Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Viral_Jim on 05 March 2018, 18:44:45

Title: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Viral_Jim on 05 March 2018, 18:44:45
This one should be your area of expertise: (

Interested to see what Ms Weak n Wobbly does about it. My bet is fark n all.  ::)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 05 March 2018, 20:51:51
You can't beat a nice cup of polonium tea to keep warm in the cold weather!  ::)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Mister Rog on 05 March 2018, 22:53:40

There will be an investigation, the press will speculate like made. The story will die down. Some conclusion may be made. The Russians will stonewall and say "nyet", and nothing will happen. There ya go . . . .

Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Mister Rog on 05 March 2018, 23:20:22

There will be an investigation, the press will speculate like made. The story will die down. Some conclusion may be made. The Russians will stonewall and say "nyet", and nothing will happen. There ya go . . . .

Obviously "Mad" not "Made" . . . . . .
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Viral_Jim on 06 March 2018, 00:25:49

There will be an investigation, the press will speculate like made. The story will die down. Some conclusion may be made. The Russians will stonewall and say "nyet", and nothing will happen. There ya go . . . .

Yup. If only we were the “global power” like some in here believe, we’d be doing something about foreign Powers killing people on our streets. But we aren’t. So we’ll sit quietly by and take our medicine like good little islanders.

Sorry, that probably counts as talking down the UK  ::)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Rods2 on 06 March 2018, 01:48:13
Putin is a former FSB (KGB) Colonel and once a Soviet Checkist always a Checkist. Russia (Putin) has got much more aggressive over traitors over the last 10 years and generally deals with them in normal Checkist fashion very vindictive in what is known as Checkist 'wetwork'. What is much more alarming this has not only included Russian 'dissidents' but also UK citizens where they have helped and prospered from the 'dissidents' fraud/wealth creating activities that have p*ssed off Putin. The worry is that the UK government has the IMO unacceptable attitude it's about 'the money'. In other words as long as UK PLC and politicians are benefiting from massive corruption and money laundering through one of the global money laundering capitals of the world London they will turn a blind eye to it. Personally, I think this is very, very dangerous and could get out of hand and does the UK's global standing and corruption index no favours at all. :( :( :(

Putin is an aggressive bloodthirsty murdering tyrant who has been involved with the deaths of ~0.5m people in Chechnya, Syria and Ukraine. Appeasement, like with Stalin and Hitler only encourages him and also makes him bolder and more reckless where he is currently adding (for his own survival and ends) to global instability, which includes providing DPRK with their ICBM and nukes technology. >:( >:( >:( We have already had the major miscalculation and mass murder of innocent passengers with MH17, his future miscalculations, like Hitlers maybe much, much worse. >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: aaronjb on 06 March 2018, 08:23:30

There will be an investigation, the press will speculate like made. The story will die down. Some conclusion may be made. The Russians will stonewall and say "nyet", and nothing will happen. There ya go . . . .

Yup. If only we were the “global power” like some in here believe, we’d be doing something about foreign Powers killing people on our streets. But we aren’t. So we’ll sit quietly by and take our medicine like good little islanders.

Sorry, that probably counts as talking down the UK  ::)

We probably don't want anyone to look too closely into the times we've done the same thing...
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 06 March 2018, 10:20:28
Putin is a former FSB (KGB) Colonel and once a Soviet Checkist always a Checkist. Russia (Putin) has got much more aggressive over traitors over the last 10 years and generally deals with them in normal Checkist fashion very vindictive in what is known as Checkist 'wetwork'. What is much more alarming this has not only included Russian 'dissidents' but also UK citizens where they have helped and prospered from the 'dissidents' fraud/wealth creating activities that have p*ssed off Putin. The worry is that the UK government has the IMO unacceptable attitude it's about 'the money'. In other words as long as UK PLC and politicians are benefiting from massive corruption and money laundering through one of the global money laundering capitals of the world London they will turn a blind eye to it. Personally, I think this is very, very dangerous and could get out of hand and does the UK's global standing and corruption index no favours at all. :( :( :(

