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Messages - Kevin Wood

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 2359
General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 12 August 2024, 20:28:07 »
£55 to get 7 lamps PAT tested but at least I caught him right so he can do them on the way from another job Weds, also had to shell out £60 for a new windscreen excess but they cant do it till a week after MOT. Then its the useless Auto windscreen idiot, no choice from my insurance.

That's expensive for 7 stickers. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Where do we go from here?
« on: 06 August 2024, 07:26:19 »
How long before we face curfews, lockdows, or worse, martial law?

I don't know, but we will end up with identity cards, facial recognition everywhere and everything contrary to the liberal left woke agenda being labelled "Far right extremism" and de-platformed. :(

General Discussion Area / Re: Is this for real?
« on: 29 July 2024, 18:05:11 »
This battery recycling plant near me certainly turned the business park into an impressive crater. They didn't handle Li-Po batteries either.

General Discussion Area / Re: Private Dentist
« on: 11 July 2024, 07:52:19 »
We had two days in Cordoba last week. 42C. Absolutely horrid. Once it gets above body heat it is torment.

37 today and we spent the day at some thermal springs and huge tiled pool with lots of shade. Roast chicken for lunch.wouldnt swap it for rain. Some Spanish friends have just spent five days in London and could not wait to get back to “ heaven” ! They might change their tune when it hits 44 or more again.

Went to one of those in Germany a few weeks ago. Various packages available, so we went for the full works. Big mistake. That got us into the "swimwear verboten" section. :o

General Car Chat / Re: Project anyone?
« on: 07 July 2024, 20:01:35 »
Le proper barn find!  :y

we could make a collective buy & revive a Newent meet to get it going again!  :y :y
Pushing that off a cliff would be a waste of effort let alone restoring it. ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Election Night...
« on: 04 July 2024, 22:36:04 »
I had a phone call from the Tory candidate yesterday.  :o  Most of the leaflets were delivered by the postie.

Who, in my case, CBA to bring them to the actual door, Just found a few littered around the front garden. >:(

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 21 June 2024, 21:53:26 »
I still use the factory one in the S Class, but use the phone in the Bini/hire cars as they have Android Auto facilities.
Which uses the phone GPS.  Which then becomes a problem.
Not experienced any particular issues with it :-\
Phones have much better GNSS receivers than most in-car systems so work fine despite the compromised antenna.

General Discussion Area / Re: GB News
« on: 18 June 2024, 22:19:52 »
Dark forces at play...

Then again, you are a known Trump sympathizer* >:D

*Spelt deliberately as the object is American. :P

Well...  With my tinfoil helmet on I did wonder if there was some ort of interference so we're forced to absorb the usual leftist mush during the run up to the election.  :)

Lefties cancelling people they disagree with? No, that never happens. :-X

General Discussion Area / Re: A Place in the sun
« on: 17 June 2024, 21:37:42 »
Ish  ;D ;D
Loo knee's Pink Crocs still found it. ;D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 12 June 2024, 22:46:23 »
Doesnt sound good.   :-\
Well, the fan was running when I pulled up, so I am glad I checked that properly the day after I bought it ;)

A colleague of mine was scheduled to help a bini-owning mate fix the cooling fan this week. He was spared that.. The silly sod kept driving it, got stuck 9in traffic, and it got terminally melty. ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Election Run Up
« on: 11 June 2024, 07:28:18 »
Dodn’t Starmer say the other day that he would keep nuclear and later Rayner said she would get rid of them.

That pair have never read from the same Hymn sheet.

.. and then there's recognition of the Palestinian state. So, who are we going to establish diplomatic links with? Hamas? Shouldn't we wait until they have a credible, democratic government in waiting rather than give legitimacy to a bunch of terrorists?

General Discussion Area / Re: D-Day
« on: 08 June 2024, 18:37:18 »
I reckon that if by some miracle he did win the election, he would probably stand down shortly after.
He has ticked that box and it will be time for the next thing, which will be much more lucrative whatever it is.

Win or lose, the knives will be out the day after the election.

General Car Chat / Re: Budget Tyres
« on: 06 June 2024, 22:42:33 »
PS4S currently.  A mere £1200 a set.  Not been brave enough to go to PS5 yet, although not sure my sizes are all available in PS5 yet.

Hers runs on Primacy.  Her size is more budget friendly, so about £500 a set ;D

PS4s are what I ordered last time, and they were just on the way out in my size. PS5s turned up and I CBA to argue. Have been happy with them.

General Car Chat / Re: Budget Tyres
« on: 06 June 2024, 07:31:37 »
Runway 215/55 16s on the Focus were £64 each about a month ago.

Mine are 235/40 18

The cheapest I've found so far are Trazano (No me neither!) for £69.99 each via ASDA Tyres.  I do kinda like to have the same brand all the way round tho.   :-\

Always best if they're all agreed on the same ditch. ;)

I have to replace all 4 on the Jag imminently, so need to start thinking. The PS5s that I have on it currently were the first set of tyres in a long time where all 4 made it to near legal limit without at least one dying prematurely. Much better than the Pirelli garbage that I had before.

Whilst conveniently ignoring the impact of TCV on the public purse.

We're better off than our primary competitors in Euroland, in spite of what the leftist media wants you to believe.

.. and it's not as if we'd sail back into membership without the EUrocrats getting their revenge. We'd have to sign up to the Euro, Schengen and who knows what else they'll invent that would never fly here? For better or worse, that door is now closed for a generation.

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