Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Gaffers on 01 July 2019, 15:49:00

Title: Time to move on
Post by: Gaffers on 01 July 2019, 15:49:00
I hardly post on here any more due to the tone of some of the subjects and the way there are discussed by some on here.  I am staying away from conflict for one reason or another and I have little time to devote to being a keyboard warrior these days.

I'll leave my account active for those who wish to PM me with their mobile numbers or other means by which one wishes to stay in touch.  I'll close it properly in a few days.  I am still open to curry night (hint hint) :D

I do not want a discussion on this or that reason for my going (such threads are debilitating) so admin please lock this thread as soon as you read it.  I'm not looking for anything, or looking to spark a discussion about this or that so any thread searching for such would be futile.

Good luck everyone, see you anon.
Title: Re: Time to move on
Post by: hotel21 on 03 July 2019, 21:40:04
Stay safe big fella.  Life is definitely too short.  Feel most free to pop n and comment as and when.

Bon chance, mon ami!