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Messages - Kevin Wood

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General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 17 November 2024, 19:26:53 »
Yesterday refitted the transfer pipe and bastid bolt. Just now went out and pressure tested the system and its leaking around the Stat at 5psi.  >:( :'(
So need to start the job over again. I m not going to use gasket goo this time if I can help it.
I found what I think is a rubber seal for the Stat housing among my O rings yesterday, but if it turns out not to be the right one, I will probably just buy a whole new housing.
The other problem is going to be the transfer pipe seals.
Are they available separately ? If so where from ? Anyone got a part number for them please ?
Might be worth posting that request up separately I suppose.  :-\

Now you mention it I seem to recall an issue like this in the past where some thermostat housings were not compatible with some seals, due to having a deeper milling for the gasket than the seal was thick.

I wouldn't be surprised, given that heating oil has no road fuel duty, if it has a dye marker in so it can be detected if your tank gets dipped..

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 14 November 2024, 07:39:54 »
My stupid, useless Samsung TV.

30s to change channels earlier.  Poxy, useless piece of shit
That's Samsung and Sony then.
Oh, yeah, if you think Samsung's bad, don't buy a Sony whatever you do.  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Central heating boffin required.
« on: 12 November 2024, 22:18:30 »
If it were me I'd replace it with a pair of 2 port valves as they are much more reliable.

General Discussion Area / Re: Good news and bad news
« on: 10 October 2024, 18:14:59 »
Sorry to hear this but, as said, he had a good run. Clearly you didn't cause him too much stress as a youth.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 04 October 2024, 20:04:38 »
Arrived back oop north on Wednesday and went into Aldi after arrivng at INV airport for some essentials..milk and other things! GIN as I had run out when I left a couple of weeks ago, only to find that their own brand for a litre had gone up £6...£6..FFS! Thieving barstewards!
My fav French Malbec had gone up around £2.00..FFS. Thieving barstewards!!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Damn! I'm going there the week after next. Maybe I should stock up?

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 03 October 2024, 23:52:57 »
The stupid woman driver that drove off from being parked just as I went to pass her, had to back off and pull in. No indicator and doubt she looked in a mirror, got stuck behind her doing 35 in a 60 for 1/2 mile till I could blast past her. Suspect she did not know what day it is.

Probably had a vital Pilates appointment to make it to, so you were expendable. ::)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 03 October 2024, 23:50:49 »
...did it easily I'm pleased to say & I earned myself 6 cans of Fosters..🍺🍺🍺

Well, you'll be sorted when the time comes to clean out your chemical loo.  :y

General Car Chat / Re: Electric car depreciation.
« on: 03 October 2024, 23:49:01 »
I have just been reading up on the regulations for working on electric vehicles and found two interesting entries:

1.  Electric vehicles need servicing and maintenance just like petrol and diesel cars. But not every mechanic can work on EVs. In fact, they need specialist qualifications and training from the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) - the Professional Body for people working in the automotive sector.24 Jan 2023

and 2.

Blimey!  Our electricians skills are insufficient for working on these potential killers! ::) ;D ;D ;D

.. alternatively, some common sense. Oh, wait! It's been phased out. So, back to some self-appointed "jobs for the boys" outfit.

General Discussion Area / Re: Float Valves
« on: 29 September 2024, 01:36:12 »
I'd replace like with like. It's an expansion tank so it'll just sit there until the new one siezes up like the old one did. If it starts making any noise you have bigger problems. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 19 September 2024, 12:43:09 »
If caught they should be charged with wilful wounding and thoughtless discharge of dangerous materials. Scum fks!
Like Jaime after a lamb naga 🤢
Since Tiffins got raided for the last time, I've been unsuccessful in a search for another decent naga.  There tend to just be heated up like Phals, which is kinda pointless after the first sniff.  Tiffins one was really spicy but probably not that hot, think Madras levels, but really flavoursome spiced.

I'm now called Gutted of Brakkers.

You need to come here:

General Discussion Area / Re: The Mickey and Minnie Show...
« on: 15 September 2024, 08:40:13 »
We get nothing back from pouring cash into Ukraine. And if the only reason we're doing it is because the US is picking up the bulk of the bill and the next President doesn't want to subsidise it, they perhaps we shouldn't be paying either.

Apart from the obvious not having to learn Russian* , Ukraine will be a cash cow for the EU ( not the UK of course) . How so? Rebuilding contracts. Plus all the Ukrainians that will become part of the mighty EU machine.

* did people not see Russia just walk in and take over the Prize of Crimea? Plenty of other prizes to be had in the Baltic and Eastern Europe. Britain itself would make a nice prize. At least Poland has woken up. Russia is spending 30% of GDP on war. We are lucky if we spend 2%.

Yes our regime says they will increase defence spending when economic conditions allow.  ::)

I wonder if Sir Starmer has picked up the phone to Putin....  " Excuse me Mr Putin Sir.... I wonder if you'd mind holding back for a couple of years, until we can actually afford a war. There's this £22bn black hole you see?  You will? Oh that's just splendid! "

Meanwhile poor old Uncle Stemo has to freeze this winter, £11bn gets sent off to foreign countries for climate aid, or directly to their leaders Swiss bank accounts, all of our Astute class attack submarines are alongside for one reason or another and it's much the same with the Type 45 Destroyers, but hell the train drivers are alright!  :y

£57,869 on average, according to Glassdoor. For holding a lever all day. An HGV driver but without responsibility for steering or changing gear. Easy to see why Starmer had to immediately capitulate. They must have been on bread and water. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: The Mickey and Minnie Show...
« on: 14 September 2024, 19:47:27 »
We get nothing back from pouring cash into Ukraine. And if the only reason we're doing it is because the US is picking up the bulk of the bill and the next President doesn't want to subsidise it, they perhaps we shouldn't be paying either.

Well, other than not having the inconvenience of being forced to learn russian and live in a soviet state by the time he makes it this far across Europe.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 13 September 2024, 07:45:56 »
The RWD XR4i was one of those cars that appealed to my teenage self back in the day, and aspired to.  Maybe that made reality even more disappointing when I drove the first one I did.  And then all the others were no better.  Big, heavy, cumbersome lump that wasn't great in bends, and was IMHO bullishly flat in a straight line.  I think from memory, it was the same lump as what Bro had in his MkII Grandad 2.8i Ghia?

The other "big car" I always wanted was the 24v Senator when it first came out, never bought one of those either ;D.  Ended up with a MkII Astra GTE instead - that wasn't much cop in the corners either ;D

I remember going with my Dad to test drive a 2.8 Granada and the 24v Senator. Guess which one won?

All the V6 Fords from that era were flat as a witches tit to drive. Lazy things to cruise around in, yes. Comfortable, yes, but not drivers cars in any respect.Had very nice leather interiors if memory serves, but that might be the rose tinted specs at it again... ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Corsa C Alternator
« on: 11 September 2024, 22:45:38 »
That looks the same as the Omega regulators and it was always the regulator on those. Got several of them from these guys back in the day

EDIT: Worth checking the bearings while you're at it. Those are an easy and cheap replacement if they aren't great.

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