Omega Owners Forum

Omega Help Area => Omega General Help => Topic started by: Tricky Dicky on 03 March 2017, 20:06:07

Title: Water in A Pillar
Post by: Tricky Dicky on 03 March 2017, 20:06:07
Aaarrgghhhh !!!  Discovered a water leak in the car this morning - dripping from half way up A pillar on driver's side. Had a quick look after work : removed rubber bung and inserted my Aldi 'endoscope' to have a look - only a few bits of leaf litter and no water or dampness. Pushed a length of cable down sunroof drain at least a metre and half and felt no resistance until it came to a firm stop. Have had a look in General Help section but couldn't find a reason for where the blockage might be.... Any ideas as to where the sunroof drain channels and off-side scuttle drains out to..?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated !
Title: Re: Water in A Pillar
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 03 March 2017, 21:22:38
Back of the front wheel arch... try from underneath, might have pushed the tube off.
Title: Re: Water in A Pillar
Post by: Tricky Dicky on 04 March 2017, 19:33:39
Thanks for that Doctor Gollum - found the outlet, put a bowl under it, poured 1 litre of hot water through sunroof drain hole, retrieved 900ml of water in the bowl and had a warm damp A pillar. Must be a split in the drain pipe. Bugger.