Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: aaronjb on 19 October 2014, 13:06:55

Title: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: aaronjb on 19 October 2014, 13:06:55
You know when you have one of those weeks.. and that turns into two of them.. and then three of them..

After three weeks struggling to keep the department at work afloat seemingly single handedly thanks to holiday and an ineffective worldwide organisation, and all the stress that entailed..

Then add in a heaping dose of trying to get sorted for a last minute work trip to Poland (today) for a week which was nicely slotted in so I land back in the country on the 24th with my own holiday starting on the 25th..

And trying to get mortgage issues sorted, and deal with the useless tards at Nissan, organise someone to look after the cats when we're away because I find out my mother might be going into hospital (when they finally get the test results back, anyway)..

Then what happens? I and Amy spend yesterday and today tearing the house apart - including two trips to work to check there, too - to try and find my passport, last seen on my return leg from Tel Aviv in July.

Nowhere to be found.. cue one very angry boss, two very expensive wasted flights and a hotel stay that will be partly charged for, and yet more stress to report the passport lost/stolen and try and organise a replacement before January (which, I'm told, may require an in-person interview with the passport office)..

I know I should be thankful nothing really bad has gone wrong and there isn't a lorry parked in my house (although I don't want to say too much in case I wake up tomorrow to find a 747 has missed Heathrow and parked in my living room!), but I feel like I've spent the last three weeks teetering on the edge of some kind of meltdown (you know, tight chest, difficulty breathing, severe anger .. probably like TB every time he finds BP out of LPG).. I could really use a nice, long holiday .. but all I have is five days in Cornwall and then I'm out of time off until next year.


OK, pity party over..
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: The Sheriff on 19 October 2014, 13:39:06
I am finding that lots of people are in this position lately, Aaron. The world is a very stressful place right now. The propable reason you have mislaid your passport is because you were in a tearing hurry at the time.
My wife is constantly busy, she has a 200 hour a week job at the moment. I bought her a nice watch last Christmas, about £700. It's nowhere to be found. She reckons she may have thrown it in the bin with some old paperwork.

It's no use telling you to slow down, you probably can't. But try to make a little 'down' time for yourself.
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: chrisgixer on 19 October 2014, 13:39:13
A lot of us are under the cosh atm A. Your not alone.

....does that help? :-\ ;D

And my pass port was once found in the car. She said, are you sure it's not in the car? Naah. That would be a stupid.....

Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: omega3000 on 19 October 2014, 13:50:17
I am finding that lots of people are in this position lately, Aaron. The world is a very stressful place right now. The propable reason you have mislaid your passport is because you were in a tearing hurry at the time.
My wife is constantly busy, she has a 200 hour a week job at the moment. I bought her a nice watch last Christmas, about £700. It's nowhere to be found. She reckons she may have thrown it in the bin with some old paperwork.

It's no use telling you to slow down, you probably can't. But try to make a little 'down' time for yourself.

 :o :o
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: aaronjb on 19 October 2014, 13:57:17
You're probably right about that, STMO - everything is a rush.. the last two weekends I was "on-call" (which really just means working, it seems) and this weekend has been spent tearing about trying to find the passport; I don't feel like I've had a weekend in quite a while.

And to top it off, now work want to talk to me today about what was going to happen tomorrow..

Chris - I've looked in the cars, under the boot floor in them even, the garage, the shed.. every box, drawer, wardrobe, under the beds, every pile of paperwork.. about the only place I haven't looked is the roof and under the floorboards at this point!
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: GastronomicKleptomaniac on 19 October 2014, 14:10:07
I swing wildly between thinking life is stressful, and thinking that if it was easy I'd get bored... Keep plugging away!
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: The Sheriff on 19 October 2014, 14:42:49
You're probably right about that, STMO - everything is a rush.. the last two weekends I was "on-call" (which really just means working, it seems) and this weekend has been spent tearing about trying to find the passport; I don't feel like I've had a weekend in quite a while.

And to top it off, now work want to talk to me today about what was going to happen tomorrow..

Chris - I've looked in the cars, under the boot floor in them even, the garage, the shed.. every box, drawer, wardrobe, under the beds, every pile of paperwork.. about the only place I haven't looked is the roof and under the floorboards at this point!
Look in all your coat pockets.
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: bored bigyin54 on 19 October 2014, 14:46:21
You know when you have one of those weeks.. and that turns into two of them.. and then three of them..

After three weeks struggling to keep the department at work afloat seemingly single handedly thanks to holiday and an ineffective worldwide organisation, and all the stress that entailed..

Then add in a heaping dose of trying to get sorted for a last minute work trip to Poland (today) for a week which was nicely slotted in so I land back in the country on the 24th with my own holiday starting on the 25th..

