posting in For Sale sections
Absolutely no links to your Ebay auctions, or Ebay auction numbers, or direct or indirect links to other places where it is advertised.
No posting for sale items in the 'wrong' areas to get around the postcount limits.
Currently you need to be an Intermediate Member (over 250 posts) to advertise your Omega or your Omega parts.
If you are a buyer, please ensure you are happy and confident with the seller before parting with money.
Sellers must provide an approximate price in their description. This is NOT an auction site, and certainly not a blind bid selling arena.
The For Sale sections are simply for that purpose. Confine posts in the thread to relevant and pertinant comments, please, such as to confirm mileage, trim, history and the like.
If you have a variety of parts to sell - Please list them all in one thread. Common sense and consideration for others is requested so that you do not hog the first couple of pages all to yourself and relegate the competition down the page listing.
If you are selling something quite rare/pricey/unique such as a full telematics setup, a CID, parking sensors, body kit, etc then by all means list in a separate post. Leather interiors, Bose shelves, panels etc etc are not 'rare' so confine them to your main post please.
Posts deemed not to meeting these criteria will be subject to deletion.
If you have a comment to make such as I would have bought it if it was blue/an estate/manual/satnav/friday/whatever, then do so by PM, NOT on the thread.
If you think the for sale ad is worthy of further discussion with the forum as a whole (if its a hound of a car or something very rare you want to share) then treat the sales thread like an E-Bay ad, Dealer add or a post it note in the local newsagents - give a discussion link in the general discussion area and DO NOT add such discussion to the sales thread itself. If the seller cannot or will not give a good description of their product, its their loss.....
General Posting
Keep posts relevant, short, and on topic, especially on Help threads, and meeting organisation threads. General Chat is the only area where we expect things will go off at a tangent!
Keep titles relevant, and not just 'Help me' etc. Not everybody has time to read every thread ;)
Use English, no text speak which is notoriously difficult to read.
Excessive use of bad language of any description will not be tolerated, neither will the use of certain words (masked or otherwise) which we hope should be plain and obvious to anyone who can read these guidelines and be intelligent enough to work out what kind of behavior is and isn't allowed.
Members being offensive to other members will not be tolerated. Offensive or abusive public threads or private messages will be looked in to and appropriate action taken by the Moderators.
No discussion of acquiring or distributing copyrighted material. If you legally own/licensed the material, that's fine.
No thread bumping (posting on a thread, purely to get it to back to top of the list).
Welcoming new members - keep this only to those members who have posted their hello thread within the last week. And please DO NOT resurrect old threads in order to increase your post count. It adds to admin problems and confuses who is new and who is getting a welcome some weeks after arriving here!
General Help
Remember, there is a search facility. Many problems have been discussed before so please use the search facility first. :)
By posting, you agree that the copyright for that post belongs to OOF.
All information, including text, logos and pictures is the copyright of OOF.
Posts and pictures must not be published elsewhere, without permission from OOF Admin Team.
You are free to publish links back to OOF pages starting with - directly linking to our pictures is expressly forbidden.
And finally....
The Admin Team reserve the right to alter these guidelines at any time.
The decision of the Admin Team is final in all cases.
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