Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 15:37:02

Title: Bloody bin men...
Post by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 15:37:02
Just had our recycling bin collection... normally they simply shuffle them into position and the truck comes along to pick them up. Today the first bloke decides to have a look in the bin to see if there's anything worth nicking in there that there shouldn't be.

First two things he spots are a dead self leveling pump and it's even more dead bracket.

"Ooh!"Says he, "is this your bin?"
"Yes," says I, after all it is our bin...
"Can't take, it's contaminated."
"With what, there's nothing in there that the EU says can't be recycled."
"There's metal in it," pointing at the two aforementioned items.
"Ok, I'll remove them, then it won't be contaminated."
" Still can't take it, as there could be anything under all that..."
"You're shitting me, right!"
"Nope, you'll have to put it out again in a fortnight."

Rang the council, and was told verbatim the same thing, with a but... "If you put it out with your regular collection on Wednesday, then we can send it to land fill..."
"Well", says I, "there's nothing in it that cannot be recycled, so if you want to bury it, then that's on you..., I will put it out on Wednesday then, along with our regular bin."

What's the betting that they refuse to empty it again... ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: tunnie on 14 August 2015, 15:40:42
EU has sod all to do with it, depends who the council use to recycle. Metal not allowed in our green bin either.

Back home up norf, they take grass in the green bin. But down here in Surrey, nope. Not in either black or green bin!

They want an extra £60 bucks a year of me, just to collect a few grass clippings?  8)

Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Andy B on 14 August 2015, 15:44:02
EU has sod all to do with it, depends who the council use to recycle. Metal not allowed in our green bin either.

Back home up norf, they take grass in the green bin. But down here in Surrey, nope. Not in either black or green bin!

They want an extra £60 bucks a year of me, just to collect a few grass clippings?  8)

I put my grass in our brown bin ....... paper goes in my green bin  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: tunnie on 14 August 2015, 15:47:01
We only have Green/Black, in Northants is Green/Black & Blue.

Appears every council is different!
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Bigron on 14 August 2015, 15:52:33
When I had my first house, the garage/car port was open through to the garden where we kept our traditional galvanised steel bins. The dustmen walked through and collected them, along with anything placed close by (care needed, if you wanted to keep it!), and then brought it back again.
No luxury of wheels on the bins and no customers doing most of their job for them by sorting rubbish - they actually did the job they were paid for!
Remember those halcyon days?......

Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 15:53:20
We have three... a regular green bin, a blue recycling bin for all glass, card, plastic, car parts, cans etc, and a brown bin for garden waste which we pay £40 a year for the privilege of having.

As for who does the recycling, it all gos to the local, state of the art Biffa sorting depot... ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Varche on 14 August 2015, 15:54:32
I fell foul of this when I stayed at my parents in Yorkshire. Bought a computer online. Cut the cardboard up and put it in the blue recycling bin (paper and cardboard). Dustbin men wouldn't take it as cardboard was contaminated with parcel tape (miles of it) my very elderly dad had to painstakingly seperate the two.

I still prefer the Spanish system of large bins at street end for paper, general waste, plastics, brics, old clothes etc. You can use them anywhere. It could never happen in Britain as residents wouldn't want them outside their place. 
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 15:55:58
I can see another argument about fruit stones in the green bin ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Andy B on 14 August 2015, 16:19:11
We only have Green/Black, in Northants is Green/Black & Blue.

Appears every council is different!

Exactly. Wigan, next door use the same coloured bins ... but put different things in them.

Recycling costs councils a fortune - umpteen bin wagons on the road doing 3 or 4 mpg, they should all chuck in the same bin & incinerate it all. Or maybe use a MURF
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Andy B on 14 August 2015, 16:20:46
I still prefer the Spanish system of large bins at street end for paper, general waste, plastics, brics, old clothes etc. You can use them anywhere. It could never happen in Britain as residents wouldn't want them outside their place.

Edinburgh city centre does the same  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: biggriffin on 14 August 2015, 16:24:36
We have
Green bin all garden waste,food waste, animal straw.
Blue bin recycling, paper,glass,metal,cardboard, dry recycling.
Grey bin everything  to landfill.

Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Andy B on 14 August 2015, 16:26:33
When I had my first house, the garage/car port was open through to the garden where we kept our traditional galvanised steel bins. The dustmen walked through and collected them, along with anything placed close by (care needed, if you wanted to keep it!), and then brought it back again.
No luxury of wheels on the bins and no customers doing most of their job for them by sorting rubbish - they actually did the job they were paid for!
Remember those halcyon days?......


I remember that system too. If you look at the cobbled back streets oop north - I believe Bore-anation Street's opening & closing credits shows them  :-X, there used to be a small door for each back yard where the bin lived. The bin man walked down the backs, opened the door, removed the bin, emptied it & then replaced it.  The binners then used to have a leather shoulder protector. There again, there wasn't the packaging to put in the bin compared with now.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: biggriffin on 14 August 2015, 16:27:27
I still prefer the Spanish system of large bins at street end for paper, general waste, plastics, brics, old clothes etc. You can use them anywhere. It could never happen in Britain as residents wouldn't want them outside their place.

Edinburgh city centre does the same  ;) ;)

More like people's go rummageing in the communal bin to see what they could sell on ebay.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: EMD on 14 August 2015, 16:33:39
We only have Green/Black, in Northants is Green/Black & Blue.

Appears every council is different!

No its not its Brown/Green/Black and a small Green one for food waste  ::) :y

What s stamped on the bins not to put in has all changed now so we put everything in anything  ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: STEMO on 14 August 2015, 16:35:18
When I had my first house, the garage/car port was open through to the garden where we kept our traditional galvanised steel bins. The dustmen walked through and collected them, along with anything placed close by (care needed, if you wanted to keep it!), and then brought it back again.
No luxury of wheels on the bins and no customers doing most of their job for them by sorting rubbish - they actually did the job they were paid for!
Remember those halcyon days?......


I remember that system too. If you look at the cobbled back streets oop north - I believe Bore-anation Street's opening & closing credits shows them  :-X, there used to be a small door for each back yard where the bin lived. The bin man walked down the backs, opened the door, removed the bin, emptied it & then replaced it.  The binners then used to have a leather shoulder protector. There again, there wasn't the packaging to put in the bin compared with now.
In Liverpool, and I'm sure Manchester, we had a hole in the back yard wall, with a metal frame, which the bin slotted into. Our bin men would park at the top of the jigger and walk up and down with heavy metal bins over their shoulders. In snow, wind, rain, the lot. Good, honest grafters who were, unfortunately, treated like shit for what they did.
In the days of almost full employment, binmen were definitely bottom of the ladder.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 14 August 2015, 17:12:29
When I had my first house, the garage/car port was open through to the garden where we kept our traditional galvanised steel bins. The dustmen walked through and collected them, along with anything placed close by (care needed, if you wanted to keep it!), and then brought it back again.
No luxury of wheels on the bins and no customers doing most of their job for them by sorting rubbish - they actually did the job they were paid for!
Remember those halcyon days?......


I remember that system too. If you look at the cobbled back streets oop north - I believe Bore-anation Street's opening & closing credits shows them  :-X, there used to be a small door for each back yard where the bin lived. The bin man walked down the backs, opened the door, removed the bin, emptied it & then replaced it.  The binners then used to have a leather shoulder protector. There again, there wasn't the packaging to put in the bin compared with now.
In Liverpool, and I'm sure Manchester, we had a hole in the back yard wall, with a metal frame, which the bin slotted into. Our bin men would park at the top of the jigger and walk up and down with heavy metal bins over their shoulders. In snow, wind, rain, the lot. Good, honest grafters who were, unfortunately, treated like shit for what they did.
In the days of almost full employment, binmen were definitely bottom of the ladder.

