Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 19:36:04

Title: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 19:36:04
Can anyone explain what he just said and how it's going to work?  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: amba on 10 May 2020, 19:42:58
Total train crash !
Nobody thought this through and tomorrow will be chaos again
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Toledodude1973 on 10 May 2020, 19:48:34
total anti climax :-\
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 19:50:31
Well, I have to admit, I'm a bit confused. Who will go back to work tomorrow morning who wasn't at work already? Why can we go out in the sun on Wednesday, but not Monday and Tuesday? How can primary schools partially open on June 1st when so many teachers have nursery and years 2,3,4 and 5 aged children?
These are just a few questions, I have quite a few more.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 19:52:26
Wife's just also told me she has two staff with asthma and two who live with relatives who are shielding. That's four more can't come in.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Entwood on 10 May 2020, 19:53:51
Exactly what was needed to be said ... with all the mainstream media bleating about "how are we going to get out of this" .... and that idiot Starmer "demanding a road map" ... the answer is...

Very, Very slowly, some small steps at a time, and if the numbers start to rise, those steps will be reversed.

It is not down to the government to stop the spread of the disease... that is an impossibility .. it is down to every single person to actively takes steps to ensure their own safety.... and if you need telling that every 30 seconds you are either very thick, making a political staement, or simply stirring the shit for your own agenda.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 10 May 2020, 19:55:04
Yes, what did people expect?  ::)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: BazaJT on 10 May 2020, 19:58:04
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: on 10 May 2020, 20:03:14
exactly. its not boris's fault he didnt cause the virus but is trying to help us get through this. we are all taking notice of what we are supposed to be doing and not doing .90% of us anyway but im sure we all know of many people who dont seem to actually give a ***
dont those people realise that its them making it last longer  but they wont be the ones who end up getting sick. sods law !
i for one cannot visit any of my family and even my partner doesnt live with me yet so its hard but we are keeping to the rules.
at least we all have plenty of car time to get stuff done !
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 20:03:25
Exactly what was needed to be said ... with all the mainstream media bleating about "how are we going to get out of this" .... and that idiot Starmer "demanding a road map" ... the answer is...

Very, Very slowly, some small steps at a time, and if the numbers start to rise, those steps will be reversed.

It is not down to the government to stop the spread of the disease... that is an impossibility .. it is down to every single person to actively takes steps to ensure their own safety.... and if you need telling that every 30 seconds you are either very thick, making a political staement, or simply stirring the shit for your own agenda.
I agree totally.  But little children can't be held personally responsible for their own safety, so, unless the government come up with a set of rules which guarantee their safety, then how can schools open?
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Entwood on 10 May 2020, 20:13:22
Exactly what was needed to be said ... with all the mainstream media bleating about "how are we going to get out of this" .... and that idiot Starmer "demanding a road map" ... the answer is...

Very, Very slowly, some small steps at a time, and if the numbers start to rise, those steps will be reversed.

It is not down to the government to stop the spread of the disease... that is an impossibility .. it is down to every single person to actively takes steps to ensure their own safety.... and if you need telling that every 30 seconds you are either very thick, making a political staement, or simply stirring the shit for your own agenda.
I agree totally.  But little children can't be held personally responsible for their own safety, so, unless the government come up with a set of rules which guarantee their safety, then how can schools open?

Why ??

Every school is different, in size, layout and facilities.

Every school has a Head, a "Board of Governors", and a set of teachers.... it is THEY who should be setting the rules for within their own establishment ....

There are no "guarantees" in life .. let alone with a highly contagious virus .. so to demand "rules that guarantee safety" is more a political point than a reality

Of course, being stupid I forgot .. teachers unions are mostly labour controlled/left wing orientated .. so it is natural to blame a tory government for everything
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 20:16:24
Wife's just had a call from a nurse friend, who was quite concerned about the idea of opening primaries without addressing any of the five conditions the that the unions asked to be in place. She said "If a child vomits, the classroom must be evacuated for at least an hour and a specialist cleaning team be called". No one has been made aware of anything like this.
Boris is an irresponsible tosser who has been made to look inept by Nicola Sturgeon, and that's saying something.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 10 May 2020, 20:19:27
to quote the internet.......

Let children go back to school when it's safe enough for parliament to look like this 


Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 20:22:58
Exactly what was needed to be said ... with all the mainstream media bleating about "how are we going to get out of this" .... and that idiot Starmer "demanding a road map" ... the answer is...

Very, Very slowly, some small steps at a time, and if the numbers start to rise, those steps will be reversed.

It is not down to the government to stop the spread of the disease... that is an impossibility .. it is down to every single person to actively takes steps to ensure their own safety.... and if you need telling that every 30 seconds you are either very thick, making a political staement, or simply stirring the shit for your own agenda.
I agree totally.  But little children can't be held personally responsible for their own safety, so, unless the government come up with a set of rules which guarantee their safety, then how can schools open?

Why ??

Every school is different, in size, layout and facilities.

