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Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 March 2017, 00:14:40

Title: Feral kids
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 March 2017, 00:14:40
I had a run in with some nasty gobby teenage lads yesterday afternoon.  ::)

It started off with a friendly chat about an electric scooter that one of them had and he said it was £300, then his mate jumped in and said that he had one that cost £1000.  He then asked me how much my car cost, with a laugh I told him to mind his own business.  Immediately this kid of about 14 or so, turned nasty and started calling me a oppsing self-abuser. At that point I just shrugged said "You're a gobby little shite arn't you" and went back inside, where I could hear them talking about chucking a brick through my window.  ::)

Then I heard a noise at the window, and one of them had climbed up onto the window sill and was reaching in to grab the curtain, but he fell off!  ;D  So I went back outside told them to opps off and then got my phone out and went to take a photo of these kids.  The gobby one, as soon as he realised that I was going to take a photo, jumped behind a car and then got really angry, calling me a oppsing self-abuser, oppsing nonce etc etc and that he was going to get his Dad up to sort me out!  ::)  My reply to that was "Yes please do!  I'd love to tell him what a nasty, horrible, arrogant little prick you are! "  :D 

After that though I just stood in the doorway and waited for the little shit to run out of steam.  In the event I didn't get to take the photo, but he thought I had, and kept telling me to delete it as I wasn't allowed to take photos of kids, you're a oppsing self-abuser, oppsing nonce yada yada.  ::)  Now this happened at a rental property I have in South Wales, so I decided that there was no point in winding them up and escalating things, and went back inside as the house has already suffered some minor vandalism since it's been empty.  >:(  Later when I left, I found dogshit smeared on my car!  >:(

Initially, I thought I'd forget about it and ignore them and they'd get bored and go and annoy someone else, but I've decided to report the incident to the Police.  Mainly because no one should have to put up with that sort of abuse from anyone, especially kids, and also if something like the house gets broken into while I'm not there, the Police have had a report that I might have a problem there.  ::)

The point though of my long winded tale is, what are the legalities of taking photos of people/kids?  Although in the end I didn't take the photo because the gobby one was to quick for me, I had every intention of taking it.  If I had, could I have got on the wrong side of the law?  :-\  Judging by his reaction, I reckon he is well known to the local Police, which is why he went nuts!  ;D  My intention was that if anything does happen I could have gone to the Police showed them the photo and said that these kids had been causing trouble....

Makes me wish I could have turned the clock back to 1957 when I could have gone out and beat the shit out of the little bastard and everyone, including the Police would have clapped me on the back and said "Well done!"  ::)  Today though, these kids are untouchable and they bloody well know it!  ::) Little bastards!!  >:(

Sorry again for the long winded post, but I'll be interested to hear what you guys and girls think!  ::)  :)

Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: ozzycat on 11 March 2017, 00:26:25
ni sir tigger i think you can take pics of kids if they are up to no good and also record them
i may be wrong but the local bobbies will be able to put you right
it might be worth inveting  100quid or so on ctv thats not illeagle as long as you put a sighn in the window stating the fact
hope you keeping well speak to you soon kev :y :y :y :y
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Bigron on 11 March 2017, 00:58:51
My understanding is that anything in the public domain (not on private property, especially if an admission fee is charged) may be photographed with impunity, with the proviso that any such photos may not be used to defame or bring ridicule on that person - which is fair enough.
The police seem to be claiming immunity from this, but I doubt if that is legal - and I ain't gonna argue the point with them! Oh, and military/MOD establisments, obviously; I don't want to get shot at! :o

Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: X30XE on 11 March 2017, 01:22:52
My understanding is that anything in the public domain (not on private property, especially if an admission fee is charged) may be photographed with impunity, with the proviso that any such photos may not be used to defame or bring ridicule on that person - which is fair enough.
The police seem to be claiming immunity from this, but I doubt if that is legal - and I ain't gonna argue the point with them! Oh, and military/MOD establisments, obviously; I don't want to get shot at! :o


But technically speaking... all the little runt has to do is whip his knob out and you've made an indecent image of a minor.  Let's hope he's not that smart  ;D
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Bigron on 11 March 2017, 01:26:13
That would give you a target to aim at!

Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: JamesV6CDX on 11 March 2017, 01:44:57
My understanding is that anything in the public domain (not on private property, especially if an admission fee is charged) may be photographed with impunity, with the proviso that any such photos may not be used to defame or bring ridicule on that person - which is fair enough.
The police seem to be claiming immunity from this, but I doubt if that is legal - and I ain't gonna argue the point with them! Oh, and military/MOD establisments, obviously; I don't want to get shot at! :o


But technically speaking... all the little runt has to do is whip his knob out and you've made an indecent image of a minor.  Let's hope he's not that smart  ;D

The sad thing is, you're not too far wrong  ;D
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Ever Ready on 11 March 2017, 05:50:07
I blame the parents.

A case for birth control and no mistake.
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Lazydocker on 11 March 2017, 08:26:25
My understanding is that anything in the public domain (not on private property, especially if an admission fee is charged) may be photographed with impunity, with the proviso that any such photos may not be used to defame or bring ridicule on that person - which is fair enough.
The police seem to be claiming immunity from this, but I doubt if that is legal - and I ain't gonna argue the point with them! Oh, and military/MOD establisments, obviously; I don't want to get shot at! :o


But technically speaking... all the little runt has to do is whip his knob out and you've made an indecent image of a minor.  Let's hope he's not that smart  ;D

Doubt the zoom on Tigger's phone is good enough ;) :D
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: steve6367 on 11 March 2017, 08:44:15
I had a run in with some nasty gobby teenage lads yesterday afternoon.  ::)

It started off with a friendly chat about an electric scooter that one of them had and he said it was £300, then his mate jumped in and said that he had one that cost £1000.  He then asked me how much my car cost, with a laugh I told him to mind his own business.  Immediately this kid of about 14 or so, turned nasty and started calling me a oppsing self-abuser. At that point I just shrugged said "You're a gobby little shite arn't you" and went back inside, where I could hear them talking about chucking a brick through my window.  ::)

Then I heard a noise at the window, and one of them had climbed up onto the window sill and was reaching in to grab the curtain, but he fell off!  ;D  So I went back outside told them to opps off and then got my phone out and went to take a photo of these kids.  The gobby one, as soon as he realised that I was going to take a photo, jumped behind a car and then got really angry, calling me a oppsing self-abuser, oppsing nonce etc etc and that he was going to get his Dad up to sort me out!  ::)  My reply to that was "Yes please do!  I'd love to tell him what a nasty, horrible, arrogant little prick you are! "  :D 

After that though I just stood in the doorway and waited for the little shit to run out of steam.  In the event I didn't get to take the photo, but he thought I had, and kept telling me to delete it as I wasn't allowed to take photos of kids, you're a oppsing self-abuser, oppsing nonce yada yada.  ::)  Now this happened at a rental property I have in South Wales, so I decided that there was no point in winding them up and escalating things, and went back inside as the house has already suffered some minor vandalism since it's been empty.  >:(  Later when I left, I found dogshit smeared on my car!  >:(

Initially, I thought I'd forget about it and ignore them and they'd get bored and go and annoy someone else, but I've decided to report the incident to the Police.  Mainly because no one should have to put up with that sort of abuse from anyone, especially kids, and also if something like the house gets broken into while I'm not there, the Police have had a report that I might have a problem there.  ::)

The point though of my long winded tale is, what are the legalities of taking photos of people/kids?  Although in the end I didn't take the photo because the gobby one was to quick for me, I had every intention of taking it.  If I had, could I have got on the wrong side of the law?  :-\  Judging by his reaction, I reckon he is well known to the local Police, which is why he went nuts!  ;D  My intention was that if anything does happen I could have gone to the Police showed them the photo and said that these kids had been causing trouble....

