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Messages - Kevin Wood

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A new pump needed perhaps?

Not necessarily. Could just be a worn or loose belt. It's normal for the load on the belt to increase due to steering input and it may just be slipping because its worn.

Is there any sign of fluid leakage from the pump? Another possibility is that fluid has leaked and contaminated the belt. Often you can see a trail of fluid on the surrounding components at a tangent to the pump shaft where it has been "thrown off" the rotating pulley.


If it was in for an MOT why were they working on it at all? MOT testers are not permitted to dismantle anything during a test, even if it is necessary to reach an item they need to inspect.

If they managed to shear off bolts removing the cam cover they're incompetent. I can understand a decent mechanic sometimes shearing an exhaust manifold stud, for example, because they're liable to sieze, but a cam cover bolt?

Edited to say:

Before I started ranting about incompetent mechanics I meant to ask if the noise you're getting is the aux drive belt? Maybe the load from the PAS pump is causing it to slip and squeal?


lets rememebre it was us folk maybe not every member on this site that put Labour into power, not that any of the rest of them are any better for that matter.

This is true. Not much green grass on the other side at the moment. However, I believe that government just needs to change every so often. Our current lot have become stale, arrogant and have forgotten who put them in power in the first place. (Just like the last tory govt did IMO) If they thought they'd have a battle on at each general election they would at least get a sharp reminder to pull their socks up every 4 years. As it is they will descend into the mire until they are unelectable at which point the balance will eventually tip.

We've also got a PM who will be well out of it at the next election, of course, which makes matters worse.

They will also, of course, pull a few token rabbits out of the hat just before the election, everyone will forget all the cr@p and everything will smell of roses again.

Just glad I didn't buy the ex-HM government Elite that I test drove. The thought of that slimy lot having been all over my back seat wouldn't be nice to live with :-/. Well, that and the fact that it was only firing on 4 cylinders!


IF public transport ws viable......we would use it....

Absolutely. I often go to Germany on business and don't miss my car. There are trains, buses, trams, underground systems,... It's all open most of the night, it's cheap, reliable, clean and not full of to$$ers.

Our government has been encouraging housing development as fast as it can with no thought to transport (or other) infrastructure for many decades. It's going to be a whole generation before that can change, no matter how much motorists' money is ploughed into public transport (or wars). We have and we continue to develop communities for which there is no alternative but to use the car for most journeys.

Trains and buses could improve vastly tomorrow and there'd still be nothing I could use. The only train line near me only goes to London and I don't work there. The only bus near me stops every 250 yards making a 20 mile commute a bit painful!

The government can increase taxation on car use and, without an alternative, it's just increased taxation. It'll make the country less productive, less competitive, there'll be a recession and the tax take will plummet as a result. Back to square one.

We really need to broaden our thinking. Is it really necessary for people to travel to work to sit at a desk they could just as easily have at home? Is is impossible to have a form of transport that's as flexible as a car but without the environmental burden or the need for decades of investment?


Much as it pains me to say it, it's getting to the point that we need to take a leaf out of the French book of civil protest. Barricade the ports, airports, motorways and bring the country to a halt, and then see how the government feel about forcing their fancy new schemes on us as they watch billions get flushed down the toilet.

It's not a "British" way to behave, of course, but then that could be said of the way the government are acting today and perhaps you've got to fight like with like.

The thing we lack is solidarity between all the minority interest groups - Hauliers, private motorists, Police, etc.


"Public don't understand"

That sums it up, doesn't it? You don't know what's good for you so you need a nanny state to force it down your neck.

I'd like to see someone try to fit a black box to my cars! If they succeed - it's not that difficult to jam a GPS signal.

It's only the fact that this government has yet to sponsor an IT project, let alone one of this scale, that actually works, that gives me any hope.


Does anyone know when the gearbox update happened? I.E. what age range of cars are likely to benefit?



General Discussion Area / Re: Oil
« on: 20 February 2007, 09:54:30 »
I read somewhere that someone's contesting Mobil's description of the oil as fully synthetic, claiming it contains mineral stock.

But its price is more indicative of clever marketing and trading on a name than the composition of the oil.

I used to use it religiously but then I got to thinking that I've never had an issue with engine wear with any car anyway (Including my kit car with a 200 BHP tuned Ford Zetec). They normally get tatty, go rusty or I get bored with them before engine condition becomes an issue. I just find a decent value fully synthetic oil (Currently Chevron oil from Costco looks good - 50 quid for 20 litres) and change it regularly.

You can also look at it from the point of view that if you're going to change your oil yourself it costs you nothing to do so you might as well do it more regularly than the 20k Vx now recommend. You then don't need a premium quality oil that lasts for ages.

Anyway.. This is becoming an Oil thread... Must resist...


I prefer proper camping. ie, a bloody tent!

Damned right! And, unlike a caravan, it'll fit in the boot of my Westfield let alone the Omega and leave the driving experience unchanged :y


General Discussion Area / Re: insurance company rip off
« on: 17 February 2007, 19:54:49 »
My insurance company always ask if the car is standard and if it has any optional extras. I always tell them that I am not aware what features were standard as I didn't buy it from new - so it may well have optional extras. They seem to accept that. Proof of the pudding would be in the event of a big claim of course.

Always makes me laugh how insurance companies seem to be getting so up tight about any little extra on a production car. My other car is a kit car and the insurers who cover them (admittedly mostly specialists) couldn't give a fig when you phone them up to tell them you've tuned the engine and it's now putting out 50% more power!


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