Every school has a Head, a "Board of Governors", and a set of teachers.... it is THEY who should be setting the rules for within their own establishment ....

There are no "guarantees" in life .. let alone with a highly contagious virus .. so to demand "rules that guarantee safety" is more a political point than a reality

Of course, being stupid I forgot .. teachers unions are mostly labour controlled/left wing orientated .. so it is natural to blame a tory government for everything
Glad you said you were stupid, saved me  ;D
You've been out of the system too long. Whoever sets the rules to ensure the safety of people within any setting are held responsible for any gaps in those rules. That's why the health and safety professionals set the rules, and only then can people who disregard those rules be held accountable.
Teachers, cooks, cleaners, etc. are not trained in how to deal with the current scenario, and it's not fair to ask them to make the rules on how it should work in schools.
Sorry for the lack of quotation marks and pauses for effect. I don't feel the need for them.  :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 20:26:04
to quote the internet.......

Let children go back to school when it's safe enough for parliament to look like this 

Brilliant, Dave, expect that to hit Boris' inbox tonight  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Varche on 10 May 2020, 20:31:14
The garden centre thing will feature endlessly tomorrow.

Rightly or wrongly folks hopes were raised , six weeks without plants and now more. Only another four weeks and the key twelve weeks for garden centres will be up. Bad time to be a garden centre.

Here is a thought. When someone dies from CV and can reasonably prove it was from going back to work that wasn’t as safe as the employer made out, will they be able to sue? In effect an industrial accident. Will there be a whole swathe of people who have had the bejabbers scared out of them that will claim they cannot work again?

We have had a similar situation in Spain although reversed. The left wing government wanted prudence and continuation of measures. The right wing opposition claim it is unecessary and business needs to be got going again.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: biggriffin on 10 May 2020, 20:33:31
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 20:35:36
The garden centre thing will feature endlessly tomorrow.

Rightly or wrongly folks hopes were raised , six weeks without plants and now more. Only another four weeks and the key twelve weeks for garden centres will be up. Bad time to be a garden centre.

Here is a thought. When someone dies from CV and can reasonably prove it was from going back to work that wasn’t as safe as the employer made out, will they be able to sue? In effect an industrial accident. Will there be a whole swathe of people who have had the bejabbers scared out of them that will claim they cannot work again?

We have had a similar situation in Spain although reversed. The left wing government wanted prudence and continuation of measures. The right wing opposition claim it is unecessary and business needs to be got going again.
It shouldn't be a fight between right and left, although some people who are set in their ways will see it this way. Our government should allow input from both sides of the house and, I believe, this has mainly been happening. Mistakes will be made, that's for sure, but obvious blunders should be culled before being put into practice.
As for law suits, can't see it really. The odd revenge murder, maybe  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Rangie on 10 May 2020, 20:39:44
We are just going to carry on as we have done since March 21st , we are quite capable of acting sensibly & responsibly to get through this . No mention of the idiots who were " partying in the parks" yesterday as far as I am concerned we have not all "pulled together" Get the army out & sort the idiots out.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Varche on 10 May 2020, 20:43:12
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Are they checking if you are uk national actually resident in UK.? UK passport, Spanish reg car? I expected the ruling about 14 day self quarantine for all arrivals. I think the government have been very lax there On self quarantine for weeks.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: biggriffin on 10 May 2020, 20:51:46
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Are they checking if you are uk national actually resident in UK.? UK passport, Spanish reg car? I expected the ruling about 14 day self quarantine for all arrivals. I think the government have been very lax there On self quarantine for weeks.

 Just going by what Mates have said who are still doing Euro-work. Fright is exempt from 14 day rule, is allowed free reign, on and off, whoosh gone, Produce still arriving from Spain, and rest of Europe, business as usual.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: on 10 May 2020, 20:52:48
We are just going to carry on as we have done since March 21st , we are quite capable of acting sensibly & responsibly to get through this . No mention of the idiots who were " partying in the parks" yesterday as far as I am concerned we have not all "pulled together" Get the army out & sort the idiots out.

absolutely !
its a pity that you cannot report offenders anonymously too as we most likely all know someone. the sooner everyone takes notice the sooner it will be over .
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 20:56:03
We were driving back from the park on VE Day late afternoon. Lots of streets were having parties, flags, bunting, tables of food and drink, music blaring, etc. Not a lot of social distancing going on.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 10 May 2020, 21:10:44
We are just going to carry on as we have done since March 21st , we are quite capable of acting sensibly & responsibly to get through this . No mention of the idiots who were " partying in the parks" yesterday as far as I am concerned we have not all "pulled together" Get the army out & sort the idiots out.

absolutely !
its a pity that you cannot report offenders anonymously too as we most likely all know someone. the sooner everyone takes notice the sooner it will be over .
You can report people breaking lock-down rules
it was on the TV a week or so ago,apparently 200,000 reports  ::)

if you know someone who will put you or your family etc at risk directly then it's worth considering "grassing"
(though technically anyone breaking social distance rules could potentially spread the virus and kill others ,including people you know o even love) 

but police are very busy   :(
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: LC0112G on 10 May 2020, 21:18:06
IMV people here have mis-understood the purpose of the lockdown. It is NOT about irradicating the virus - that is and always was impossible. It IS about controlling the rate of spread. They aren't talking about getting to a spread rate of zero. They're talking about keeping it less than 1 - in which case the number of people infected at any one time remains the same.

