Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: grifter on 23 January 2018, 07:25:27

Title: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: grifter on 23 January 2018, 07:25:27
Our Local Council just doesn't seem to be repairing potholes and if they do it's about the worst possible repair you could imagine, and it's only the very worst ones they "fix". Been reporting them dor ages now and they seem to be getting worse. Seems they also have a penchant for retarring bits of roads that don't really need it.

I kniw there is some measurement that classifies a pothole, which i had heard was increased, so they could get away with deeper holes without repairing them, but there doesn't seem to be any standards they have to adhere to for road surface repair. I noticed now councils are using this really cheap way of resurfacing that involves sort of roughing up the old surface and laying this really thin layer on top, rather than removing old surface, relaying foundation and rollering a proper layer on top. Seems to lift off and break up after weeks. They done it on my folks road, there is tons of little stones and one of the workers actually admitted they let cars flatten it out rather than rolling it flat.

What if any are the standards councils must go by when maintaining roads?
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: alfie on 23 January 2018, 08:12:59
Broke front n/s spring last week, council deny's it was caused by THEIR pothole!
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: STEMO on 23 January 2018, 10:17:23
They must adhere to the standards set down by central government, as the NHS must adhere to waiting times and schools must adhere to class sizes, etc.
It ain’t gonna happen when there’s no money and there’s very little anyone can do about it.
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 January 2018, 10:23:19
30% base rate of income tax anyone?  ::)

Low taxes and shit services or high taxes and well funded services. That's the choice!  ;)
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: grifter on 23 January 2018, 10:40:44
Would say i'm paying well enough tax as it is 😄 other countries seem to provide proper public services with similar tax rates. Nearly 1/3 of my wages are gone on direct tax, that's before all taxes on food, fuel, insurance and the list goes on.
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: 2boxerdogs on 23 January 2018, 10:48:47
New ones appearing every day in Lincolnshire, just got in from walking the dog & spotted another one that's opening up, the trouble is none of them are repaired properly.
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Bigron on 23 January 2018, 10:54:08
30% base rate of income tax anyone?  ::)

Low taxes and shit services or high taxes and well funded services. That's the choice!  ;)

What about spending more than 10% of the motoring taxes collected on motoring benefits, such as road repairs?
When I am Minister of Transport in TB's Dicyatorship, I will put this right!  :y 8)

Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 January 2018, 11:07:49
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: aaronjb on 23 January 2018, 11:13:17
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)

I'm only 39 so that gets my vote!

I'll change my vote in August when I hit 40 and become old, of course  ;) :D
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Bigron on 23 January 2018, 11:16:54
You have missed my point, although I didn't clarify fuuly for fear of ranting too long!
In more detail: I am not advocating stealing funding from those areas that you outlined, but merely to have greater transparency in the allocation of funds. If all monies collected from motorists went back to them in the form of benefits, as the Road Fund Licence was originally created for until that Chuchill bloke stuffed us, then that would happen automatically.
Then, the government would have to raise revenue from elsewhere - the Base Rate increase, as you suggested?
I know that would be unpopular, but at least transparent. Tjhe present system allows the government, of whatever colour, to massage the figures and have a seemingly low Income Tax.

Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Bigron on 23 January 2018, 11:18:14
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)

I'm only 39 so that gets my vote!

I'll change my vote in August when I hit 40 and become old, of course  ;) :D

May you never get old and be in need of such care, Aaron.

Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Nick W on 23 January 2018, 11:23:56
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)

I thought we had already done that so that companies like Carillon could stash most of it away in numbered bank accounts a long way away?
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 January 2018, 11:42:12
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)

I'm only 39 so that gets my vote!

I'll change my vote in August when I hit 40 and become old, of course  ;) :D

May you never get old and be in need of such care, Aaron.


