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Messages - Bobthebuilder68

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Omega General Help / Omega Elite MPG..??????
« on: 20 February 2009, 11:26:16 »
Im looking at getting a pre facelift elite 3.0 1998/99 what kind of mpg is the norm, im only asking out of interest as it will be a 2nd car and just planning ahead................. cheers

Omega General Help / Re: 3.2 V6 miss firing....
« on: 09 February 2009, 14:35:47 »
my mrs ran it a bit low going to the hospital with her mother? could it of sucked some muck up???

 eml light isnt on... its only miss firing at times not all the time, 90% of the time it dont miss a beat...

Omega General Help / 3.2 V6 miss firing....
« on: 09 February 2009, 13:29:42 »
My V6 3.2 omega is miss firing under acceleration? thought it was the filter? so changed it? doesnt seem to of improved? any suggestions?

its going to eat a 5ft 8" sinclair then...! excellent, think time to sell the cdx saloon and get an estate then

kcl thanyou.. for that..

i need the height as well as length, a bent C5 is a worthless C5.. especially when you have one with a 1.5k paintjob...!

done middle of knowhere mind... but close to newent...

Wow another hereford person, and thanks for the welcome

yeah ive a few C5s one of the first 20 built, a real 80s icon, great fun with a 24 volt conversion and disc brakes and 5 speed conversion..  i think its 5ft 8" long my box trailer is 6ft and they fit in there just, just thinking for the shows one in the back one on the roof and caravan on the back and the mrs wont be moaning about having to tent it anymore and i still get to keep an omega

i know it may sound strange ive got a omega saloon but i have a few sinclair C5's yes the 80s icon, so far ive carried them round in a box trailer behind my car or 4x4 but im thinking of getting rid of my saloon and getting an estate....

Omega General Help / Re: 1999 2.5 CDX V6 Manual What should i do...?
« on: 11 December 2008, 21:41:12 »
i hadnt checked but now i will

Omega General Help / Re: 1999 2.5 CDX V6 Manual What should i do...?
« on: 08 December 2008, 21:54:51 »
Ahhh glad its not just me, its a nice car in general economical too well ok..  additive sounds a good idea any idea where i can source some of this additive?? never even heard of it before now, im only running the omega during the winter to save the salt on the senator.. but i might land on a cheap pump in the time my string is shortening

Omega General Help / Re: 1999 2.5 CDX V6 Manual What should i do...?
« on: 08 December 2008, 21:42:56 »
temp fix will last how long..?? power steering additive??  new thing on me... is it a common omega problem...?   i like the car, plus saves the miles on my senator..

Omega General Help / 1999 2.5 CDX V6 Manual What should i do...?
« on: 08 December 2008, 21:25:29 »
My 2.5 CDX V6 Manual power steering is really playing up, at low revs nothing, higher revs 1.5k plus i have PAS, checked level its fine? guess its a new pump...??? Ive sorted the dash lights, and fitted a stereo but im really cheesed off with the car now, and the mrs is screaming as she uses it well cant now due to the steering, you know its a women thing.. Im thinking should i just sell it.????

Any advise welcome...

will leave it with the expert then and thankyou very much for your help

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