Makes me wish I could have turned the clock back to 1957 when I could have gone out and beat the shit out of the little bastard and everyone, including the Police would have clapped me on the back and said "Well done!"  ::)  Today though, these kids are untouchable and they bloody well know it!  ::) Little bastards!!  >:(

Sorry again for the long winded post, but I'll be interested to hear what you guys and girls think!  ::)  :)

I work with children and there is certainly an element with the attitude you describe here. If you need to take photos, report the incident to the police and give them the photos and you will be fine. I wouldn't build up a archive of photos on your phone over months then produce them later. If there is someone else around when you take them even better  :y if your worried discuss with the local PCSO first.
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Kevin Wood on 11 March 2017, 08:59:25
This is what happens when you teach rights without responsibilities. ::)
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 11 March 2017, 09:04:01
I agree with the TB attitude to this. A mass cull of the useless little wasters and the parents who produced them, is badly needed.
We can then start again with many useless stupid laws abolished but common sense and decency instilled in everyone from a very early age, with heavy punishment for anyone who tries to start another chav generation. :)
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Bigron on 11 March 2017, 09:54:45
I wass a war baby, growing up in the East End of London and every adult then was an authority figure, so if we kids got up to any mischief (and we did!), we stopped and ran at the very approach of an adult, let alone a copper. If caught, we got a clip around the ear or somesuch; if we told dad, we would get another one because we deserved it - no thought of claiming legal retribution.

Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Terbs on 11 March 2017, 10:26:49
I wass a war baby, growing up in the East End of London and every adult then was an authority figure, so if we kids got up to any mischief (and we did!), we stopped and ran at the very approach of an adult, let alone a copper. If caught, we got a clip around the ear or somesuch; if we told dad, we would get another one because we deserved it - no thought of claiming legal retribution.


Two peas in a pod, you and me Ron. Your statement is spot on. Your parents expected you to be chastised by other adults if you were doing wrong. We never answered back (at least not in earshot) and, as you say, in trouble with the local bobby brought you twice the grief !!!!!! ;)
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 11 March 2017, 11:44:33
My sister is a teacher. Apparently it is no longer legal to give gobby kids a good hiding, which happened in my day.

We try to 'reason' with them she tells me. This is probably quite a good approach with 'reasonable kids' but it won't work with feral kids.
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: X30XE on 11 March 2017, 12:01:46
I wass a war baby, growing up in the East End of London and every adult then was an authority figure, so if we kids got up to any mischief (and we did!), we stopped and ran at the very approach of an adult, let alone a copper. If caught, we got a clip around the ear or somesuch; if we told dad, we would get another one because we deserved it - no thought of claiming legal retribution.


Two peas in a pod, you and me Ron. Your statement is spot on. Your parents expected you to be chastised by other adults if you were doing wrong. We never answered back (at least not in earshot) and, as you say, in trouble with the local bobby brought you twice the grief !!!!!! ;)

So basically what you're both admitting is that it's your generation of parents that haven't learnt how to raise children properly  ;)  *lights the blue touch paper and runs*  :D 
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Bigron on 11 March 2017, 12:26:49
I think you are due for a detention, X30XE - see me after class!  >:(

Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Terbs on 11 March 2017, 12:31:31
Yes, my lad, you may well run !!!!!
I brought my kids up in the same vein as myself. Difference was...when caught smoking at about 7 years old, my lad got a wallop, whereas his friend was 'sent upstairs to his bedroom to talk it over with Jesus' !!!!!!!!
The start of the tree hugging generation. >:(
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: X30XE on 11 March 2017, 12:50:52
I think you are due for a detention, X30XE - see me after class!  >:(


Now... I'm not the letigious type but... yeah... that did sound like sexual harassment to me  ;)  "Big ron" want's to "see me" after "class"  ;D