All the precautions were about avoiding the NHS being overrun with cases to the extent that it became impossible to save people who otherwise might have lived due to lack of capacity. That appears to have been achieved.

The next step is to "allow" the whole population to catch it in controlled numbers - again trying to avoid overloading the NHS - so that herd immunity is reached. Ultimatley that means that the majority of the population have to be exposed to it sooner or later. The vulnerable have already been told to self isolate for 12 weeks. I suspect that'll be extended by another 12 weeks. The "non-vulnerable" have to catch it in sufficient numbers for herd immunity to start working.

Just talked to my sister who works for a very large Pharma company. Their test for CV19 antibodies have now been approved by the NHS. However, so far there is not actually enough evidence one way or the other that presence of the antibodies actually proves immunity to future infections. The belief is that it does, but there is not enough evidence to state that with any certainty yet. If it doesn't then we either lock down for the rest of our lives, or go back to normal and just accept that a certain percentage are going to perish.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 21:18:40
There was a story in a Manchester newspaper, I read it in the Liverpool Echo, one of it's sister papers. Anyhow, it showed two young 'uns, male and female, laughing outside court, where they'd just been fined for holding a house party, telling the police to f**k of and various other misdemeanours. Unfortunately for the lady who reported it, twice, as it started up again after the first visit from the police, she was seen talking to an officer. They made no bones about the fact that they were going to "sort the bitch out".
I'm afraid I'd think twice and ask myself if it was worth it.

Sorry, this looks out of place, should have quoted.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 10 May 2020, 21:22:06
IMV people here have mis-understood the purpose of the lockdown. It is NOT about irradicating the virus - that is and always was impossible. It IS about controlling the rate of spread. They aren't talking about getting to a spread rate of zero. They're talking about keeping it less than 1 - in which case the number of people infected at any one time remains the same.

All the precautions were about avoiding the NHS being overrun with cases to the extent that it became impossible to save people who otherwise might have lived due to lack of capacity. That appears to have been achieved.

The next step is to "allow" the whole population to catch it in controlled numbers - again trying to avoid overloading the NHS - so that herd immunity is reached. Ultimatley that means that the majority of the population have to be exposed to it sooner or later. The vulnerable have already been told to self isolate for 12 weeks. I suspect that'll be extended by another 12 weeks. The "non-vulnerable" have to catch it in sufficient numbers for herd immunity to start working.

Just talked to my sister who works for a very large Pharma company. Their test for CV19 antibodies have now been approved by the NHS. However, so far there is not actually enough evidence one way or the other that presence of the antibodies actually proves immunity to future infections. The belief is that it does, but there is not enough evidence to state that with any certainty yet. If it doesn't then we either lock down for the rest of our lives, or go back to normal and just accept that a certain percentage are going to perish.
Yes, I think most people understand that. I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 10 May 2020, 22:02:58
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: LC0112G on 10 May 2020, 22:31:50
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

You don't understand. It is impossible to stop it spreading. Absolutley impossible. The approach that the Govt is taking is to try and control the rate of spreading, not to stop it spreading.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 10 May 2020, 22:43:18
I've been perusing Facebook, Twitter and watching the news this evening, and it seems that there are 3 types of people in this country at the moment.

Firstly there are those who expect the Government to organise every aspect of this down to the Nth degree and to be told exactly what to do in great detail.

Secondly there are those who seem to understand the risks and consequences, and are prepared to make their own decisions to suit their own circumstances using their common sense.

And then there are the third type who just don't give a toss....
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 May 2020, 22:43:44
Ambiguous......I'm none the wiser. :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 May 2020, 22:44:12
......which is often the way with me. :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 10 May 2020, 22:53:34
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least, could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 10 May 2020, 22:58:09
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least, could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

New Zealand have pretty much managed this and Australia also to a lesser extent.  :y
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: ronnyd on 10 May 2020, 22:59:09
We were driving back from the park on VE Day late afternoon. Lots of streets were having parties, flags, bunting, tables of food and drink, music blaring, etc. Not a lot of social distancing going on.
Took SWMBO for a quick spin in the wheelchair around our estate on Saturday and there were a few groups having small street gatherings. Must say that they were keeping a social distance between households and having a great time.  :y
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: LC0112G on 10 May 2020, 23:03:08
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

No-one believes that. Not the UN, the WHO or the Government.