They didn't even moan when the bin was filled with concrete and builders rubble. ;) ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Steve B on 14 August 2015, 17:16:48
In Leicester We just Fly Tip the lot over the Northampton Border  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: LFF64 on 14 August 2015, 17:28:25
I don't understand why they make getting rid of rubbish so difficult to be honest the local tips are really fussy Swmbo has a fiat fiorino it's the combi so looks part van but actually has rear seats so it is the car version but every time we go to the top they question it as they say it is a van and they are not allowed unless you get the correct permit
No wonder people fly tip really surely it would be easier to let people get rid of rubbish easily  then they wouldn't have the cost of clear fly tipped rubbish
Get people on benefits out there sorting it and earn their benefits money
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Varche on 14 August 2015, 17:38:40
In Leicester We just Fly Tip the lot over the Northampton Border  ;D ;D ;D

seems reasonable ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 17:41:36
Bloke might have had a point if there was half an exhaust sticking out, but a) I tend to chop them up first, and b) the lid was closed ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: BazaJT on 14 August 2015, 18:09:36
Here we have a green bin for household waste,red/maroon for plastics and cardboard,brown for garden waste,a green box for paper and a blue box for glass,cans and small electrical appliances.If you use the local tip and go in a van you need a permit,but if you chopped the same items up so they'd fit in your car you'd be ok! :o
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Rods2 on 14 August 2015, 18:16:55
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me, anybody would think that they were meant to serve you where you were paying for the service. :P :P :P Oh err, you are. :-[ :-[ :-[

Personally, in this day and age I can't see why there can't be a default service provision and a website, where you can choose who empties your bin and how regularly with a refund if it is cheaper than the standard service provision and a surcharge if the service your require is more expensive. :y :y :y

It will never happen where this provides a flexible service, competition and choice all of which are belzebub to the public service mantra of one size fits all, and it's rare, expensive, provision, all normally delivered as a totally crap service and with the attitude 'be lucky for what you are getting' as you have no other choice, but that is monopolies for you. >:( >:( >:( >:(

Governments love them, but they are so bad, they quite rightly don't allow them with private businesses. :( :( :( :(

There are much better ways of delivering public services, but it makes those in charge unimportant and that would never do. :( :( :( :(
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: the alarming man on 14 August 2015, 18:37:13
Bin.???...whats one of those??...we have to buy black sacks for household rubbish..but must admit f they will take anything that is placed in a black sack!!
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: STEMO on 14 August 2015, 18:41:33
Bin.???...whats one of those??...we have to buy black sacks for household rubbish..but must admit f they will take anything that is placed in a black sack!!
How much per sack?
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: YZ250 on 14 August 2015, 18:51:06
At least the Refuse Collectors around our way have a sense of humour. They left a 'Refusal Notice' with reason for refusal as  'Too Heavy' ............ on a full Jumbo Bag of ballast left at the end of our drive in preparation for building work.  ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: the alarming man on 14 August 2015, 18:53:11
Bin.???...whats one of those??...we have to buy black sacks for household rubbish..but must admit f they will take anything that is placed in a black sack!!
How much per sack?

Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: STEMO on 14 August 2015, 18:56:00
Bin.???...whats one of those??...we have to buy black sacks for household rubbish..but must admit f they will take anything that is placed in a black sack!!
How much per sack?

A simple question. You have to buy them, how much. I take it that these are the black sacks with the council logo on them, not just black sacks bought from a shop?
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: ted_one on 14 August 2015, 18:58:26
Just another jobsworth,come the revolution....I'll be out with my shotgun and a decent chainsaw,will be filling up the bins with bits of our bin men...that should stop them driving over my grass and leaving frigging great ruts in it.they are the worst bin men we have ever had and leave more rubbish lying in the road than goes in the truck >:( I can wait!!
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: STEMO on 14 August 2015, 19:01:25
For the last two weeks, and without warning, our binmen have been a private company, not the council.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Kevin Wood on 14 August 2015, 19:31:53
Fortunately, our bin men can't be @rsed to lift the lid on the bin, so I get away with a multitude of sins. :-X
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: EMD on 14 August 2015, 19:39:45
The rag & bone man takes all our metal , including some stuff they dont ask for ..  ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: omegod on 14 August 2015, 20:40:29
Got rid of most of a peugeot 205 via my 3 bins once, cut up and covered with the correct rubbish. This was in the days when you had to pay to have scrap cars removed :)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Lazydocker on 14 August 2015, 21:39:46
Our bin men are superb... Never had a problem. Had half a dozen CRT monitors (several years ago) they took. Just last week I had a big box of cardboard out by the recycling bin... Asked them if it was ok and if they wanted me to throw it in for them. "No problem mate! And got his mate to give him a lift in with it :y

However, I'd happily have a discount on my rates and pay a private company to supply me with a larger wheely bin emptied once a fortnight that they will take anything and sort at their own depot :y
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 22:24:59
I did consider getting a Biffa bin and claiming the cost against my business... :D At least their collections are reliable and consistant...