And trying to get mortgage issues sorted, and deal with the useless tards at Nissan, organise someone to look after the cats when we're away because I find out my mother might be going into hospital (when they finally get the test results back, anyway)..

Then what happens? I and Amy spend yesterday and today tearing the house apart - including two trips to work to check there, too - to try and find my passport, last seen on my return leg from Tel Aviv in July.

Nowhere to be found.. cue one very angry boss, two very expensive wasted flights and a hotel stay that will be partly charged for, and yet more stress to report the passport lost/stolen and try and organise a replacement before January (which, I'm told, may require an in-person interview with the passport office)..

I know I should be thankful nothing really bad has gone wrong and there isn't a lorry parked in my house (although I don't want to say too much in case I wake up tomorrow to find a 747 has missed Heathrow and parked in my living room!), but I feel like I've spent the last three weeks teetering on the edge of some kind of meltdown (you know, tight chest, difficulty breathing, severe anger .. probably like TB every time he finds BP out of LPG).. I could really use a nice, long holiday .. but all I have is five days in Cornwall and then I'm out of time off until next year.


OK, pity party over..
i will be glad when 2014 is over it was the worst year of my life :y :y
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: chrisgixer on 19 October 2014, 15:05:51
You're probably right about that, STMO - everything is a rush.. the last two weekends I was "on-call" (which really just means working, it seems) and this weekend has been spent tearing about trying to find the passport; I don't feel like I've had a weekend in quite a while.

And to top it off, now work want to talk to me today about what was going to happen tomorrow..

Chris - I've looked in the cars, under the boot floor in them even, the garage, the shed.. every box, drawer, wardrobe, under the beds, every pile of paperwork.. about the only place I haven't looked is the roof and under the floorboards at this point!
Look in all your coat pockets.

All your suitcases and travel bags. As well as hers, especially when looking for the spare car key. ::) ;D
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: TheBoy on 19 October 2014, 19:45:25
Trying to put a positive spin on it, sometimes you need these sort of weeks/months in order to appreciate the not-so-bad ones...
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: 05omegav6 on 20 October 2014, 01:11:01
Sounds like a nice relaxing Curry is in order...  :-\
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: chrisgixer on 20 October 2014, 01:47:18
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: AndyRoid on 20 October 2014, 02:16:12
Is it 2015 yet?
Give any answer you like when asked that question on the cognitive tests in McKissock ward and it's perfectly acceptable

Question 3 of yesterdays test for me was "Do you know who runs the country?"
My reply was "A pair of c**ts" doctor ticked the pass box (seriously).
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: biggriffin on 20 October 2014, 07:24:35
You being a regular jet setter,losing ones passport is bloody stoopid,to say the least.should be kept in the same place at all times, and yes I do know were mine is,in my bag with my driving license and dqc the cupboard.

As for the work thing,you can only do,what you can do.What doesn't get done today gets done tomorrow
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: Kevin Wood on 20 October 2014, 09:36:44
Ahhh.. That reminds me. I know exactly where my passport is.. and that it expired in August. ::)

But.. as said, you can only do what you can do... If that isn't enough for some people, they can sit and swivel, IMHO. :y

No passport required for curry, so :y
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: Gaffers on 20 October 2014, 10:11:46
I know exactly how you feel:

The constant travel with regular 4am starts
Working with teams in Asia and US on the same day = early start and late finish
Overloaded with projects means that all the consultants (me included) are working long hours while the internal employees stick to the protection provided by French employment law (last week was 70 hours)
Lots of DIY still to do
Maintaining professional quals
Army commitments at weekends and mid-week
Learning new skills required for Army role
Ironman Training
Oh yes, and a less than stellar situation at Guffer's Towers

I woke up this morning to start work at 7am still exhausted from last week knowing that I wont get to my appartment in Lyon until midnight....oh yes, and an early start tomorrow....
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: aaronjb on 20 October 2014, 11:03:39
Yup, does indeed sound like we're all burning it at both ends at the moment.. I keep telling myself it could be worse!

Though as a colleague said to my boss today, if you constantly push everyone to the levels they are, sooner or later people will start snapping, mistakes will start being made and stuff will start going wrong.. bit like this, then!

AndyRoid - I did laugh at that, thanks for that ;)

biggriffin - you're right, 'tis bloody stupid.. I can only hold my hands up to that one. Although mine also usually lives in the same place - the cupboard with her passport and any tickets/etc that we're keeping safe for special occasions. Only at the moment only hers is there..

Curry sounds good, although this week is likely to be a wash due to work (and the fact that I feel utterly bowlocksed and full of cold) - maybe Friday night.. as next week is the week I have off work, which cannot come soon enough!
Title: Re: Is it 2015 yet?
Post by: 05omegav6 on 20 October 2014, 14:23:56