It would have required stopping ALL international travel (including Ireland/Eire), locking out UK citizens, not allowing in medical supplies, food etc.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Entwood on 10 May 2020, 23:07:59
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least, could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

New Zealand have pretty much managed this and Australia also to a lesser extent.  :y

Nearest coasts to both are a few thousand miles ... ours is around 20  ... population of New Zealand .. around 5 million .. .. population of Australia .. 24 million  population of London alone ??   around 10 million ..

so lets continue to compare apples to water melons ... yup .. they are both edible fruits.... I think thats about it ..
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: LC0112G on 10 May 2020, 23:10:20
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least, could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

New Zealand have pretty much managed this and Australia also to a lesser extent.  :y

It's the southern hemispheres summer. Their 'flu' rates typically lag the northern hemisphere by 6 months or so.

NZ has had 1144 confirmed cases and 21 deaths.
AUS has had 6927 confirmed cases and 97 deaths.

So neither country "kept the virus from arriving on its shores". And in a years time their rates will be similar to the rest of the developed world.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 10 May 2020, 23:32:59
I guess, although I expect it to be confirmed in the next couple of days, that I won't be back to work until EasyJet start flying, which with a two week quarantine on 97% of their routes, won't be anytime soon.

So, as I cannot work from home, and have no work to do when I get there, I will almost certainly remain furloughed. Probably until June. Or beyond :-\
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 11 May 2020, 00:25:44
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

No-one believes that. Not the UN, the WHO or the Government.

It would have required stopping ALL international travel (including Ireland/Eire), locking out UK citizens, not allowing in medical supplies, food etc.

Why not ? Stop inward travel apart from Freight coming in. Cant see the problem. Returning UK citizens isolate for two weeks. Apparently they are going to have to do so soon so why not make them do it a couple of months earlier ?
Foreign lorry drivers either drop their trailers at the docks, or remain in their cabs while in the UK. Not saying it would have been 100% enforceable, but 90% is a hell of a lot better than 0%.
And yes, the Irish border should have been closed at the same time ,but it would have required ignoring the sensitive Republicans who would have screamed blue murder. Tough titty, peoples lives are at stake.
As for the difference in distance between Europe/UK and Australia / near neighbours. Its actually approx. 300 miles but the distance is irrelevant. If our Govt. enforced the law of the land on the south coast, then they could stop people from coming. The political will isn't there so it doesn't happen.
Australia actually had a problem about a decade ago of thousands of boat people travelling long distances across the sea to get to Australia.
They tried various means of stopping it and eventually announced that no more would be allowed entry and they would be held on an offshore island for however long it took to process their claims..
They stopped coming almost overnight. It was a very humane action, because so many of them perished trying to make it across the Indian Ocean to get there.
Predictably, the Grauniad had a fit of the vapours about the whole thing. Unfortunately almost all of the MSM in the UK is now deeply infested with the Grauniad mindset and it has infected the general population.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 May 2020, 01:31:35
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least, could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

New Zealand have pretty much managed this and Australia also to a lesser extent.  :y

Nearest coasts to both are a few thousand miles ... ours is around 20  ... population of New Zealand .. around 5 million .. .. population of Australia .. 24 million  population of London alone ??   around 10 million ..

so lets continue to compare apples to water melons ... yup .. they are both edible fruits.... I think thats about it ..

What's the distance from coasts got to do with it?  Haven't you heard of aeroplanes?  ???  Hold on... Didn't you used to work for the RAF?  :P  ;D

As to population size, I can't see what that has to do with anything either?  I bet that more people enter the UK on a daily basis than OZ/NZ combined.  So even more reason to close the borders!  ::)

Apparently, even now around 15,000 people a day are entering the UK from all over the world.  They don't face any sort of health checks or controls and are allowed to disperse off into the community.  The UK is the only country in the world not to have any sort of health checks for arrivals or Covid-19 related border controls and we have the second highest death rate.  ::)

Go figure....
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 May 2020, 01:40:07
I get the idea of quarantine for those arriving in the country by air,but what about those arriving by ferry/the tunnel or have I missed that they aren't operating non-trade services?

Ferries and shuttle are only allowing freight, and UK Nationals,  and persons with legitimate reasons to travel, being enforced on French side.

Unless they have a dinghy and a pair of oars. There have been fickin hundreds of them arriving this week.
Imo the quarantining  of arrivals is at least two months too late. GB is an island and in theory at least, could have kept the virus from arriving on its shores.

New Zealand have pretty much managed this and Australia also to a lesser extent.  :y

It's the southern hemispheres summer. Their 'flu' rates typically lag the northern hemisphere by 6 months or so.

NZ has had 1144 confirmed cases and 21 deaths.
AUS has had 6927 confirmed cases and 97 deaths.

So neither country "kept the virus from arriving on its shores". And in a years time their rates will be similar to the rest of the developed world.

No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Varche on 11 May 2020, 07:33:55
Could it be that the Oz / New Zealand thinking is by then a vaccine will be available?
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Marks DTM Calib on 11 May 2020, 09:05:01
I thought the message was pretty clear and sensible?

At the moment you can exercise more often but, under the same rules (only with members of your household and maintaining distancing to other), go back to work as and when its safe to do so.

