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 on: Yesterday at 22:58:48 
Started by Field Marshal Dr. Opti - Last post by Doctor Gollum
I saw a claim on X that that lad who got his head kicked in had made a grab for one of the officers firearm during the earlier altercation where the female officers were injured and which strangely no video footage seems to exist.  :-\

Rumours... Counter rumours...  ::)
Should have let him grab it, then shot him.
Who? Burnham?  I'm up for that!
He's another odious Leftie excuse for a Mayor. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes on weekend breaks with his mate from Lundun.

 on: Yesterday at 22:56:04 
Started by Sir Tigger KC - Last post by Doctor Gollum
Regardless of what people might like to think, this country is still run on the principle of law and order. And as such if someone does something, regardless of how heinous, they have a right to be processed by the judicial system in exactly the same manner as their victims have the right to be protected by that same system.

And as stupid as the following sketch is, it pretty well sums up what's going on in several discussions here.

 on: Yesterday at 22:48:12 
Started by Sir Tigger KC - Last post by Doctor Gollum
Sorry Rae, but you were trying to be clever by implying rather than mentioning his colour.

His colour is irrelevant and you don't have to look too far from Wales to see regular incidences of white British and Irish people attacking British troops. Fortunately that particular status quo has diminished somewhat over the last 20 years or so, but it went on long enough.

And for the record I was asking if your point was that he was black... Which apparently it was.

 on: Yesterday at 21:39:31 
Started by STEMO - Last post by ronnyd
Finding it rather boring so far, too much dance for my taste. Made me realise how good 2012 was.

 on: Yesterday at 21:34:27 
Started by STEMO - Last post by Raeturbo
Apparently the Russians have been fingered for it.

Not known for their Islamist tendencies ::)

Are you sure? Plenty of former Soviet states have long standing Islamic problems
                 And are propagating quickly

 on: Yesterday at 21:30:39 
Started by Field Marshal Dr. Opti - Last post by Raeturbo
It’s a shit show, and we know damn Fuc ming well what culture/religion will come off best/winners🤬

 on: Yesterday at 21:26:33 
Started by Varche - Last post by Raeturbo
Nothing has pissed me off today. The more I read the news from around the world, the more I realise what a wonderful place it is.
                I’ve got to agree, we are so lucky to even be able to moan👍👍👍

 on: Yesterday at 21:20:55 
Started by Sir Tigger KC - Last post by Raeturbo
Picture of the offender that’s all mate
His picture is all over the place. Unless your observation is that he's black.

There are some pretty shitty white people as well.

I would suggest that the lazy media aren't interested in finding out anything about anything. If they wanted to go to his neighbours and ask questions they only have to go to the road named by the police. The Linked In profile is for someone who lives and works in the same area and has exactly the same name... Possible coincidence, but if they actually wanted any information it would be a good starting point.

No, you mentioned colour. I was providing a pic as I was under the impression you hadn’t seen one.
 I’m well aware of offenders black and white, but historically although recently, Blacks attacks on white soldiers are statistically very high taking into consideration the ratio of them, (I don’t need to elaborate you know) can you remember if a white man has tried to behead or stab a British soldier to death recently? Look, some are afraid to voice their views.   I’m not👍

 on: Yesterday at 21:19:47 
Started by Field Marshal Dr. Opti - Last post by redelitev6
I saw a claim on X that that lad who got his head kicked in had made a grab for one of the officers firearm during the earlier altercation where the female officers were injured and which strangely no video footage seems to exist.  :-\

Rumours... Counter rumours...  ::)
Apparently Andy Burnham has seen ALL the video footage and it isn't very clear cut... So that's alright then.
doing his best to sit on the fence , more to this than meets the eye

 on: Yesterday at 20:48:51 
Started by biggriffin - Last post by Webby the Bear
Anyone know how much for people (who aren’t entering a car to the show) to go and look round. Mum and dad want to go.

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