Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: STEMO on 27 May 2017, 15:14:41

Title: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: STEMO on 27 May 2017, 15:14:41
The news is starting to get on my wick now.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 27 May 2017, 15:19:26
And mine. As mentioned earlier in another thread, this amount of publicity, for this long, isn't exactly going to discourage terrorists either.
Imo, its time to stop talking about what happened, an a 24/7 basis and start doing something about it. That's the part the politcians don't have the balls for though, so the attitude will be to talk about it until its all talked out, then carry on regardless until the next time.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: STEMO on 27 May 2017, 16:23:25
We never used to do this kind of thing, stiff upper lip and all that. You know what I'm going to blame, apart from 24 hour news, but it's media. Everyone has to be seen to be 'doing their bit'.
There's a cup final later today, welcome relief.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 27 May 2017, 16:29:54
We never used to do this kind of thing, stiff upper lip and all that. You know what I'm going to blame, apart from 24 hour news, but it's media. Everyone has to be seen to be 'doing their bit'.
There's a cup final later today, welcome relief.
You reckon...

Be at least another minutes silence, not to mention comments about security and think of those involved etc, etc...

All a bit much frankly, and must be costing a fortune  :-\
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lincs Robert on 27 May 2017, 16:37:47
Vigils also seem to happen now, never used to - did they?
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: STEMO on 27 May 2017, 16:39:07
Vigils also seem to happen now, never used to - did they?
All arranged on faceache.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Viral_Jim on 27 May 2017, 16:53:21
Yup. The full on choir singing Don't Talk Back You W@nker yesterday did it for me.  ::)

Not watched a news programme since. Take it it hasn't abated yet
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 27 May 2017, 18:32:48
Yup. The full on choir singing Don't Talk Back You W@nker yesterday did it for me.  ::)

Not watched a news programme since. Take it it hasn't abated yet
Nope... The BA hitch barely made the travel news :-X
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 27 May 2017, 18:42:52
Vigils also seem to happen now, never used to - did they?

They only really started with terrorist bombings, like the IRA ones of the past.  Before that we had WW2, and when any mass killing took place due to German bombing the Government tried not to let it be generally, nationally known, that it was due to the Germans.  Therefore vigils seem not to have taken place, although with the likes of the Coventry Blitz in 1940, the people lined the city streets when dignitaries, including Churchill, visited during the aftermath.  Many people also attended the mass funeral.

There is though evidence of Churchill's Cabinet being furious of the coverage given by the BBC of the attack, with criticism of the Government, and talk of "mass hysteria", " terror and neurosis" with many people "in a state of shock".  So, occasionally the "stiff upper lip, and attempts by the Government to keep everything under control, failed, in this instance thanks to the BBC!  But, this was not over "just 22" being killed, but a true mass killing of 568 people and the destruction of over 40,000 homes, with the heart of Coventry, including the Cathedral, taken out.

Another noteworthy example is the Woolworth's New Cross V2 attack in 1944 when 168 people were killed.  The Government covered up the connection with the V2, blaming it on a gas leak, so German intelligence gained no knowledge or satisfaction that one of their rockets had done so much damage. British intelligence was at the time successfully persuading the Germans that their V2's, and previously, V1's were falling to the North of London, so they would adjust their targeting and end up dropping their rockets to the South of London.  This ploy proved to be very successful in the main.

So, the lesson to be learnt is that in the past there were completely different reasons for mass killings; a World War when secrecy was vital, and the authorities tried to keep everything "nasty" out of the public domain.  Today, with mass media that is no longer possible and, I suggest, with modern generations the death of 22, even one by a terrorist, out of a true "war" situation is absolutely shocking, when with previous generations they had been so used to hearing about thousands being killed, in the case of WWI, 20,000 in one day, that they had been case hardened to take such losses under their belt and keep a stiff upper lip. Therefore how people react now cannot be compared with yesteryear. The times and people were very different. ;)
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lincs Robert on 27 May 2017, 18:48:06
Yup. The full on choir singing Don't Talk Back You W@nker yesterday did it for me.  ::)

Not watched a news programme since. Take it it hasn't abated yet
Nope... The BA hitch barely made the travel news :-X