Any further restriction lifting is based on R number
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Marks DTM Calib on 11 May 2020, 09:07:42
No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\

Their apparent success is down to the fat the population density is the square root of jack all.

You only need to look at the hot spots in the UK, they are the most densely populated areas with towers blocks and crammed in housing, an ideal transmission ground (it only takes a few idiots in such places and it moves easily, less densely populated and it has minimal impact)  :y
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Rangie on 11 May 2020, 09:08:29
I thought the message was pretty clear and sensible?

At the moment you can exercise more often but, under the same rules (only with members of your household and maintaining distancing to other), go back to work as and when its safe to do so.

Any further restriction lifting is based on R number

Exactly it was quite clear to me as well, but so many damn idiots out there can't understand basic advice & quite honestly we are better shot of them , so idiots go party 😁
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: jimbobmccoy on 11 May 2020, 09:35:48
The media got everyone’s hopes up last week with talk of creating social bubbles of 10 people. Opposition parties have pushed, bordered in demanded, an exit strategy, and in general, a lot of people seem to expect/want a detailed and committed plan with an end date. That’s understandable, it’s how the human brain has been conditioned to work, but the level of complete failure to accept how impossible this is to do, without breaking any such plan down the line, is beyond me.

What point is there giving concrete dates and making detailed plans when it could all change as we ease restrictions and see a change to the current situation of infections and deaths? At that point everyone would quickly jump to condemn the planning and say it was all wrong.

I am sure that there will be many eyes on Germany at the moment and that will be guiding decisions, but realistically, all that can be done is have rough plans or target dates, and if all is going well, take the small steps then, if not, push it back a little.

This is essentially what last nights speech detailed, and was not that confusing. There was no order to put yourself at risk to go back to work, rather, if you can, and it’s safe, do. If not, don’t.

Plans for schools returning and everything else will have detail added in coming weeks, as more is known and the situation develops, but why people are up in arms about something that hasn’t even happened, or even been said is going to happen, is beyond me. “May” and “if” does not mean definitely will.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 May 2020, 10:00:26
No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\

Their apparent success is down to the fat the population density is the square root of jack all.

You only need to look at the hot spots in the UK, they are the most densely populated areas with towers blocks and crammed in housing, an ideal transmission ground (it only takes a few idiots in such places and it moves easily, less densely populated and it has minimal impact)  :y

I think you'll find that the Aussies and Kiwis have their fair share of fatties!  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Entwood on 11 May 2020, 10:07:27
No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\

Their apparent success is down to the fat the population density is the square root of jack all.

You only need to look at the hot spots in the UK, they are the most densely populated areas with towers blocks and crammed in housing, an ideal transmission ground (it only takes a few idiots in such places and it moves easily, less densely populated and it has minimal impact)  :y

Sorry Mark, you'll be thrown out for that .. common sense, fact, and the CORRECT use of statistics is not allowed in this thread ...    :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 11 May 2020, 10:15:41
Just got back from my morning outing. Called in Asda for some diesel, and noticed that there was no queue for the shop. Went and had a look and the security guard has gone from the foyer and everyone was just being allowed in. Drove past two other supermarkets on the way home, Aldi and Lidl, no queues. So, either I just happened to visit when no one was shopping, or they've ditched the distancing.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 11 May 2020, 10:18:11
The media thinks it should be declaring policy, not the people in charge.

Ok WeeJimmy doesn't understand the use of the word 'Alert', but fundamentally, she's on the same page. Likewise the Welsh, who don't suddenly want to be infested by a load od diseased city folk.

Like it or not, Northern Ireland will generally do what the Republic does out of necessity due to a lack of physical border.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: LC0112G on 11 May 2020, 10:37:33
Why not ?

The first confirmed cases in the UK were on Jan 29th. Two Chinese tourists in York. I don't know when they arrived in the UK - anything up to 2 weeks prior to that is possible. The first known UK case was Feb 6th - a Briton returning from Singapore via France. The first known person to catch it within the UK was on Feb 28th. There are reports (don't know how reliable) that the French are re-analysing some deaths in December, and are detecting traces of CV19 in them. If that's true, then CV19 was already established in Europe before Christmas.

Stopping the spread of the virus in the UK would have required shutting the borders by late January - which would requires 20-20 hindsight. And you would need to keep the borders shut till the last case worldwide is diagnosed and cured/recovered/died, otherwise sooner or later someone will enter the UK who has an un-diagnosed case and start spreading it. That would mean keeping the borders shut for 12 months or more.

20-20 hindsight, and shutting down all travel for 12+ months. Yep - Impossible.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 11 May 2020, 10:42:47
Don't rule out the latter :-X
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 11 May 2020, 11:05:49
I see we have reached a reciprocal agreement with France this morning. So that's travellers from Ireland and France who won't have to isolate upon arrival. Anyone else?  ::)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 11 May 2020, 11:49:13
The borders will be reclosed by June :-X
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 11 May 2020, 13:30:13
Again , from the internet  ;D ................

