People who abuse the blue badge area really really annoy me, They park in the disabled space because they are too lazy to walk from a greater distance, On occasions i have confronted a few of these people, Armed with a walking stick i politely ask, "excuse me sir/madam, could you please display your badge so other people can see you are allowed to park here " On times when confrontation shows itself, i simply tell them it's not me that's disabled but my Mrs, Even Chris Eubank uses a walking stick, i do not have to be disabled to use one, as they quickly learn when all the abuse or threats emerge.
I went through retention dept on Orange and they could not do me a deal and i have been with them for approx 15 years so ditched them, Usually they phone me within a couple of days and offer me a fantastic deal so they say.
I opted for 3. Took out a contract for £18 per month, cancelled the next day and said i could get it cheaper, Ok we will beat it they said, Same contract for £14 per month, Saving of £4 per month from one ay to the next, Happy days.
I did the same with all my utilities all in one day and saved £63 per month, Still have more to do.