Neither did 29 Coptic christians being killed in Egypt ..
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 27 May 2017, 19:24:01
I rest my case :'(
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: ronnyd on 27 May 2017, 20:20:29
Unfortunately it also seems to give the act that was playing at the time a bit of a career boost too. Both this latest one and also Bataclan. Hope the proceeds of these go to the victim funds.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Rods2 on 29 May 2017, 00:24:28
In WWI and WWII, people generally had much larger families, small lifespans and life was considered cheap compared to now. Snowflakes were a winter rather than society thing! ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 13:52:15
In WWI and WWII, people generally had much larger families, small lifespans and life was considered cheap compared to now. Snowflakes were a winter rather than society thing! ::) ::) ::)

That's what I meant, yesteryear is just that; people with very different experiences and expectations to those of today :y
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Viral_Jim on 29 May 2017, 14:18:52
In WWI and WWII, people generally had much larger families, small lifespans and life was considered cheap compared to now. Snowflakes were a winter rather than society thing! ::) ::) ::)

That's what I meant, yesteryear is just that; people with very different experiences and expectations to those of today :y

This is far more accurate than all this generation snowflake BS that's bandied about these days.

Bearing in mind that a lot of those using the term were so "triggered" in their youth by the very presence of people of a different skin colour that they had to create segregated "safe spaces" with "no dogs no blacks and no Irish". Not to mention marrying someone of a different race, I mean that's still enough to "trigger" a lot of the older generation today.  ;D
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 29 May 2017, 15:18:05
In WWI and WWII, people generally had much larger families, small lifespans and life was considered cheap compared to now. Snowflakes were a winter rather than society thing! ::) ::) ::)

That's what I meant, yesteryear is just that; people with very different experiences and expectations to those of today :y

This is far more accurate than all this generation snowflake BS that's bandied about these days.

Bearing in mind that a lot of those using the term were so "triggered" in their youth by the very presence of people of a different skin colour that they had to create segregated "safe spaces" with "no dogs no blacks and no Irish". Not to mention marrying someone of a different race, I mean that's still enough to "trigger" a lot of the older generation today.  ;D

All of this was wrong of course, but we have now gone so far in the other direction, its beyond ludicrous.
We allow people who hate us and our way of life to leave the country to take part in barbarism against Westerners and others and then return when they feel like it.
We allow gangs of grown men, to gang rape under age British girls, because they believe their value to be something less than a goat.
We allow parents to hack off their daughters sexual organs in case they may become promiscuous.
We allow fathers to dictate who their daughters will marry, even members of their own family, and murder them if they don't comply.
We allow a system of law and courts to operated outside of our own laws and courts with impunity.
We allow men to take more than one wife and have families with each wife, and pay them benefits for both wives and families, despite the fact that its illegal to live like this in the UK.
We allow men to force or brainwash their wives and daughters to cover themselves from head to toe, thereby removing their personality and ability to communicate.
For the most part, a blind eye is turned to this behaviour by the authorities. They are petrified of being politically incorrect. Petrified of people playing the race card as soon as they are challenged. They only condemn it or take the minimum of action when there is a scandal in the press, or an atrocity carried out.
Then the dust settles as something else hits the headlines, until the next scandal or atrocity, when the cycle repeats itself.
What happened a week ago should be a watershed moment. Things should change after this, and if anyone complains or moans - tough. That's the way its going to be, if you don't like it, live somewhere else.
We should welcome people of all faiths, colours, creeds, as long as they integrate and abide by British law and culture.
If they don't, and behave in the ways listed above, they shouldn't be here. No ifs, no buts, no excuses.
They should be locked up or deported in my opinion. If the law doesn't allow for it, change the law.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Bigron on 29 May 2017, 15:30:49
Nige, I'm in total agreement with you. I was born in the East End of London (Bow), too many years ago to reveal, and I don't think you could find a more varied ethnic mixture anywhere, but there was rarely the conflict that you get today.
Bethnal Green, near me, had Petticoat Lane as it's Sunday Market and the variety of stalls has yet to be equalled currently, plus the Jewish bakers' shop selling Motzas and Bagels (pronounced BIGELS)....sorry, I'm in danger of drowning in a sea of nostalgia - I'll stop!  :-[

Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 17:24:06
In WWI and WWII, people generally had much larger families, small lifespans and life was considered cheap compared to now. Snowflakes were a winter rather than society thing! ::) ::) ::)

That's what I meant, yesteryear is just that; people with very different experiences and expectations to those of today :y

This is far more accurate than all this generation snowflake BS that's bandied about these days.

