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Messages - Baron Von Spongebob

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 201
General Discussion Area / Re: Joshua v Parker
« on: 31 March 2018, 23:59:43 »
Did not live up to the hype we all expected but AJ won thats what counts

General Discussion Area / Re: Dog Licenses
« on: 20 August 2016, 00:46:20 »
Keep them on a lead when out in public.

Mine is on a lead at all times when outdoors and i have had problems with other dogs off a lead when in a park.

You cannot trust any dog big or small.

The name is Georgie Boy, Treated like a prince as all pets should be.

General Discussion Area / Re: One for the smokers....
« on: 14 August 2016, 20:52:19 »
Poking a potatoe in the eye is a pastime of mine too. Whilst vaping of course.

General Discussion Area / Re: One for the smokers....
« on: 14 August 2016, 20:37:31 »
Can of worms springs to mind. Lol
HAPPY vaping to you.
I am enjoying my triple menthol as I write this

General Discussion Area / Re: One for the smokers....
« on: 14 August 2016, 00:50:32 »
Well we might as well ban breathing too.  :o

What harm is someone doing vaping ?

We will all have the same haircut next. ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: One for the smokers....
« on: 13 August 2016, 09:03:30 »
Giving up vaping is the next thing.

Of course you can, and there are plenty of people that vape with 0mg of nicotine.

It pleases me, that's all that counts.

General Discussion Area / Re: One for the smokers....
« on: 13 August 2016, 00:11:52 »
Bought one for £48.

Went from 20+ per day to
7 then 6
5, 4 then 2 per day.

Thought what the hell was i bothering to smoke 2 per day for.

Now only vaping no smoking at all.

Don't even miss them.

This i might add is after 43 years of smoking.

Keep on vaping, you will get there in the end.

Took me less than a month to quit. Happy days.

General Discussion Area / Re: I buy old toys.
« on: 06 March 2016, 00:54:19 »
Have you given up driving trucks then Guy ?

General Discussion Area / Re: observation (blue badge)
« on: 06 March 2016, 00:41:05 »
People who abuse the blue badge area really really annoy me, They park in the disabled space because they are too lazy to walk from a greater distance, On occasions i have confronted a few of these people, Armed with a walking stick i politely ask, "excuse me sir/madam, could you please display your badge so other people can see you are allowed to park here " On times when confrontation shows itself, i simply tell them it's not me that's disabled but my Mrs, Even Chris Eubank uses a walking stick, i do not have to be disabled to use one, as they quickly learn when all the abuse or threats emerge.

General Discussion Area / Re: Evil Everywhere, bless them
« on: 06 March 2016, 00:26:39 »
I went through retention dept on Orange and they could not do me a deal and i have been with them for approx 15 years so ditched them, Usually they phone me within a couple of days and offer me  a fantastic deal so they say.

I opted for 3. Took out a contract for £18 per month, cancelled the next day and said i could get it cheaper, Ok we will beat it they said, Same contract for £14 per month, Saving of £4 per month from one ay to the next, Happy days.

I did the same with all my utilities all in one day and saved £63 per month, Still have more to do.

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: F/S. `53 2.2 CDX Auto
« on: 15 February 2016, 20:39:40 »
Rather than leave members guessing, apart from them that might now Rob, I did it for you.

I am not being funny Rob but forum members might have doubts about buying something from someone, so letting people know i think it's fair Rob.

I do appreciate your ways though.

Russ :y

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: F/S. `53 2.2 CDX Auto
« on: 14 February 2016, 21:36:13 »
You might as well say it was me Rob.  I don't mind.

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: F/S. `53 2.2 CDX Auto
« on: 28 January 2016, 19:03:16 »
PM Sent

General Discussion Area / Re: dvla
« on: 27 January 2016, 20:51:52 »

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: Leather seats wanted
« on: 17 January 2016, 14:05:13 »
Sorry i posted in the wrong section.

Can you lock the thread please, not needed anymore.

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