Putin is an aggressive bloodthirsty murdering tyrant who has been involved with the deaths of ~0.5m people in Chechnya, Syria and Ukraine. Appeasement, like with Stalin and Hitler only encourages him and also makes him bolder and more reckless where he is currently adding (for his own survival and ends) to global instability, which includes providing DPRK with their ICBM and nukes technology. >:( >:( >:( We have already had the major miscalculation and mass murder of innocent passengers with MH17, his future miscalculations, like Hitlers maybe much, much worse. >:( >:( >:(

I agree, as usual, with your great assessment of Putin, but he, on his actions to date is nothing like Hitler and will not make manic
miscalculations as he did, only very clever ones :y
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 March 2018, 10:39:18
Any one individual who can clearly and reliably manipulate the bulk of their population by whatever means that they feel appropriate and all for their personal gain, be that wealth or power, could never be described as manic...

Sure, Putins numbers are a fraction of Hitlers, but rest assured, as individuals they are fruit from the same tree...
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Varche on 06 March 2018, 12:46:22
Any one individual who can clearly and reliably manipulate the bulk of their population by whatever means that they feel appropriate and all for their personal gain, be that wealth or power, could never be described as manic...

Sure, Putins numbers are a fraction of Hitlers, but rest assured, as individuals they are fruit from the same tree...

Well that is a relief then.  :y
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 06 March 2018, 12:48:16
Any one individual who can clearly and reliably manipulate the bulk of their population by whatever means that they feel appropriate and all for their personal gain, be that wealth or power, could never be described as manic...

Sure, Putins numbers are a fraction of Hitlers, but rest assured, as individuals they are fruit from the same tree...

Hitler was manic as per the definition in his day to day actions : showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement and energy.
"a manic grin"
synonyms:   mad, insane, deranged, demented, maniacal, lunatic, crazed, wild, demonic, demoniacal, hysterical, raving, neurotic, unhinged, unbalanced

All accounts of Hitler generally including him ranting like a lunatic, and unsettling all around him.

The great Field Marshal Erwin Rommel once stated, Fraser.D Knight's Cross: A Life of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel HarperCollins (1994) p.382 that Hitler "was a lunatic, determined from sheer obstinacy on a course which would lead to the loss of the last German soldier and, one day, to the total destruction of Germany."     This was after Rommel had initially praised the man in 1934 after first meeting him.  During the days after Rommel's Afrika Korps defeat at El Alamein in November 1942 Rommel witnessed Hitler's erratic and delusional behavior, with decisions that defied logical military practice.  The usually very careful and measured Field Marshal was heard to shout out aloud (p.382) " The Fuhrer must be a complete lunatic"  This was a very bold, but highly dangerous statement, but it echoed what many wehrmacht Generals believed by then, with the wrong / manic decisions being made by Hitler over the Russian campaign and privately they admitted the war was lost, as revealed by historians research since WW2.  Many senior military commanders also witnessed Hitler's manic ranting and raving, but could say little without the very real risk of being shot. 

When Hitler's whole approach and ideology is taken into account, with his beliefs that whole sections of humanity should be eliminated, along with his wild fantasy on how Germany and the whole World should look, in the realms of ideology, architecture, and general way of life in a complete totalitarian state after war's end within the Third Reich, and after reading and watching much evidence of the reality of the overall situation it is clear Hitler was a madman, a lunatic, completely manic, who had a gift to hypnotize people into conforming to and delivering his wishes.  By April 1945 all those who had contact with Hitler in the Fuhrerbunker, Berlin would only confirm he was the lunatic to the end, and hundreds of thousands died, in addition to the 56 million up to that point, unnecessarily due to that. ;)   
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 March 2018, 13:16:16
If somebody backed Putin into a corner, then I very much doubt his reaction would be any different.

Thus far, he hasn't been cornered, and don't forget, he made himself President, so I doubt he would lose a seconds sleep over cleansing entire countries if his needs demanded it.