Bearing in mind that a lot of those using the term were so "triggered" in their youth by the very presence of people of a different skin colour that they had to create segregated "safe spaces" with "no dogs no blacks and no Irish". Not to mention marrying someone of a different race, I mean that's still enough to "trigger" a lot of the older generation today.  ;D

All of this was wrong of course, but we have now gone so far in the other direction, its beyond ludicrous.
We allow people who hate us and our way of life to leave the country to take part in barbarism against Westerners and others and then return when they feel like it.
We allow gangs of grown men, to gang rape under age British girls, because they believe their value to be something less than a goat.
We allow parents to hack off their daughters sexual organs in case they may become promiscuous.
We allow fathers to dictate who their daughters will marry, even members of their own family, and murder them if they don't comply.
We allow a system of law and courts to operated outside of our own laws and courts with impunity.
We allow men to take more than one wife and have families with each wife, and pay them benefits for both wives and families, despite the fact that its illegal to live like this in the UK.
We allow men to force or brainwash their wives and daughters to cover themselves from head to toe, thereby removing their personality and ability to communicate.

For the most part, a blind eye is turned to this behaviour by the authorities. They are petrified of being politically incorrect. Petrified of people playing the race card as soon as they are challenged. They only condemn it or take the minimum of action when there is a scandal in the press, or an atrocity carried out.
Then the dust settles as something else hits the headlines, until the next scandal or atrocity, when the cycle repeats itself.
What happened a week ago should be a watershed moment. Things should change after this, and if anyone complains or moans - tough. That's the way its going to be, if you don't like it, live somewhere else.
We should welcome people of all faiths, colours, creeds, as long as they integrate and abide by British law and culture.
If they don't, and behave in the ways listed above, they shouldn't be here. No ifs, no buts, no excuses.
They should be locked up or deported in my opinion. If the law doesn't allow for it, change the law.

All this IS being tackled by the Police forces of this country, and I can say Kent Police in particular is organising greater liaison with all interested parties and agencies, including involvement from the Home Office who is behind a national drive against sexual exploitation, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and forced "cultural"  practices amoungst various immigrant cultures within our society. I have just attended a day's course with Kent Police involving a multi-agency approach to these issues so that UK Law can be enforced effectively.

However, it all relies of information being fed through to the police with reports and complaints being made.  But this is now being actively encouraged through community groups, posters, leaflets and advanced training for police officers and all those likely to come into contact with these issues.

If anyone on here knows of, or experiences, any of these alleged offences then they should report it to their local police on 101, or if the crime is in progress and a woman requires urgent assistance, dial 999.  In respect of forced marriage, and all the issues that go with that which are recognised to be crimes, The Cabinet Office of HM Government published a Multi-Agency Statutory Guidance document to tackle this in June 2014. Once more any women being so forced, bullied, blackmailed or assaulted should either get in touch with their local police force, or ring the dedicated national forced marriage line on 0207 008 0151.

So to say "For the most part, a blind eye is turned to this behaviour by the authorities." is wrong.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 17:43:42
Nige, I'm in total agreement with you. I was born in the East End of London (Bow), too many years ago to reveal, and I don't think you could find a more varied ethnic mixture anywhere, but there was rarely the conflict that you get today.
Bethnal Green, near me, had Petticoat Lane as it's Sunday Market and the variety of stalls has yet to be equalled currently, plus the Jewish bakers' shop selling Motzas and Bagels (pronounced BIGELS)....sorry, I'm in danger of drowning in a sea of nostalgia - I'll stop!  :-[


Really.  How about the ill will towards the Jews of East London which came to a head in 1936 with the Cable Street Riots as Oswald Mosley marched his black shirts into the area?

We should not forget either the Brixton Riots in the 1970s, then again in the 1980s, with many other areas affected :

Racial and cultural tensions have always been prevalent in London, if nowhere else.  The Great Fire of London in 1666 highlighted, in more ways than one, that fact with French, Catholics and Dutch residents being accused of starting the fire due to a simmering hatred of those races, with of course the English continually at war with those countries. Read this for more info:

Then you have the hatred shown not just between various races in England, but the ones involving religion; constant aggression, attacks, and killings between Catholics (yet again)and Protestants.

So you see "we" in this beautiful country of ours have often turned against "foreigners" in one way or another since the days of Boadicea!!

Therefore, let us all be aware of that and stop us being sucked into a firestorm of hate and violence because of prejudiced.

Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 29 May 2017, 17:56:19
In WWI and WWII, people generally had much larger families, small lifespans and life was considered cheap compared to now. Snowflakes were a winter rather than society thing! ::) ::) ::)

That's what I meant, yesteryear is just that; people with very different experiences and expectations to those of today :y

This is far more accurate than all this generation snowflake BS that's bandied about these days.

Bearing in mind that a lot of those using the term were so "triggered" in their youth by the very presence of people of a different skin colour that they had to create segregated "safe spaces" with "no dogs no blacks and no Irish". Not to mention marrying someone of a different race, I mean that's still enough to "trigger" a lot of the older generation today.  ;D

All of this was wrong of course, but we have now gone so far in the other direction, its beyond ludicrous.
We allow people who hate us and our way of life to leave the country to take part in barbarism against Westerners and others and then return when they feel like it.
We allow gangs of grown men, to gang rape under age British girls, because they believe their value to be something less than a goat.
We allow parents to hack off their daughters sexual organs in case they may become promiscuous.
We allow fathers to dictate who their daughters will marry, even members of their own family, and murder them if they don't comply.
We allow a system of law and courts to operated outside of our own laws and courts with impunity.
We allow men to take more than one wife and have families with each wife, and pay them benefits for both wives and families, despite the fact that its illegal to live like this in the UK.
We allow men to force or brainwash their wives and daughters to cover themselves from head to toe, thereby removing their personality and ability to communicate.

For the most part, a blind eye is turned to this behaviour by the authorities. They are petrified of being politically incorrect. Petrified of people playing the race card as soon as they are challenged. They only condemn it or take the minimum of action when there is a scandal in the press, or an atrocity carried out.
Then the dust settles as something else hits the headlines, until the next scandal or atrocity, when the cycle repeats itself.
What happened a week ago should be a watershed moment. Things should change after this, and if anyone complains or moans - tough. That's the way its going to be, if you don't like it, live somewhere else.
We should welcome people of all faiths, colours, creeds, as long as they integrate and abide by British law and culture.
If they don't, and behave in the ways listed above, they shouldn't be here. No ifs, no buts, no excuses.
They should be locked up or deported in my opinion. If the law doesn't allow for it, change the law.

All this IS being tackled by the Police forces of this country, and I can say Kent Police in particular is organising greater liaison with all interested parties and agencies, including involvement from the Home Office who is behind a national drive against sexual exploitation, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and forced "cultural"  practices amoungst various immigrant cultures within our society. I have just attended a day's course with Kent Police involving a multi-agency approach to these issues so that UK Law can be enforced effectively.

However, it all relies of information being fed through to the police with reports and complaints being made.  But this is now being actively encouraged through community groups, posters, leaflets and advanced training for police officers and all those likely to come into contact with these issues.

If anyone on here knows of, or experiences, any of these alleged offences then they should report it to their local police on 101, or if the crime is in progress and a woman requires urgent assistance, dial 999.  In respect of forced marriage, and all the issues that go with that which are recognised to be crimes, The Cabinet Office of HM Government published a Multi-Agency Statutory Guidance document to tackle this in June 2014. Once more any women being so forced, bullied, blackmailed or assaulted should either get in touch with their local police force, or ring the dedicated national forced marriage line on 0207 008 0151.

So to say "For the most part, a blind eye is turned to this behaviour by the authorities." is wrong.
No it isn't. At least not in any meaningful way. It has been going on for decades, on quite a large scale, with very little action by anyone in authority. The groups or communities who practice it should be given notice that there will henceforth be zero tolerance of it, and no mercy shown when they are caught doing it. Cultural, religious or other excuses wont be taken notice of.
It should have been stopped long ago, but its not too late, if the authorities have the balls and moral fibre to tackle it head on.
There has, to my knowledge, never been a prosecution for FGM in this country. That proves my point I think.
All the authorities (including the police)  in Rotherham, and other parts of the country, knew exactly what was happeing and did absolutely nothing about it. That's how far we have sunk in this country. There are no words to cover it.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 18:01:19

Yes it is NOW, so forget about the past when it wasn't tackled but that cannot be changed.  We should be talking about today, and currently there is a big push, as I described, to tackle these issues.  The only thing the police need is for anyone affected to come forward, and not be scarred to do so. ;)
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 29 May 2017, 18:08:52
I believe it will be paying lip service, scratching the surface, window dressing - call it what you will. We don't have people running things in this country with the backbone to tackle it head on and put a stop to it. We haven't had anyone like that since Thatcher.
Don't base your view on what people say they intend to do. Base on it what they actually do and the results achieved.
Mark my words, nothing much will happen. They are all still paralysed by political correctness, diversity agendas, positive discrimination and all the other crap that is destroying British society.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 18:17:01
I believe it will be paying lip service, scratching the surface, window dressing - call it what you will. We don't have people running things in this country with the backbone to tackle it head on and put a stop to it. We haven't had anyone like that since Thatcher.
Don't base your view on what people say they intend to do. Base on it what they actually do and the results achieved.
Mark my words, nothing much will happen. They are all still paralysed by political correctness, diversity agendas, positive discrimination and all the other crap that is destroying British society.