"I think I’ve worked it out...

* 4 year olds can go to school, but university students who have paid for the tuition they haven’t had and the accommodation they aren’t living in, can’t go to university.

* A teacher can go to school with many 4 year olds that they are not related to, but can’t see one 4 year old that they are related to.

* You can sit in a park, but not tomorrow or Tuesday but by Wednesday that’ll be fine.

* You can meet one person from another household for a chat or to sunbathe, but not two people so if you know two people from another household you have to pick your favourite. Hopefully, you’re also their favourite person from your household or this could be awkward. But possibly you’re not. But as I can’t go closer than 2m to the one you choose anyway you wouldn’t think having the other one sat next to them would matter - unless two people would restrict your eyeline too much and prevent you from being alert.

* You can work all day with your colleagues, but you can’t sit in their garden for a chat after work.

* You can now do unlimited exercise when quite frankly just doing an hour a day feels like you are some kind of fitness guru. I can think of lots of things that I would like to be unlimited but exercise definitely isn’t one of them.

* You can drive to other destinations, although which destinations is unclear.

* The buses are still running past your house, but you shouldn’t get on one. We should just let empty buses drive around so bus drivers aren’t doing nothing.

* It will soon be time to quarantine people coming into the country by air... but not yet. It’s too soon. And not ever if you’re coming from France because... well, I don’t know why, actually. Because the French version of coronavirus wouldn’t come to the UK maybe.

* Our youngest children go back to school first because... they are notoriously good at not touching things they shouldn’t, maintain personal space at all times and never randomly lick you.

* We are somewhere in between 3.5 and 4.5 on a five point scale where 5 is all of the virus and 1 is none of the virus but 2,3 and 4 can be anything you’d like it to be really. Some of the virus? A bit of the virus? Just enough virus to see off those over 70s who were told to self isolate but now we’ve realised that they’ve done that a bit too well despite us offloading coronavirus patients into care homes and now we are claiming that was never said in the first place, even though it’s in writing in the stay at home guidance.

* The slogan isn’t stay at home any more, so we don’t have to stay at home. Except we do. Unless we can’t. In which case we should go out. But there will be fines if we break the rules. So don’t do that.

Don’t forget...

Stay alert... which Robert Jenrick has explained actually means Stay home as much as possible. Obviously.

Control the virus. Well, I can’t even control my dogs and I can actually see them. Plus I know a bit about dogs and very little about controlling viruses.

Save lives. Always preferable to not saving lives, I’d say, so I’ll try my best with that one, although hopefully I don’t need telling to do that. I know I’m bragging now but not NOT saving lives is something I do every day.

So there you are. If you’re the weirdo wanting unlimited exercise then enjoy. But not until Wednesday. Obviously."
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 11 May 2020, 14:38:00
Very good  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: jimbobmccoy on 11 May 2020, 15:25:45
A bit more detail/context

There’s been consultation across business groups to work out what ‘Covid secure’ looks like and I would expect that a lot of employers with returning workers will have been working to implement changes to try and keep as much safety as possible, however, it’s a moving target so I would expect things to evolve over the next weeks.

Schools have several weeks to prepare and consider how they will meet the aim of a partial opening - I would expect if they turn around and say they can’t deliver it and be Covid secure, they won’t open and it will be rethought.

Once they publish what Covid secure looks like this week then I’d imagine it’ll be pretty clear (to some people) what the picture looks like and the different possibilities of how this will play out for the rest of the year.

As a side note, it’s much easier to deliver online lessons to university students than a load of 5 year olds, and I’d expect by the time schools start to return there will be more contact allowed socially with family and small groups of friends.
I’d also say that the government is making policies around who you can and can’t see in the knowledge people will be liberal with how they follow it. I don’t expect there to be strong enforcement except for blatant flouting, and I would expect nothing more from the government - this way they have a defence if it blows up again - we told you just one person per household, but you didn’t listen, now look....
Common sense and assumption of personal risk and responsibility should still be a thing the public practices.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: amba on 11 May 2020, 15:28:34
Just about sums it up Dave...well should be running the show  :y
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: TheBoy on 11 May 2020, 17:31:51
Secondly there are those who seem to understand the risks and consequences, and are prepared to make their own decisions to suit their own circumstances using their common sense.
As I've been banging on for years, they are a minority now, long overtaken by the stupid.

That fact is born out by the disappointment for large numbers expecting a return to normallity, when its blatantly obvious what are new normality for at least the rest of 2020 will be.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: TheBoy on 11 May 2020, 17:33:44
No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\

Their apparent success is down to the fat the population density is the square root of jack all.

You only need to look at the hot spots in the UK, they are the most densely populated areas with towers blocks and crammed in housing, an ideal transmission ground (it only takes a few idiots in such places and it moves easily, less densely populated and it has minimal impact)  :y
The UK is monumentally overpopulated. There is a simple solution, but Lizzie Zoom thinks its a bit Adolf like.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 11 May 2020, 19:44:46
No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\

Their apparent success is down to the fat the population density is the square root of jack all.