Incidentally, one of the futilities of war is that large numbers of people die needlessly. Also, I very much doubt that Hitlers suicide was out of guilt, he was cold and calculating to the end. Much like Putin...
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 06 March 2018, 13:38:18
Any one individual who can clearly and reliably manipulate the bulk of their population by whatever means that they feel appropriate and all for their personal gain, be that wealth or power, could never be described as manic...

Sure, Putins numbers are a fraction of Hitlers, but rest assured, as individuals they are fruit from the same tree...

Hitler was manic as per the definition in his day to day actions : showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement and energy.
"a manic grin"
synonyms:   mad, insane, deranged, demented, maniacal, lunatic, crazed, wild, demonic, demoniacal, hysterical, raving, neurotic, unhinged, unbalanced

All accounts of Hitler generally including him ranting like a lunatic, and unsettling all around him.

The great Field Marshal Erwin Rommel once stated, Fraser.D Knight's Cross: A Life of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel HarperCollins (1994) p.382 that Hitler "was a lunatic, determined from sheer obstinacy on a course which would lead to the loss of the last German soldier and, one day, to the total destruction of Germany."     This was after Rommel had initially praised the man in 1934 after first meeting him.  During the days after Rommel's Afrika Korps defeat at El Alamein in November 1942 Rommel witnessed Hitler's erratic and delusional behavior, with decisions that defied logical military practice.  The usually very careful and measured Field Marshal was heard to shout out aloud (p.382) " The Fuhrer must be a complete lunatic"  This was a very bold, but highly dangerous statement, but it echoed what many wehrmacht Generals believed by then, with the wrong / manic decisions being made by Hitler over the Russian campaign and privately they admitted the war was lost, as revealed by historians research since WW2.  Many senior military commanders also witnessed Hitler's manic ranting and raving, but could say little without the very real risk of being shot. 

When Hitler's whole approach and ideology is taken into account, with his beliefs that whole sections of humanity should be eliminated, along with his wild fantasy on how Germany and the whole World should look, in the realms of ideology, architecture, and general way of life in a complete totalitarian state after war's end within the Third Reich, and after reading and watching much evidence of the reality of the overall situation it is clear Hitler was a madman, a lunatic, completely manic, who had a gift to hypnotize people into conforming to and delivering his wishes.  By April 1945 all those who had contact with Hitler in the Fuhrerbunker, Berlin would only confirm he was the lunatic to the end, and hundreds of thousands died, in addition to the 56 million up to that point, unnecessarily due to that. ;)   

Some put his unbalanced mental state down to his vegetarianism. ;)

Seriously though, Hitler was a champion of animal rights which sits uncomfortably with his manic ranting hatred of the Jews.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 06 March 2018, 13:45:24
If somebody backed Putin into a corner, then I very much doubt his reaction would be any different.

Thus far, he hasn't been cornered, and don't forget, he made himself President, so I doubt he would lose a seconds sleep over cleansing entire countries if his needs demanded it.

Incidentally, one of the futilities of war is that large numbers of people die needlessly. Also, I very much doubt that Hitlers suicide was out of guilt, he was cold and calculating to the end. Much like Putin...

You are right DG, it was because he didn't want to fall into the hands of the Red Army and what they would do to him! ;)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: scimmy_man on 06 March 2018, 13:57:55
Any one individual who can clearly and reliably manipulate the bulk of their population by whatever means that they feel appropriate and all for their personal gain, be that wealth or power, could never be described as manic...

Sure, Putins numbers are a fraction of Hitlers, but rest assured, as individuals they are fruit from the same tree...


Some put his unbalanced mental state down to his vegetarianism. ;)

Seriously though, Hitler was a champion of animal rights which sits uncomfortably with his manic ranting hatred of the Jews.

one of the first things he did was ban foxhunting
even when a few of his main men were hunting /shooting people.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Varche on 06 March 2018, 14:01:52
So back to the present issue.

The UK would respond "robustly" to any evidence of Russian involvement in the collapse of former spy Sergei Skripal, Boris Johnson has said.

