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Topics - Baron Von Spongebob

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Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Leather seats wanted
« on: 16 January 2016, 23:32:28 »
Anyone have full electric leather seats for the Omega.

General Discussion Area / Thoughts of Klopps first game
« on: 18 October 2015, 00:56:26 »
As we know there are a few Liverpool supporters on here and some others too, but, aside from the rivalry of different teams what's your thoughts on Liverpools new manager after the first game.

I, as a Liverpool supporter, feel confident with Klopp, More than i can say when Rodgers was appointed, I think Klopp will be a breath of fresh air for the Premier league and honestly think he will guide Liverpool to better things, Ok, This might be through rose tinted glasses but i do really think Liverpool will get the status that they once had, albeit many years ago,

He instilles confidence in his teams and will root out the poor players that just go along for the ride, If it was me i would get rid of Lallana, Allen, Lovren, even Skirtel, a new goalkeeper although Mignolet done brilliant today, I can see Cann being the new Jan Molby for liverpool, Coutinho will have to be managed and kept, Moreno can and will be an excellent player, but there are many that need to up their performance to be considered, Forget the baiting and banter from other supporters lets have a good discussion from the football fans on what they think, Sell Benteke, Sturridge but keep Ings. Whats your thoughts.

As title says i am still looking for an auto. My other thread was closed, Don't know why. Prefer diesel or even lpg and a saloon with full electric seats.

Cars for Sale & wanted / Wanted, Diesel automatic Omega
« on: 05 September 2015, 00:21:52 »
Prefer leather seats although cloth with electrics might do.

Now i am a poor man so a bargain i am looking for, good mot and not Starship Enterprise mileage.

Don't want a lot do i for little money but if you don't ask you don't get.

I am located in South Wales so if your in Slovakia that might be a bit far for me to travel so what's about anything ?

Awaiting in anticipation for the masses of replies but bear in mind i'm almost 58 and time is not on my side.

Would love to own a petrol Omega again but economy is a must.


Anyone have a reasonable priced estae with leather for sale.

Prefer an estate but saloon might do. Must be leather and not wanting loads of work.

The Jaguar is a nice car but needs must i need a different car, As i said an estae would be the ulitmate as her indoors is forever buying furniture and room is most important for transporting items like that, but, if a good diesel sallooon was for sale then i can buy a

A bargain i am after as the name is not Richard Branson so if anyone has anything suitable let me know. Not worried about the age of a vehicle as long as it's in good nick and suitably priced.

Thanks in advance


Hi fellow OOFERS.

It has come to my attention that some parts of my computer display on the good old Omega is not working as it should.

It reads instant consumption
It tells me the outside temperature
It tells me how much fuel i have used  etc, but,
When it comes time to tell me overall consumption as in ( You have averaged 28.8 mpg ) it don't want to tell me at all, It just says 0mpg.

Now maybe i have frightened it by not really wanting it to tell me but curiosity makes me mad, After all it killed the cat didnt it.. :D

So, Does anyone have any idea why it does not tell me, Answers on a postcard and you shall be entered into the draw to win an all expenses night out with our favourite Prime Minister..You pay the expenses though.. ;D

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Dash Display
« on: 07 July 2007, 12:05:23 »
If i press the 2 buttons to clear all information and keep holding them long enough i get the following..

007                             3


Does this mean im James Bond the 3rd and im aged 24555.. ;D ;D ;D

Seriously any ideas.. :y

Omega General Help / Fault codes but whats wrong
« on: 08 March 2009, 16:53:19 »
Have a problem today just managed to get home then did a paper clip test..Fault codes reading as follows.

73   Mass Air Flow Sensor Voltage Low

74   Mass Air Flow Sensor Voltage High

19   Incorrect RPM Signal

Think ive read the codes correctly but where do i go from here..
Down the pub is a good idea.. ;D

Omega General Help / Oil leak advice
« on: 24 October 2006, 19:01:00 »
Greetings fellow Omega worshippers.. (Maybe thats over the top).

As you all might have noticed by my avatar, I have a different Omega, Had it a month or so now, Its only a 2.0 CD but it suits me.

My problem is i have an oil leak, seems to be from the rear of the engine. Is there any other usual places apart from the rocker cover gaskets that leak. I noticed pretty colours on the road when it was raining but on closer inspection cant seem to locate the leak.

It has gone from max to minimum on the dipstick in about 200 miles of local driving. Does anyone know if i might be barking up the wrong tree with the rocker gasket.  Apart from that it seems to be going fine, well apart from the bang bang clunk from the front end. It gives me something to listen to until i fit a radio..All i need now is for the faries at the bottom of the garden to fix it,Wouldnt that be nice.

Answers on a postcard please.. :y

Cars for Sale & wanted / Wanted Diesel Omega for a poor man..
« on: 14 January 2011, 23:10:51 »
 Anyone know for one with all the trimmings..I hate the Vectra i recently bought, although it's diesel the comfort is not there..

Omega Gallery / Spongebobs V6
« on: 01 June 2008, 18:07:52 »
Just a few quick photos of my new to me Omega.
Delivered to me by Loo Knee and Elite Pete this morning...Thanks guys..

General Discussion Area / Merry Cristmas from Wales
« on: 26 December 2010, 00:35:25 »
Merry Christmas everyone from Wales..

Russ :y

General Discussion Area / Chickens like ginger biscuits
« on: 31 October 2010, 00:02:36 »
I was in a service station in Belgium this afternoon when i lookedout of my window and below me in the car park there was a chicken. He had obviously stopped thinking there was a KFC there  :o

Anyway, he was looking up to me so we had a little chat and i give him a ginger biscuit, he liked it, so i give him another. By then i had had my 45 min break and it was time to go, so we said our good byes and i was very careful not to run him over, As far as i know he is still there.

It's amazing what you see in motorway services these days.
No i have not been drinking this is a true story..

General Discussion Area / Where's Norris
« on: 28 October 2010, 23:32:12 »
Has he turned up yet Nickbat.. I am worried he will miss his hot chocolate... ;D ;D ;D :D

General Discussion Area / What happened to Crazydad
« on: 27 October 2010, 20:56:28 »
Anyone know, I have been trying to contact him for ages, I can see he has not been on here for months, much like me to be honest, If anyone knows let me know please.

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