You only need to look at the hot spots in the UK, they are the most densely populated areas with towers blocks and crammed in housing, an ideal transmission ground (it only takes a few idiots in such places and it moves easily, less densely populated and it has minimal impact)  :y
The UK is monumentally overpopulated. There is a simple solution, but Lizzie Zoom thinks its a bit Adolf like.

Ja Mein Fuhrer!  Wo ist dein Himmler? ??? ???

Das finale Resultat?

  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 11 May 2020, 19:54:23

Ja Mein Fuhrer!  Wo ist dein Himmler? ??? ???

Das finale Resultat?

  ;) ;)

das Meisterrennen der Omega-Fahrer Frau Lizzie  :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 11 May 2020, 21:11:54

Ja Mein Fuhrer!  Wo ist dein Himmler? ??? ???

Das finale Resultat?

  ;) ;)

das Meisterrennen der Omega-Fahrer Frau Lizzie  :)

Ja  Dave! :y

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Andy B on 11 May 2020, 22:47:40
Sprechen Sie English bitte!  :y
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 May 2020, 22:54:02
Ja! Ich bin Englander! :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 11 May 2020, 22:59:06
Wie komme ich am besten zum Bahnhof bitte?
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 11 May 2020, 23:04:12
Christus, geh nicht dorthin! Es ist unmöglich, soziale Distanz zu schaffen!  :o
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 11 May 2020, 23:09:23
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 12 May 2020, 00:54:57

Isolation noch zwei Wochen, das wird dich lehren   ::)

zu Hause bleiben,

den NHS schützen,

Leben retten

weil Boris sagte   ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: BazaJT on 12 May 2020, 07:39:48
You lot do realise we fought two world wars to stop this kind of language in these parts don't you? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 10:34:42
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

You don't understand. It is impossible to stop it spreading. Absolutley impossible. The approach that the Govt is taking is to try and control the rate of spreading, not to stop it spreading.
Actually, if EVERYONE stayed in their room, then it would die out completely within three weeks.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 12 May 2020, 10:51:07
You lot do realise we fought two world wars to stop this kind of language in these parts don't you? ;D ;D

Duly noted Sir  :)

 I will resume my cover as an English speaking manual worker  ;)

Not is not the time to break cover  :y

oooh Scheisse  :-[
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 12 May 2020, 11:02:56
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

You don't understand. It is impossible to stop it spreading. Absolutley impossible. The approach that the Govt is taking is to try and control the rate of spreading, not to stop it spreading.
Actually, if EVERYONE stayed in their room, then it would die out completely within three weeks.
I just let it go DG , whilst my statement was probably true in a purest setting , it's also true that there are idiots everywhere and stopping in for 3 days, let alone 3 weeks isn't going to happen until TB's cull the Chinese Virus has considerably reduced the idiots numbers .

but with more 5G uptake ,and Borris and the newspapers (I'm glad I can't read  :) )confusing everyone , i'm sure population reduction WILL go ahead as planned happen   :P

Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 12 May 2020, 11:06:33
You lot do realise we fought two world wars to stop this kind of language in these parts don't you? ;D ;D

Duly noted Sir  :)

 I will resume my cover as an English speaking manual worker  ;)

Not is not the time to break cover  :y

oooh Scheisse  :-[

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Ja...........sorry, Yes!  It is fun using German, but bloody hard work ranslating all that can be said!! :o :o :o

The serious side of it for me is just remember our English is based on the Germanic was spoken continually in British (German based) Royal households until 1917 when George V stopped it and renamed the Royal Family with the name "Windsor" from Saxe-Coburg & Gotha after the British public questioned their loyalty during the Great War and German bombers attacking London were named gotha's!

Also remember, but from the huge sacrifices and the resolve of British people just 80 years ago, we would all be speaking German now.  That would have led to our Island being heavily depopulated (!!! :'( :'( :'() , as TB touched on as a modern day answer to our challenges in 2020.

I will say no more! :-X :-X
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 12 May 2020, 11:15:22
Indeed , the German posts where just a bit of fun

we should be very grateful of all those who fought to save the British way of life .

I had to do German as part of my engineering diploma ,i hated it  :(

 I struggle with English most of the time ,let alone foreign languages  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 11:18:58
Latin is a dead language. First it killed the Romans, now it's killing me...  :D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: LC0112G on 12 May 2020, 11:24:30
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

You don't understand. It is impossible to stop it spreading. Absolutley impossible. The approach that the Govt is taking is to try and control the rate of spreading, not to stop it spreading.
Actually, if EVERYONE stayed in their room, then it would die out completely within three weeks.

Which is also impossible. You'd have to empty all the hospitals, turn all the power stations off, leave military/nuclear sites unguarded, no food, no water, no electricity, no TV, no Radio, for 3 weeks. And you'd have to do that World wide. And if just one person in 7+ billion fails to follow the rules....
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 12 May 2020, 11:29:49
Not "impossible" just unlikely
"monkeys with typewriters" and all that  ;D :D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 12 May 2020, 12:41:19
Latin is a dead language. First it killed the Romans, now it's killing me...  :D

 :D :D  Yes, that language is so annoying when a tablet or memorial in a church is written in it as many were when I want to research the story behind it. 

