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Sticky buttons replacement?

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Has anyone found a way to resolve the sticky button problem? Is there anyway of getting them recoated or any others out of another car that fit? I was looking at Vectra C ones that look to be the same in the photos but unsure if there the same fit. It’s the only thing about the car that annoys me  :-\

I attempted to clean them with IPA but it started to go through to the white plastic below the coating

Doctor Gollum:
Vectra C ones might be the same shape but are of limited use as the Vectrum is canbus based rather than traditional wiring.

Ambersil sticky label remover or Tar spot remover both work a treat but do require effort.

Also hot soapy water and a soft nail brush can produce reasonable results but requires a bit of dismantling to avoid destroying the switches themselves.

I used IPA and went at it gently.  Its a long job that can't be rushed.


--- Quote from: Doctor Gollum on 02 April 2024, 17:56:43 ---Vectra C ones might be the same shape but are of limited use as the Vectrum is canbus based rather than traditional wiring.

Ambersil sticky label remover or Tar spot remover both work a treat but do require effort.

Also hot soapy water and a soft nail brush can produce reasonable results but requires a bit of dismantling to avoid destroying the switches themselves.

--- End quote ---

Yea didn’t mean the actual button itself but by popping the the button cover of its clips & putting them onto my original Omega buttons but looking at ones on EBay the clips look to be in a different place.

I did try soapy water & Isopropyl Alcohol it did improve slightly but I went to far with 1 or 2 & the white plastic started to come through sadly, looks like I’ll just have to put up with it  :-\

Migv6 le Frog Fan:

--- Quote from: TheBoy on 02 April 2024, 18:02:30 ---I used IPA and went at it gently.  Its a long job that can't be rushed.

--- End quote ---

Ive drunk the stuff, but never rubbed it on my buttons.  ;D


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