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Messages - deviator

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 104

Sorry for the delay, here you go, not the best as stated, but free if they are better than yours.

I'll get you some pics and you can decide.

Thanks for the heads up on the PMs

This car is quite battered, but if anyone would like any left over parts, please ask below.

V reg, 2.5 v6 petrol. Engine, box and loom gone, the rest is here, but there is a lot most people won't want due to damage.

I'm not listing parts, (sorry admin, please delete if against the rules) however, ask and if I have it/can remove it quickly, it's yours for free collected. Please understand I work, so I can't hurry, but I would love to give back to the community.

If you need postage, I can do it, I'd prefer not to.

I'm in Chesterfield, well the edge near the M1.

Long life stainless backbox, tow bar are still there.


General Discussion Area / Re: You couldn't make it up.
« on: 31 May 2023, 12:57:44 »
It appears that the countries biggest commercial TV company has been covering up all kinds of nasty things, and trying to make them go away by pressurising people to sign NDA,s - so there is a good argument for some kind of enquiry to determine just how corrupt the top management of the company have been.
Politicians are probably the wrong people to be doing it though. A retired Q.C. or similar might be better.
The woman at the top almost run the Guardian into the ground (pity she didnt succeed), then almost bankrupt Sleasyjet (pity she didnt succeed), so it begs the question - why did the board of ITV think it was a good idea to offer her the job ?  ::)
She is a high priestess of woke, so maybe they thought this is the way the world is going, so she is a fit and proper candidate ?
God only knows.  ???
Have a look at Emmerdale, it's ITV in a nutshell. A small Yorkshire village where almost every resident is black, Asian, queer or has mental health problems.

It needs a non binary black midget/dwarf  to beef up the diversity count. ;D

F*uck knows what Annie Sugden would have made of it all.

You can't mention 'beef', you'll offend the vegetarians.

General Discussion Area / Re: You couldn't make it up.
« on: 31 May 2023, 09:55:58 »
I've had time to think about it & it should be done because all our MPs are squeaky clean & couldn't possibly have any skeletons in their cupboards..😂😂😂

Hence why there is government committee involved. It's a distraction technique, so we hopefully don't realise that our politicians are more bent than Schofield

General Car Chat / Re: Not a bad little motor.
« on: 30 May 2023, 07:38:32 »
I've had MX5s for years. I mainly own mk1s, but I have owned mk2 and 2.5. I've driven the mk3 and mk4.

They are great fun and yes, underpowered.

Omega General Help / Re: O2 sensor
« on: 24 May 2023, 10:32:31 »
I used to use lambda spacers on the 2.6 Vectra. They took the tip out of the flow and stopped the codes.

General Discussion Area / Re: Any way round this?
« on: 26 August 2021, 10:42:17 »
Is this not Microsoft mail trying to add your Gmail account to the local application?

General Car Chat / Monza GSE
« on: 13 July 2021, 12:50:32 »

Very retro. Even a retro early 2000s MiniDisc player  ;D

General Car Chat / Re: A good looking new Vauxhall!
« on: 11 July 2021, 14:16:25 »
Calibra was a fine looking Vauxhall.

Shh, don't mention Calibra, or someone will be along shortly talking about drag coefficient.

Also you might not think this electric car is good looking, but when you compare it to the rest of Vauxhall's offerings, it's a diamond in the rough.

Omega General Help / Re: Misfire code 0300
« on: 08 July 2021, 13:26:57 »
I'd start by checking the plugs for signs of water or oil.

General Car Chat / Re: Laptop won't start.
« on: 06 July 2021, 21:17:44 »
According to the spammer who emails me daily asking for a couple of bitcoins, I have so much porn on my PC, and a magic* webcam he can turn on.

*magic in that I dont have one ;D
I've had this one a couple's of times, claiming they have videos of bashing the bishop. I nearly sent them the bitcoin, they'd need the money for therapy.

General Car Chat / Re: Laptop won't start.
« on: 05 July 2021, 00:30:12 »
No problem helping, this forum has been good to me and if I can return the favour, I'm more than happy to.

I'm afraid there isn't many options left. You can try a hard reset, this doesn't lose data. Remove battery and PSU hold power down for 1 minute. Then reinsert battery and then PSU. Try to power on as normal.

Does it have a dedicated graphics chip? If so, odd suggestion, but to the left of the track pad, push down a bit whilst trying to power on.

Also worth sticking a multimeter on the PSU to make sure that isn't the fault.

After that, it's a warranty job.

General Car Chat / Re: Laptop won't start.
« on: 04 July 2021, 17:26:43 »
Ok, try this. Connect power lead, hold Windows key and b down, press power button for 2 to 3 second, then let go of power only, keep the other 2 buttons held down. See if you get a screen up, if not repeat with Windows key and v.

See if either returns a screen.

Report back and I'll try the next stage.

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