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Please play nicely.  No one wants to listen/read a keyboard warriors rants....

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Messages - Gaffers

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 765
General Discussion Area / Re: Gender neutral-again!
« on: 25 April 2019, 11:53:08 »
Such as making sure that when someone makes you a cup of tea that they dont make it piss weak.

Yorkshire Tea, please, because everything else is like milk & water. However:

100% agreement.  No other tea is worthy in Chateau Gaffers.

General Discussion Area / Re: Gender neutral-again!
« on: 25 April 2019, 09:06:23 »
I can't believe that this is bothering people.  So a small change is made to balence things out a bit (which are still far too much in favour of men) boo frickin hoo.

There are more important problems in life, REAL PROBLEMS!  Such as making sure that when someone makes you a cup of tea that they dont make it piss weak.

General Car Chat / Re: Dart crossing charge
« on: 25 April 2019, 09:03:47 »
The funniest thing was the letter from Dart also included a letter with a 94 euro fine for some poor Spaniard lorry driver in San Sebastion by mistake. On the phone Dart weren't interested. We will send it to the miscreant at our expense.

Don't do that, send it here:

Maybe a fine under GDPR rules will make them re-think their information security practices.

Yup, the fact that they didn't act once notified only makes it worse for them.

Come on, you know you want a Ranger ::) ;D

No, except a slight nick in one of the door seals. ;)

From this I am going to surmise that the answer to "How to break into a Zafira" is "The same way you break into any other car" ;D

Depends on the car.  There are some that I can in to within a minute without any specialist tools.

No comment from STEMO on this thread then, eh? ::)

PM Sent

General Discussion Area / Re: Zen BB - thoughts?
« on: 17 April 2019, 19:56:14 »
Downside is cost. And they never do deals. If they "give" you a router, bin it and buy something decent.

I have my own setup.  Any router I get is either switched out for a dedicated modem or if I have to use their's I flick it in to modem mode and connect my own router/firewall.

I will be FTTC as well and they reckon about 32 meg down/6 up.  Should be enough for me. Most TV is on demand as we both have varied schedules so rarely watch anything live.  Lot's of Netflix, music streaming and a bit of gaming.  I run a VPN server for when I am travelling or am doing internet banking.

Thing is VM promised about 200 meg but managed to deliver between 0.2 and 20 and it took about half an hour on the phone and me losing my rag to stop him taking me around in circles to stay on as a customer. "Which part of I am leaving do you not understand?" ::)

General Discussion Area / Zen BB - thoughts?
« on: 17 April 2019, 13:08:50 »
I have just cancelled my Virgin FTTP contract as they have had numerous opportunities to fix a recurring drop in speed and they rarely hit their promised speed.

I know that some here use Zen (including the OOF servers iirc) and I was looking in to their reviews which suggest a drop in service recently.  What do those who use it think?  Plus I cannot figure out the difference between their Unlimited Fibre 1 & 2 offerings.  I fit is 'truly unlimited' then why should it matter which one I take?

Oh my, I have not laughed that hard for quite some time.  Who in their right mind signed that one off?   ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Julian Assange
« on: 11 April 2019, 10:50:04 »
Arrested and 'removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy'.

Could be interesting.

You're all very unkind.  ;D ;D

I'm not known for being kind.

I do need some new clothes pegs

General Car Chat / Re: ULEZ
« on: 08 April 2019, 15:06:41 »
3.2 diesel pick-up truck = exempt
1.9 3-door astra = ULEZ charge
[/irony]  :-\

General Car Chat / Re: SHELL
« on: 05 April 2019, 15:29:42 »
I notice a significant difference in range when using poverty spec derv as opposed to the V-Power version.  Depending on the right foot and traffic it can be as much as 60 miles difference on a full tank.

General Car Chat / Re: Towing rules.. and Smart cars.
« on: 05 April 2019, 15:26:15 »
I only have 3.5T towing capacity on the Ranger  ::)

So longer as there is little weight in the bed of course :P

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