General Discussion Area / Re: scrap prices,
« on: 17 February 2015, 23:37:48 »
I'm about to scrap my winter hack feista and have been told not to expect much! That's how I know the recent prices.
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That is a terrific idea. I've actually an idea akin to that for a while. It may sound a bit 'fascist' but imagine a 'National Car' - the nearest example in history being the Beetle, coincidentally. But every new driver has one of these neat, simple, standard 3-dr hatch design, be made in Britain, would do wonders for the economy, and you get your immaculate brand new or refurbished as-new machine, which is then inspected after a year. You've got a black box tracking your driving style, and if, after that year you've covered it in parking dents or worse, well, tough titty, you haven't graduated. Stay on in 'Year 1', until you can drive better. Potentially a second driving test after a year, as well? Until you've proven you can cope with that, then you can't move on. Potentially for Year 2 you have a bhp or cc limit, and then on off you go, get a Scooby or whatever, but it's almost like any idiot can try to drive properly for the duration of the 10-15 hours 'learning to drive', but then you can drive like a complete prickend the instant you're let loose on your own vehicle.
As I say, potentially 'fascist' in its appearance, but the advantages are massive - and not dissimilar to how you learn to ride a motorbike - with 125cc limits etc..
Not a bad idea. Will be good for UK manufacturing and also remove the "my willy's bigger than yours" factor from young drivers, as they'll all be the same.
Back on the original topic...
I noticed the full time mech. had got a new set of spanners.
10-19mm. Snap-off.
Guesses on how much he paid......?
I have a right mix.
I keep a Halfords set in the truck, because for £100 it covers everything I'm likely to need, and it doesn't matter much if I leave it at the side of the road. And yes, I have done that.
I have Halfords Industrial rollcabs and topboxes at home and work. The get both for £400 deal is how I bought the work set; the ones at home were £100 each as ex-display. I have Britool step-up box at home, which is the same size and adds 4 more drawers.
I have Snap-on 1/4 and 3/8 sockets & ratchets in my box at work, plus 8 to 19mm spanners. Most of these were bought as promotions or secondhand; normal prices are extortionate. The ratchets are well used, as I've 'found' them over the years. I do find the basic SO tools to be excellent, but that is the absolute minimum that is acceptable considering the cost. I can't imagine ever spending the money necessary for SO boxes, and I cannot see why anyone would buy them without the tools to fill them. We no longer have the rep turn up at work, so the 'easy to warranty' doesn't really apply.
SO ratchet screwdrivers are the only ones I've found worth having, and have 3 sets; one for the truck, one for work and one at home. This is probably extravagant, but it's only money.
I have a load of Sealey stuff, which is pretty good, well priced and easy to find. Plus they do all sorts of special stuff, which tends to be much cheaper and just as good as SO equivalents.
I also have a load of unbranded stuff for odd jobs; like bearing pullers, brake windback tools and the like.
As I go to several shows each year, I often buy from traders, so I have lots of Eclipse pliers, saws snips etc, none of which were more than £5new. I once bought a number of Bahco files and handles, and got some funny looks at work when I on burnt the handles as they'd never seen that before!
I do find that it is worth buying branded cutting tools, like files, chisels, saw blades and snips.
It is also worth keeping some cheaper spanners for modifying to do awkward jobs, as heating and bending a £15 SO spanner really hurts!
Lol,we help out the emergency services,community nurses,meals on wheels etc when there is adverse weather conditions
If I wanted to resurrect my lorryist licence I'd have to shell out about £550, as I'd have to have a medical, do the CPC course and buy a new digi-card. Is it worth it?
All depends on what work is available around your parts
What I can say for definite is that due to a lot of drivers retiring / kicking it into touch, there is a lot of work in Eire driving across to the continent at the moment if that floats your boat so to speak