Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Andy B on 17 March 2017, 22:28:53

Title: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Andy B on 17 March 2017, 22:28:53
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Mister Rog on 17 March 2017, 22:35:04

Linky no worky   ;)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Andy B on 17 March 2017, 22:49:31

Linky no worky   ;)

Sorry ..... on my phone. But it was a half wit that managed to electrocuted himself by having the mains extension lead on his chest while in the bath!
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Andy B on 17 March 2017, 22:51:09
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Andy B on 17 March 2017, 22:51:52
How's  that?
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 17 March 2017, 23:00:00
Now the authorities want to warn everyone about the dangers of having electricity next to water, even getting Apple to look into this case...........!!!! ::) ::)

How long have we had electricity in our homes?  How often is everyone warned during childhood and beyond  about the dangers of mixing electricity and water?!!!! I despair...... :-X
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 17 March 2017, 23:24:39
No news like old news... ::)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Andy B on 18 March 2017, 10:10:32
No news like old news... ::)

Indeed ...... only old news if I saw it in the first place   :P
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: redelitev6 on 18 March 2017, 12:26:17
 ??? Like the way the coroner is sending a report to apple ,WTF are they supposed to do ?
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Rods2 on 18 March 2017, 13:46:12
Obviously didn't take the hint where there are no mains sockets in the bathroom except maybe a shaver one which must have a built-in isolation transformer and light switches must be on pull cords.
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 18 March 2017, 13:49:01
Don't we know someone around here that regularly uses electronic devices whilst in the bath?  :-\                                               ::) :D ;D
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Rods2 on 18 March 2017, 14:35:06
Don't we know someone around here that regularly uses electronic devices whilst in the bath?  :-\                                               ::) :D ;D

I think he is quite safe, he hangs it from the bathroom mirror. ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: 2boxerdogs on 18 March 2017, 15:10:07
Saw this on the news yesterday, hard to believe that anybody doesn't realise the dangers horrible way to die.
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: BazaJT on 18 March 2017, 17:15:23
The mind really boggles at the sheer stupidity of some people :o and then it seems someone else gets the blame :D
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Nick W on 18 March 2017, 17:36:15
The mind really boggles at the sheer stupidity of some people :o and then it seems someone else gets the blame :D

It's not the stupid people that boggle the mind, but the ability to pass the buck.
In this case, he did something very stupid and it killed him. That means he won't do it(or anything worse) again, and the rest of the world can just move on. I'm quite surprised  that article doesn't use any of the usual wank-words(tragic, unfortunate, terrible accident, avoidable, he was a good family man who will be missed etc) in such cases
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: TD on 18 March 2017, 17:45:40
??? Like the way the coroner is sending a report to apple ,WTF are they supposed to do ?

Stick a big sticky sticker on the front of the phone covering it completely that wont come off, that says...

"Do not plug into the mains charger if you are in the bath/swimming pool/sea/river/lake/pond/puddle as you might electrocute yourself"

There, that should do  ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Nick W on 18 March 2017, 17:51:08
??? Like the way the coroner is sending a report to apple ,WTF are they supposed to do ?

Ask the purchaser if they understand how dangerous electricity can be. If they can't explain(a simple answer like it can hurt you would be enough), sell them a lollipop instead of the shiny thing.
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: X30XE on 18 March 2017, 18:06:42
Somewhat ignoring the point that it wasn't the charger that killed him. It was the extension lead. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good opportunity to mention a brand name.  ::)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: TD on 18 March 2017, 18:17:08
Somewhat ignoring the point that it wasn't the charger that killed him. It was the extension lead. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good opportunity to mention a brand name.  ::)

Seeing how there is mains leccy in the charger.....whos to know if water in the charger didn't kill him or the extension it could have been the charger as it was obviously plugged into the extension lead..... ;)

But either just effing dumb if you take an electrical device into the bath that's plugged into the mains..... ::)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Bigron on 18 March 2017, 18:23:35
It wasn't a phone thet he had but an essential (for him) piece of survival equipment - an endless tape loop saying "Breathe in; breathe out; breathe in; breathe out....." 

Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: X30XE on 18 March 2017, 18:24:52
Somewhat ignoring the point that it wasn't the charger that killed him. It was the extension lead. But let's not let facts get in the way of a good opportunity to mention a brand name.  ::)

Seeing how there is mains leccy in the charger.....whos to know if water in the charger didn't kill him or the extension it could have been the charger as it was obviously plugged into the extension lead..... ;)

But either just effing dumb if you take an electrical device into the bath that's plugged into the mains..... ::)

The mains side of the transformer is within two inches of the extension lead socket... if that's in the water the socket is not far behind and falling... Nothing to do with Apple.  Bit like saying John Doe was killed in a collision with a pink teddy bear... (which was strapped to the front of a bin lorry doing 50mph... but don't mention that.. it was all the teddy bear's doing)  ::)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: X30XE on 18 March 2017, 18:26:01
Jimmy Carr - "Falling asleep in the bath is very dangerous. I keep myself alert by continually making toast"    :)
Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Mister Rog on 18 March 2017, 18:51:19
Fact is we seem to have a generation or two that don't take responsibility for their own well being, they just trust pretty much any and all new technology with zero actual thought.

Zombies walking across roads with eyes down glued to phones

Zombies walking along pavement who expect others to get our of the way to avoid collision.

Total trust in SatNav and Google Maps

Actually, total trust in Google everything, Oh and Apple everything

Getting totally wasted on Friday & Saturday nights and expecting to be safe

The list could get extremely long !

People need to take responsibility for themselves and that's not happening

Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Bigron on 18 March 2017, 19:07:49
Spot on, Mister Rog. What ever happened to "With Rights comes Responsibility"?
You can't have one without the other.

Title: Re: One less for the gene pool ...m
Post by: Ever Ready on 19 March 2017, 09:09:00
Fact is we seem to have a generation or two that don't take responsibility for their own well being, they just trust pretty much any and all new technology with zero actual thought.

Zombies walking across roads with eyes down glued to phones

Zombies walking along pavement who expect others to get our of the way to avoid collision.

Total trust in SatNav and Google Maps

Actually, total trust in Google everything, Oh and Apple everything

Getting totally wasted on Friday & Saturday nights and expecting to be safe

The list could get extremely long !

People need to take responsibility for themselves and that's not happening

Well said that man. :y :y :y