You must have faith, especially when you are in on a day's training with police officers of all ranks down from ACC, with the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner, and representatives from many agencies and partners in fighting crime, including the Home Office, giving presentations on what MUST happen, and the results to be monitored closely by all.  Time and resources are VERY precious now, so to "waste a day" on these issues as you are implying is stretching the "authorities do nothing" theory. ;)
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: STEMO on 29 May 2017, 18:20:52
I'm telling you from experience, social services and the police are overwhelmed and, unless there is 100% proof or someone willing to make a statement, then their hands are tied. They do not have the resources to investigate the hundreds of suspicions which are raised every year in one city.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 18:37:38
I'm telling you from experience, social services and the police are overwhelmed and, unless there is 100% proof or someone willing to make a statement, then their hands are tied. They do not have the resources to investigate the hundreds of suspicions which are raised every year in one city.

Once again, past experience is being quoted not the future.

Police are overwhelmed?  Well no, not on this issue because at the moment too few women being affected by these crimes are coming forward to even investigate.  This new incentive is hoping to resolve that issue. However, any negativity coming from any direction like "the Police will do nothing so no good you complaining" does not help those affected.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: STEMO on 29 May 2017, 18:43:10
I'm telling you from experience, social services and the police are overwhelmed and, unless there is 100% proof or someone willing to make a statement, then their hands are tied. They do not have the resources to investigate the hundreds of suspicions which are raised every year in one city.

Once again, past experience is being quoted not the future.

Police are overwhelmed?  Well no, not on this issue because at the moment too few women being affected by these crimes are coming forward to even investigate.  This new incentive is hoping to resolve that issue. However, any negativity coming from any direction like "the Police will do nothing so no good you complaining" does not help those affected.
No one mentioned past. As usual, you are on your high horse spouting shite. That is my last word as I cannot say any more.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 18:50:23
I'm telling you from experience, social services and the police are overwhelmed and, unless there is 100% proof or someone willing to make a statement, then their hands are tied. They do not have the resources to investigate the hundreds of suspicions which are raised every year in one city.

Once again, past experience is being quoted not the future.

Police are overwhelmed?  Well no, not on this issue because at the moment too few women being affected by these crimes are coming forward to even investigate.  This new incentive is hoping to resolve that issue. However, any negativity coming from any direction like "the Police will do nothing so no good you complaining" does not help those affected.
No one mentioned past. As usual, you are on your high horse spouting shite. That is my last word as I cannot say any more.

So "experience" is not gained during the past?

As for "you are on your high horse spouting shite." it tells me that you have lost the argument and now issuing insults yet again! I am talking as someone in the know, and not on a "high horse" whatever that may mean, but I recognise you cannot accept that.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Varche on 29 May 2017, 18:51:34
You missed modern day slavery. Official estimates are 10,000.

Maybe pay for the officials involved tackling these crimes by more aggressive asset grabbing.
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 29 May 2017, 18:55:52
You missed modern day slavery. Official estimates are 10,000.

Maybe pay for the officials involved tackling these crimes by more aggressive asset grabbing.

Yep, certainly another major injustice. Not part of this new initiative, but still being acted upon behind the scenes :y
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 29 May 2017, 19:04:15
You missed modern day slavery. Official estimates are 10,000.

Maybe pay for the officials involved tackling these crimes by more aggressive asset grabbing cutting the ludicrous foreign aid budget. :y
Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: TheBoy on 30 May 2017, 17:33:53
FFS, yet another vigil. I mean, FFS.

Get over it, move on.

Title: Re: The Princess Diana syndrome is alive and well
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 30 May 2017, 18:17:59
FFS, yet another vigil. I mean, FFS.

Get over it, move on.


Yes, it seems now to be non-stop!  It is starting to devalue the whole thing :(