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 on: Yesterday at 16:28:56 
Started by STEMO - Last post by Sir Tigger KC
Apparently the Russians have been fingered for it.

Not known for their Islamist tendancies ::)
No, they'd fall under terrorists then  ::)

Putin Akbar?  ::)      ;D

 on: Yesterday at 16:15:05 
Started by Varche - Last post by STEMO
Nothing has pissed me off today. The more I read the news from around the world, the more I realise what a wonderful place it is.

 on: Yesterday at 16:11:05 
Started by STEMO - Last post by STEMO
Apparently the Russians have been fingered for it.

Not known for their Islamist tendancies ::)
No, they'd fall under terrorists then  ::)

 on: Yesterday at 15:51:43 
Started by Field Marshal Dr. Opti - Last post by Sir Tigger KC
I saw a claim on X that that lad who got his head kicked in had made a grab for one of the officers firearm during the earlier altercation where the female officers were injured and which strangely no video footage seems to exist.  :-\

Rumours... Counter rumours...  ::)

 on: Yesterday at 15:29:46 
Started by Field Marshal Dr. Opti - Last post by TheBoy
As for the lawyer, he's clearly a malignant piece of self interested work :-X
I saw an interview with him yesterday, and it was all "we want", be that justice, compo, whatever.  Supposedly representing the mother, I would expect him to be using "my client wants".

But in that culture, women aren't allowed a view, and have to be subservient to men. So its really what the lawyer wants - fame and a shit load of money.

The truth is probably considered irrelevant.

 on: Yesterday at 14:46:20 
Started by Field Marshal Dr. Opti - Last post by Doctor Gollum

Ignoring the lawyer for a moment, this goes someway to offering an explanation of what started the whole thing.

However for there to be absolutely zero footage is clearly BS as the airport will have as many CCTV cameras in operation an ULEZ and there's no way on this planet that the police officers weren't wearing body cameras.

And whilst it would take time to identify and obtain statements from the crew on the flight, arguments between passengers are still rare enough to stand out.

As for the lawyer, he's clearly a malignant piece of self interested work :-X

 on: Yesterday at 14:39:24 
Started by Sir Tigger KC - Last post by Sir Tigger KC
There's a reason why we're not being told very much about Anthony Esan.  :-X

Handily....  Oh look over there. Police brutality!!   ::)

 on: Yesterday at 14:23:11 
Started by Sir Tigger KC - Last post by Doctor Gollum
Picture of the offender that’s all mate
His picture is all over the place. Unless your observation is that he's black.

There are some pretty shitty white people as well.

I would suggest that the lazy media aren't interested in finding out anything about anything. If they wanted to go to his neighbours and ask questions they only have to go to the road named by the police. The Linked In profile is for someone who lives and works in the same area and has exactly the same name... Possible coincidence, but if they actually wanted any information it would be a good starting point.

 on: Yesterday at 14:01:53 
Started by STEMO - Last post by Doctor Gollum
Apparently the Russians have been fingered for it.

Not known for their Islamist tendancies ::)

 on: Yesterday at 14:00:41 
Started by Varche - Last post by Doctor Gollum
If he's pissed off now, wait till he has to endure Ryanair  >:D

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