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Messages - Kevin Wood

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General Car Chat / Re: Cheapish oil
« on: 10 September 2024, 19:30:31 »
5w30 is a bit on the thin side unless it was run on it from new...

Why would it matter what it has previously been run on? I don't think it's got a memory...

It'll be fine. It's all I ever ran my 3.2 on.

General Discussion Area / Re: I forgot the pizza oven.
« on: 05 September 2024, 19:38:31 »
Females cannot barbecue that is a mans job , beer in one hand & tongs in the other.🍺🍺🍺

Its not beer, its extiguishant in case the BBQ gets out of hand

Been there done that..😂😂😂

Don't forget that it has a very short shelf life, so you need to replace it about every 15 minutes.  ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Euro Holiday in Omega Thread
« on: 05 September 2024, 19:36:37 »
Ha ha yes, James's response should have been " Do you know who I am? "  ;D

I was about 5 people back in the immigration queue at LHR when some prat (who looked only vaguely familiar) tried that. He ended up being dragged off to the "latex glove treatment" room. ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Coincidence ?
« on: 24 August 2024, 14:04:54 »
Ah didn't realise it is a steel hull. Thought it was a big plastic gin palace type thing with sails.  :)

All accurate apart from the plastic, I reckon. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Who voted for this?
« on: 24 August 2024, 14:03:44 »
If I was the Chancellor, I'd bring in a 50% income tax rate for those working from home
Bee in your bonnet you'd like to share, Sir Tig?

Yep I'm thousands of pounds out of pocket thanks to oppsing useless work from home solicitors, who took eons to respond to emails (probably because they were too busy doing the allotment/walking the dog/down the pub) and if they did manage to answer the phone invariably claimed that they'd left the file in the  office and they weren't going in for a fortnight.

oppsing useless idiotting  Lady bitss the oppsing Lady bitsing lot of them!   >:(

Solicitors are just the same when they're "working" in offices, in my experience. >:(

General Car Chat / Re: walk around scrapyards
« on: 23 August 2024, 16:06:49 »
Oh, my wheel; is a full size one, so I'd lose plenty of boot as it stands. :D

But it might be worth looking out for a space saver, I suppose.

General Discussion Area / Re: Who voted for this?
« on: 23 August 2024, 16:03:50 »
If I was the Chancellor, I'd bring in a 50% income tax rate for those working from home
Bee in your bonnet you'd like to share, Sir Tig?

<Looks around> Hmm. guilty as charged. ::)

I'm about to stop this and go the the pub. Would you be happier then, Tigger?

General Discussion Area / Re: Who voted for this?
« on: 23 August 2024, 16:01:49 »
And the rules on pensions, capital gains tax, and just about everything else that they didnt specifically promise not to raise.
And even those will be fair game once they spin doctors come up with answers as to why they broke promises to the electorate.
Biggest problem is, the Tories are only slightly less worse.

Indeed. People who work hard and look after themselves are a problem for Labour. They'll have us all on benefits and beholden to them too once the gouging is complete.

General Car Chat / Re: walk around scrapyards
« on: 23 August 2024, 15:53:39 »
JLR, in their wisdom, no longer include it. I suppose they just assume that a Jag owner will just leave it with a man to sort it...

Given that they CBA with a spare wheel on my XE, it wouldn't have been much use anyway.
And I bet the gunk is out of date.  And nobody knows how to use it anyway, and just shove it in with the air, and wonders why it doesn't work, and....


KW - loads of breakers tend to sell spare wheel kits (wheel, foam insert with jack/wrench etc), new boot floor and the longer standoff.  I paid around £140.  Well worth it IMHO.  Though I had to make a new standoff, as there appear to be 2 thread sizes, M6 and M8.  Bit of M8 rod, some nuts and a 3d printer solved that.

I have an extra full-size wheel in the garage, so could probably sort myself out if anything goes wrong relatively locally. Further afield, I'd probably have a boot full of junk, so not sure I'd be happy losing the boot space to it. :-\

I also have a set of puncture repair plugs that have sorted out the odd screw in a tyre before. Granted the only tyre failure I (well, mrs. KW) have had on the XE would have been a struggle to repair because the wheel dropped off the edge of a road with a non-existent verge and the inside sidewall basically ceased to exist. ::)

That was only really awkward because she was on the way to rescue me when the battery in the Westfield carked it so it was 2 simultaneous roadside callouts. >:(

General Car Chat / Re: VIN Coding - Mercedes / Chrysler 300c
« on: 23 August 2024, 07:50:30 »
Another option: If it's only the alternator output from the PCM that has died, find out if you can get a conventional regulator that fits that alternator or bodge one to fit it.

General Discussion Area / Re: Coincidence ?
« on: 22 August 2024, 23:37:26 »
Three things seem strange to me...

1) I would have thought that a modern yacht like that would have so much buoyancy built in that should the worst happen it would become a semi submersible, rather than drop to the sea bed.

2) The only way I can see a boat like that going down, is that all the hatches were wide open, and it was totally swamped, but see above.

3) Is it feasible that a sudden storm happened, but only affected this boat. Apparently all the other yachts moored in the vicinity were unaffected?

It displaced 540 tonnes and had a metal hull. No amount of buoyancy is going to stop that sinking if it fills with water.

It had a 240 odd foot mast. With a mast that size, it's going to depend on a bloody great heavy keel for stability, and the keel was retractable.

A hot evening, a bit of complacency, maybe an intention to take it into the harbour followed by CBA... I know the square root of eff all about boats, but I can imagine how it might have unravelled. :'(

General Discussion Area / Re: Coincidence ?
« on: 22 August 2024, 07:45:12 »
I suspect it won't be salvaged.  That said, it's not quite deep enough.

I'm struggling to get past the coincidence, though as I said earlier, HP, for all their ill gotten games, are unlikely to do such a thing.  Private major investors though....

HP would have struggled to find a printer that works to print out the instructions. ;D

Hand written notes are too easy to trace.

General Car Chat / Re: walk around scrapyards
« on: 22 August 2024, 07:42:08 »
JLR, in their wisdom, no longer include it. I suppose they just assume that a Jag owner will just leave it with a man to sort it...

Given that they CBA with a spare wheel on my XE, it wouldn't have been much use anyway.

General Car Chat / Re: Interesting strategy from jaaaaag
« on: 14 August 2024, 22:51:52 »
I thought VAG had cornered the market for 25 variations of the same vehicle, but JLR seems to have taken the idea to the next level. :-X

I thought that was BMW myself but I guess they're all doing it. ;D If any of them were vaguely appealing it'd be OK but I'd rather have piles than a FWD faux 4x4.

General Car Chat / Re: Interesting strategy from jaaaaag
« on: 14 August 2024, 07:30:49 »
... whilst they wait for the teased Next New thing to hit the market...

Which will probably be whatever fad the Karens at the school gate want, since they seem to be the only customers influencing car design these days. ::)

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