What some sanctions? Maybe not buy their vodka. ;D Better of course would be to boycott the World football cup and hold it elsewhere like on the beach on Majorca

Russia is already holding The Ukraine hostage with gas supplies.

Maybe Putin will sacrifice an agent . Swift death while trying to "resist" arrest. Sorry he/she did what they did, nowt to do with us.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 06 March 2018, 14:18:09
So back to the present issue.

The UK would respond "robustly" to any evidence of Russian involvement in the collapse of former spy Sergei Skripal, Boris Johnson has said.

What some sanctions? Maybe not buy their vodka. ;D Better of course would be to boycott the World football cup and hold it elsewhere like on the beach on Majorca

Russia is already holding The Ukraine hostage with gas supplies.

Maybe Putin will sacrifice an agent . Swift death while trying to "resist" arrest. Sorry he/she did what they did, nowt to do with us.

Yes, indeed.

Britain or the West as a whole cannot and will not do a thing about this.  We cannot even stop a war in Syria via the United Nations, as I have stated on many occasions, International Law, whatever that is, is completely toothless! ::) ::) >:(
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 March 2018, 14:34:57
A former President was once asked what he was afriad of...

He replied simply that as the most powerful person in the world, he had nothing to fear.

The statement of a rational person, or a power crazed loon... history will tell.

Meanwhile, blocking the money doesn't work and banning them from competition doesn't work either... that's to say that the IOC/FIFA etc would only overturn any restriction upon appeal.

Putin will continue to do whatever he wants regardless of opinion or posture.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Varche on 06 March 2018, 16:31:12
Here is a scenario

North Korea and the USA engage in missile exchange.  It doesn't go quite the way everyone thinks as the N Korea technology is bolstered by Russian know how. The USA retreats to lick its wounds.

Putin encroaches in Eastern Europe to take back the lands and more that it believes are or should be theirs. NATO prevaricates on a response but years of failing to meet 2% of GDP spending on armed forces by many of our good European neighbours means a limited response, especially as the USA has said they won't engage in the West after their Eastern bloody nose, and deciding to man a natural border say the Danube and let Putin have the rest. Russia becomes great again. The EU struggles with the humanitarian crisis of millions of refugees from the East of what was Europe.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 March 2018, 16:40:29
Wouldn't rule it out, but I would rather hope that this is but one possibility.

Anyone brave enough to take Putin out would need to do something pretty impressive and decisive in order to maintain support at home...  :-\
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 06 March 2018, 17:44:59
Here is a scenario

North Korea and the USA engage in missile exchange.  It doesn't go quite the way everyone thinks as the N Korea technology is bolstered by Russian know how. The USA retreats to lick its wounds.

Putin encroaches in Eastern Europe to take back the lands and more that it believes are or should be theirs. NATO prevaricates on a response but years of failing to meet 2% of GDP spending on armed forces by many of our good European neighbours means a limited response, especially as the USA has said they won't engage in the West after their Eastern bloody nose, and deciding to man a natural border say the Danube and let Putin have the rest. Russia becomes great again. The EU struggles with the humanitarian crisis of millions of refugees from the East of what was Europe.

There is a great dystopian novel in you, Mr Varche........ just waiting to get out. :D ;)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 06 March 2018, 18:38:20
North Korea and the USA engage in missile exchange. 

It seems more likely the USA and North Korea will be exchanging words rather than missiles in the near future!  :y
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: BazaJT on 06 March 2018, 19:14:23
All will be fine.The Russians have offered to co-operate with any investigation and according to some Russian geezer speaking from Moscow in an interview on Sky News earlier today Russia does not bump off those opposed to the regime and they weren't the ones responsible for dropping that other guy with polonium not long ago.So there you have we have their assurances that it wasn't them and they're being fitted up :-X
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Varche on 06 March 2018, 22:53:48
That is reassuring, back to my utopia  :y
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 07 March 2018, 13:02:40
All will be fine.The Russians have offered to co-operate with any investigation and according to some Russian geezer speaking from Moscow in an interview on Sky News earlier today Russia does not bump off those opposed to the regime and they weren't the ones responsible for dropping that other guy with polonium not long ago.So there you have we have their assurances that it wasn't them and they're being fitted up :-X

Yes, and even North Korea and South Korea are agreeing to talks together with an aim to de-escalate the nuclear threat with Kim Jong-un perhaps willing to dismantle his nuclear programme ::) ::) ::) ::)

Is it possible?  Has Kim Jong finally realised he is out of time and money, with China along with the USA on his case? ???