Yes only the good die young so they say, which is why Lord Opti and Uncle STEMO are farting dust!  ;D
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 January 2018, 11:44:11
Anyway,when Corbyn and McDonnell get in they plan to replace Council Tax with a Land Value Tax, which will in effect treble the amount we pay to our local councils.  I'm sure they will spend the money wisely!  :)
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Bigron on 23 January 2018, 11:57:18
I have a solution to the Corbyn problem: when TB comes into power, I'll have a word with him and suggest that he digs out a deep channel where Hadrian's Wall now stands, releasing scotchland and enabling it to be towed away up and away into the Actic region, waving a fond(?) farewell as it goes.....

Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: aaronjb on 23 January 2018, 13:01:59
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)

I'm only 39 so that gets my vote!

I'll change my vote in August when I hit 40 and become old, of course  ;) :D

May you never get old and be in need of such care, Aaron.


Yes only the good die young so they say, which is why Lord Opti and Uncle STEMO are farting dust!  ;D

If you ask my other half then, I will probably live to 1000 ;)
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 January 2018, 13:18:42
That 10% has to come from somewhere else though Ron.  Maybe we should abolish state funding for care for the elderly or cut back funding for cancer treatments so we can fix the potholes?  ;)

I'm only 39 so that gets my vote!

I'll change my vote in August when I hit 40 and become old, of course  ;) :D

May you never get old and be in need of such care, Aaron.


Yes only the good die young so they say, which is why Lord Opti and Uncle STEMO are farting dust!  ;D

If you ask my other half then, I will probably live to 1000 ;)

That's good, I was thinking that you were about to make an appearance in the Dead Person thread!   :-X  ;D
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: STEMO on 23 January 2018, 13:21:15
I was going to reply to Tiggers comment, but I have to go and hoover up this dust.
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Bigron on 23 January 2018, 13:28:49
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: ronnyd on 23 January 2018, 14:37:18
Drive through a small village called Hundon on the way over to see my dear old Mum (now 98). There are two parts of the main street that are not just potholes but where the surface has completely disintegrated along stretches of 20yds or so. Also various large potholes at random intervals for about a mile going out of the village. The surface has been made worse by shoddy attempts by the Suffolk County Council highways dept. to repair. It has been like this for the last 18 months or so now and i,m surprised that the residents are not up in arms, (or perhaps they are). I now stick to the main A143 now but will miss the scenic little detour i used to make, as the views over the Suffolk countryside are stunning around there. 8)
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 23 January 2018, 21:42:20
30% base rate of income tax anyone?  ::)

Low taxes and shit services or high taxes and well funded services. That's the choice!  ;)

High taxes into failing, inefficient socialist services = no economy or hope.
Title: Re: Responsibility of councils to fix potholes
Post by: Rods2 on 23 January 2018, 23:33:54
For every £1000 generated with UK GDP the government taxes, borrows and spends £401 of it very inefficiently and badly which gave them a budget in 2017-18 of £814,000,000,000. This budget has risen every year since 2002. With 32,080,000 in work this works out at an average tax of £25,374 per working person. Now our progressive tax system means that higher earns pay far more of their income as tax and get less free stuff, so the government makes a profit here on the basis that they can steal more of your income without you starving or sleeping on park benches. Conversely, the lower earners pay little of no tax and get more free stuff and are subsidized.

The top income tax rate of 45% (total minimum possible tax with extras is actually a minimum of 49.375% plus 20% VAT if you spend it on anything 39.5% is the most spending power left from your economic output at the highest tax levels, there are other ways like being an employee that make your spending power much less than this). 45% tax rate brings less revenue into the Chancellor than the 40% used to where it is the wrong side of the Laffer curve and the old 50% less still.

ALL areas of taxation (except possibly VAT and Council Tax) are now the wrong side of the Laffer curve, so virtually ANY tax rate you now increase will bring in less revenue which is why all UK political parties are looking for new ways to pluck more feathers from the goose. Liebour massively increased public spend and UK debt levels with virtually no increase in output from the public sector where the majority went on subsidies, more non-jobs, overmanning and increased public sector wages which is what the Unions with their positive feedback loop sponsoring them pays them to do and why Liebour governments normally fall when the money tree contains no more leaves or fruit. (