The rag & bone man takes all our metal , including some stuff they dont ask for ...  ::)
Had one of the cheeky sods in an N reg Transit flareside ask if the 'old car' was for sale, £120 cash. got told in no uncertain terms that it wasn't >:(

Fortunately, our bin men can't be @rsed to lift the lid on the bin, so I get away with a multitude of sins. :-X
So do I normally... once upon a time, if you left an exhaust in the cans and plastics bin they wouldn't bat an eyelid, but I suspect the problem now is that it might break their £200,000 bin lorries ::) They still get all my discs and pads, whether they want them or not :-X
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 14 August 2015, 22:30:15
They still get all my discs and pads, whether they want them or not :-X

Tsk Tsk! You could recycle those....  ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: EMD on 14 August 2015, 22:36:11
Rag & Bone man wouldnt take a space saver wheel though , guess its something to do with the tyre still stuck to it  :-\ Its going in the local tip tomorrow as some numpty put it in the spare wheel well of the 2.6 and its a 4 stud  ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: 05omegav6 on 14 August 2015, 22:36:53
They still get all my discs and pads, whether they want them or not :-X

Tsk Tsk! You could recycle those....  ::)
I do... they go in with the milk cartons, beer bottles and spaghetti hoop tins... :P
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Gaffers on 15 August 2015, 07:06:24
Binmen are like Cyclists.  Some are good, some are bad.  But we only remember the bad ones ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 15 August 2015, 11:20:01
The rag & bone man takes all our metal , including some stuff they dont ask for ..  ::)

Do you mean your Omega? ::) ::) ::) ;)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: STEMO on 15 August 2015, 11:27:23
Binmen are like Cyclists.  Bastards the lot of them
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Gaffers on 15 August 2015, 11:50:53
Binmen are like Cyclists.  Bastards the lot of them
;D ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: tidla on 15 August 2015, 22:47:46
Block the road and whinge at everything.. ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: TheBoy on 16 August 2015, 09:23:00
And precisely why I don't recycle anything, everything of mine goes in the black. Including the old washing machine last weekend. They emptied the bin without a quibble, unlike our recycling bin, for having the wrong sort of card put in it.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: plym ian on 16 August 2015, 09:33:25
( (

this is what we do round here if they don't empty our bins ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: Lazydocker on 16 August 2015, 10:07:21
( (

this is what we do round here if they don't empty our bins ;D ;D

So does TB when he recycles :-X ::)
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: the alarming man on 16 August 2015, 10:57:00
Bin.???...whats one of those??...we have to buy black sacks for household rubbish..but must admit f they will take anything that is placed in a black sack!!
How much per sack?

A simple question. You have to buy them, how much. I take it that these are the black sacks with the council logo on them, not just black sacks bought from a shop?

no council logo bog standard asda specials...they do provide clear bags for recycling and a brown bag for garden waste but not for household rubbish
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: STEMO on 16 August 2015, 11:00:09
Ah.....I was going to say that it's a good idea to use payed-for recycling bags. In some parts of the country, the council sell you black bags for about 50p. The more you put out, the more you pay which, I think, is fair. They have to have the council logo, of course, of they won't be taken.

Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: TheBoy on 16 August 2015, 12:34:05
Our local tips, around 14yrs ago when we went to fortnightly collections, complained how busy they suddenly become.

No shit, Sherlock.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: TheBoy on 16 August 2015, 12:36:07
For bin liners (kitchen bin, that is), we rarely buy any, just use the non-stop pile of clothes collection bags that all the unheard of parasites charities are constantly ramming through my door.
Title: Re: Bloody bin men...
Post by: henryd on 17 August 2015, 12:54:20
( (

this is what we do round here if they don't empty our bins ;D ;D

So does TB when he recycles :-X ::)

16687  ::) ::) ;)