We can only hope! ;)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: aaronjb on 07 March 2018, 13:07:58
That is reassuring, back to my utopia  :y

A German friend of mine was telling me just yesterday how he expects either a nuclear or financial armageddon resulting in the complete collapse of western (capitalist) society within the next 10 years.. so don't get too comfortable in your utopia ;)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 07 March 2018, 15:44:43
That is reassuring, back to my utopia  :y

A German friend of mine was telling me just yesterday how he expects either a nuclear or financial armageddon resulting in the complete collapse of western (capitalist) society within the next 10 years.. so don't get too comfortable in your utopia ;)

They were saying that in the 1980's, and Marx was predicting the end of capitalism in the 19th century.

Churchill once said on capitalism: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the
inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

I cannot begin to foresee the future, but all I know is I have lived and worked successfully in a capitalist society, and rather like it with all it's failings.  Nothing else I believe will work, and so far that has proved true to date.

 ::) ::) ;D ;)
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Rods2 on 07 March 2018, 19:08:23
Putin is a former FSB (KGB) Colonel and once a Soviet Checkist always a Checkist. Russia (Putin) has got much more aggressive over traitors over the last 10 years and generally deals with them in normal Checkist fashion very vindictive in what is known as Checkist 'wetwork'. What is much more alarming this has not only included Russian 'dissidents' but also UK citizens where they have helped and prospered from the 'dissidents' fraud/wealth creating activities that have p*ssed off Putin. The worry is that the UK government has the IMO unacceptable attitude it's about 'the money'. In other words as long as UK PLC and politicians are benefiting from massive corruption and money laundering through one of the global money laundering capitals of the world London they will turn a blind eye to it. Personally, I think this is very, very dangerous and could get out of hand and does the UK's global standing and corruption index no favours at all. :( :( :(

Putin is an aggressive bloodthirsty murdering tyrant who has been involved with the deaths of ~0.5m people in Chechnya, Syria and Ukraine. Appeasement, like with Stalin and Hitler only encourages him and also makes him bolder and more reckless where he is currently adding (for his own survival and ends) to global instability, which includes providing DPRK with their ICBM and nukes technology. >:( >:( >:( We have already had the major miscalculation and mass murder of innocent passengers with MH17, his future miscalculations, like Hitlers maybe much, much worse. >:( >:( >:(

I agree, as usual, with your great assessment of Putin, but he, on his actions to date is nothing like Hitler and will not make manic
miscalculations as he did, only very clever ones :y

1. So what would call MH17 other than a major mistake, which they are still trying to blame every man and his dog for. :(

2. You don't call the direct Russian mercenary attack against US forces a few weeks ago reckless, where it broke the unwritten law where the two nuclear powers don't deliberately directly attack each other, because this creates the very real danger of escalation all the way to nuclear weapon. Fortunately, after the USAAF bombed the sh*t out of them during the attack and killed up to 200 of them and Assad's forces they broke off the attack and retreated. :y

3. Russian military aircraft every few months do very aggressive close passes within feet of USAAF aircraft, at some point there will probably be a miscalculation and accident. :(

4. Breaking sanctions and arming DPRK with ICBMs and nukes that can reach the USA is a very highly dangerous, IMO stupid, escalation of nuclear armed countries who in turn may well export them to Iran, who in turn may well export them to ISIS, Hezbollah, the Taliban etc. Remember the latest Russian exports to DPRK includes the capability for mobile launched ICBMs. >:( >:( >:(

5. Putin is cunning and vindictive, a tactical chancer and risk taker for any potential gains that come along (a big danger) to further his geopolitical agendas and he is strategically very poor, hence being bogged down and not achieving his targets in the Donbas Ukraine and the continuing distancing of Ukraine from Russia's orbit into the Wests.