Yes, my lad, you may well run !!!!!
I brought my kids up in the same vein as myself. Difference was...when caught smoking at about 7 years old, my lad got a wallop, whereas his friend was 'sent upstairs to his bedroom to talk it over with Jesus' !!!!!!!!
The start of the tree hugging generation. >:(

Oh ffs...  ::)
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Bigron on 11 March 2017, 12:56:03
You are lucky it wasn't Big Winston making that offer!   :-*

Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 11 March 2017, 13:09:09
I wass a war baby, growing up in the East End of London and every adult then was an authority figure, so if we kids got up to any mischief (and we did!), we stopped and ran at the very approach of an adult, let alone a copper. If caught, we got a clip around the ear or somesuch; if we told dad, we would get another one because we deserved it - no thought of claiming legal retribution.


Two peas in a pod, you and me Ron. Your statement is spot on. Your parents expected you to be chastised by other adults if you were doing wrong. We never answered back (at least not in earshot) and, as you say, in trouble with the local bobby brought you twice the grief !!!!!! ;)

So basically what you're both admitting is that it's your generation of parents that haven't learnt how to raise children properly  ;)  *lights the blue touch paper and runs*  :D 
Not quite, it's the generation just after... those born to war children who had been raised with nothing and were then able to begin to provide for their children in ways that their parents would never imagine (or consider necessary...) toys and treats rather than company, guidance and discipline. Two generations and one child act later and the little shits that weren't allowed to be slapped into line as I was leaving school are now breeding to excess and couldn't give a flying monkey shit about anyone or thing but themselves and their sodding rights.

If I had had the presence of mind to castrate some of the shits that followed behind us at school, I would have. Trashing their dormitories at 2 am, followed by setting off the fire alarm at 4 am was far more fun...
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Terbs on 11 March 2017, 13:28:41
Can't you tell the good Doctor has never been a politician......he speaks wise words and the truth !!!!! :y
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Terbs on 11 March 2017, 13:34:01
I think you are due for a detention, X30XE - see me after class!  >:(


Now... I'm not the letigious type but... yeah... that did sound like sexual harassment to me  ;)  "Big ron" want's to "see me" after "class"  ;D

Yes, my lad, you may well run !!!!!
I brought my kids up in the same vein as myself. Difference was...when caught smoking at about 7 years old, my lad got a wallop, whereas his friend was 'sent upstairs to his bedroom to talk it over with Jesus' !!!!!!!!
The start of the tree hugging generation. >:(

Oh ffs...  ::)

Unfortunately, that highlighted statement caused more aggro in this house, as it then became a case of (in my lad's view) unfair treatment for the same offence, but worded from a 7 year old. And that statement rose its ugly head a few times further down the line. Our problem was that the other kid was the ringleader, and my lad was a 'follower'  >:(
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 March 2017, 15:52:14
Well I've called in and reported the incident and got a crime number.  :y

The lady said that she'll get someone from the local team to call me to discuss the incident further.  Hopefully I can convince them to show their faces a bit more along the street.  We'll see.....  :-\

I'll report back if there are any further developments!  ;)
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: steve6367 on 11 March 2017, 21:30:06
My sister is a teacher. Apparently it is no longer legal to give gobby kids a good hiding, which happened in my day.

We try to 'reason' with them she tells me. This is probably quite a good approach with 'reasonable kids' but it won't work with feral kids.

Its all about 'helping them to make good choices'   :P
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 12 March 2017, 10:17:15
I know what good choice I would give them. Behave yourself or you get a kick up the arse.  ;D
Title: Re: Feral kids
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 12 March 2017, 10:42:53
Well fair play to South Wales Police, they seem to be taking this very seriously.  :y

I got a phone call last night from a PC from the local nick and we had quite a long chat about the incident and other underlying issues on the street and they've promised to increase patrols especially in the evenings.  :y   We'll see....  :-\  ::)

I've also been reassured that there is no problem with taking photographs of people you think might be a threat to you or your property.  :y