Wars are often started as the result of miscalculations.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 07 March 2018, 20:44:09
In answer to some of the above Rod:

1.  It was a war situation and MH17 for some reason was allowed to fly above a battle zone when other airlines went around it. So it was a terrible accident that should never have transpired, but it did. Who was responsible? Probably Russia. But who can do what about that?

2. The 'Russian' mercenaries you mention are NOT recognised as being part of the Russian forces, and are disowned by President Putin.  Like British or American mercenaries working in war zones they are not adopted by their home countries and are disowned accordingly. So what is the difference, apart from the propaganda?

3. Russian aircraft regularly fly close to British and American aircraft over Britain, as do RAF and USAF aircraft, including spying drones fly close to Russian planes and over their terroritry. So, what is the difference apart from we are Westerners and will always be in favour of what our forces do, as indeed the Russians will favour their forces?

4. Yes that is all very worrying and dangerous, but what should the West do? The West invented the bloody nuclear weapons, so now we live with other nations acquiring them. Apart from the very war none of us can want, what does the West do?

5. Yes, Putin is always going to still be, under his clokes of a "new modern democratic Russian" ( those who believe that really are deluding themselves) a true Soviet KGB officer who believes in manipulation of the masses as Stalin did. Yes, he is very dangerous, but thank God not a Hitler; he is not a manic destroyer of people who will gamble and chance his way with thousands of tanks crossing national borders, with millions of ground troops, whilst World powers decide on what to do with no military back up.  No, the USA and the other NATO forces will react to stop any further terratorial advances by Putin towards the West. But, then we have to be prepared for war, and yes, in war as Hitler well proved, miscalculations will happen, and like the later Putin may well find his miscalculations fatal.

The coming years are going to be very testing for all.  Just pray to whatever God you believe in that we will be spared.  The end could be very quick, but we have been here before.
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Kevin Wood on 07 March 2018, 21:27:59
Well it has been confirmed that it was a "nerve agent" and it seems the Police officer who responded is among those it affected.

Nothing suspicious there, they've probably eaten something that disagreed with them.

I do wonder if it'll be brushed under the carpet and forgotten as easy as Litvinenko now. :-\
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Rods2 on 08 March 2018, 00:43:25
If somebody backed Putin into a corner, then I very much doubt his reaction would be any different.

Thus far, he hasn't been cornered, and don't forget, he made himself President, so I doubt he would lose a seconds sleep over cleansing entire countries if his needs demanded it.

Incidentally, one of the futilities of war is that large numbers of people die needlessly. Also, I very much doubt that Hitlers suicide was out of guilt, he was cold and calculating to the end. Much like Putin...

Putin likes to recount the story as a boy in the slums of St Petersburg when he used to chase after rats with sticks until he cornered one and it turned and launched itself at him so he ran away. This now translates into corner Putin and he will double down and esclate a sitution in a reinforced attempt to win. This is a very dangerous trait. :(
Title: Re: Paging Rods2 to General Discussion
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 08 March 2018, 11:49:57
If somebody backed Putin into a corner, then I very much doubt his reaction would be any different.

Thus far, he hasn't been cornered, and don't forget, he made himself President, so I doubt he would lose a seconds sleep over cleansing entire countries if his needs demanded it.

Incidentally, one of the futilities of war is that large numbers of people die needlessly. Also, I very much doubt that Hitlers suicide was out of guilt, he was cold and calculating to the end. Much like Putin...

Putin likes to recount the story as a boy in the slums of St Petersburg when he used to chase after rats with sticks until he cornered one and it turned and launched itself at him so he ran away. This now translates into corner Putin and he will double down and esclate a sitution in a reinforced attempt to win. This is a very dangerous trait. :(

That is very interesting Rod :y :y :y

It could explain a lot about Putin and what he has done to date and what he may do in future.  A dangerous trait indeed. :o