With my deep interest in history it would have been very useful to learn latin, but the schools I went to certainly did not teach it! ::) ::)

Mind you, I wish I had learnt German decades ago because, once again, it would have been very useful in my research, especially at uni, into one of my specialist areas of history. 8) 8) :D :D ;)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Varche on 12 May 2020, 13:24:20
Still time now Lizzie. Good way to exercise your brain.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 14:00:18
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

You don't understand. It is impossible to stop it spreading. Absolutley impossible. The approach that the Govt is taking is to try and control the rate of spreading, not to stop it spreading.
Actually, if EVERYONE stayed in their room, then it would die out completely within three weeks.

Which is also impossible. You'd have to empty all the hospitals, turn all the power stations off, leave military/nuclear sites unguarded, no food, no water, no electricity, no TV, no Radio, for 3 weeks. And you'd have to do that World wide. And if just one person in 7+ billion fails to follow the rules....
There won't be anyone else around...  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: ronnyd on 12 May 2020, 14:01:15
..... I also think a certain amount of people will move from the 'personal responsibility' stage to the 'self preservation' stage about now.
if each person "stays safe" they won't catch Chinese virus
can't infect people if you don't have it

it's still spreading ,so someone ,or many , are not staying safe

You don't understand. It is impossible to stop it spreading. Absolutley impossible. The approach that the Govt is taking is to try and control the rate of spreading, not to stop it spreading.
Actually, if EVERYONE stayed in their room, then it would die out completely within three weeks.
I just let it go DG , whilst my statement was probably true in a purest setting , it's also true that there are idiots everywhere and stopping in for 3 days, let alone 3 weeks isn't going to happen until TB's cull the Chinese Virus has considerably reduced the idiots numbers .

but with more 5G uptake ,and Borris and the newspapers (I'm glad I can't read  :) )confusing everyone , i'm sure population reduction WILL go ahead as planned happen   :P

Can't spell either.  :P ;D :y
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 12 May 2020, 16:00:43
I love Latin. I can speak it like a native.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 12 May 2020, 16:10:12
I love Latin. I can speak it like a native.
aveo audire eam Albs
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 19:12:06
I love Latin. I can speak it like a native.
aveo audire eam Albs
TB's motto...

Ego sum Dominus...
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 12 May 2020, 19:22:05
I love Latin. I can speak it like a native.
aveo audire eam Albs
TB's motto...

Ego sum Dominus...
Ooooo.....I do like a masterful man  :-*
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: TheBoy on 12 May 2020, 19:45:59
No it's not, it's late autumn....  ::)

OZ/NZ might not have stopped the virus, but I reckon they have been pretty successful in limiting the opportunity for infected people to enter their countries, which must have contributed to their low infection/death rates so far.

We will see what happens when they open up again.  :-\

Their apparent success is down to the fat the population density is the square root of jack all.

You only need to look at the hot spots in the UK, they are the most densely populated areas with towers blocks and crammed in housing, an ideal transmission ground (it only takes a few idiots in such places and it moves easily, less densely populated and it has minimal impact)  :y
The UK is monumentally overpopulated. There is a simple solution, but Lizzie Zoom thinks its a bit Adolf like.

Ja Mein Fuhrer!  Wo ist dein Himmler? ??? ???

Das finale Resultat?

  ;) ;)
Sorry, other than count to 10, and order milk, my German extends as far as what I gleaned from war films. ie, "Vor you, Tommy, ze vor is over"
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 12 May 2020, 19:50:06
This made me chuckle today.  :)

Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 21:04:06
The lefties must be frothing at that...  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 12 May 2020, 21:21:10
Not very clear instructions
a lot could go wrong  ::)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 22:17:07
Only if you forget to breathe out again...
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 12 May 2020, 22:21:57
Not very clear instructions on how to tie my shoelaces.
a lot will go wrong  ::)

FTFY Dave!  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 12 May 2020, 22:22:54
Not very clear instructions on how to tie my shoelaces.
a lot will go wrong  ::)

FTFY Dave!  ;D
Tying shoe laces is quite complicated.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 22:23:53
Not very clear instructions on how to tie my shoelaces.
a lot will go wrong  ::)

FTFY Dave!  ;D
Tying shoe laces is quite complicated.
It's alot easier if the person whose shoelaces are being tied is asleep :-X
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 12 May 2020, 22:24:49
Not very clear instructions on how to tie my shoelaces.
a lot will go wrong  ::)

FTFY Dave!  ;D
Tying shoe laces is quite complicated.
It's alot easier if the person whose shoelaces are being tied is asleep :-X
Yeah, but that's not a proper bow, just a knot.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 12 May 2020, 22:26:17
Net result is much the same...  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 12 May 2020, 22:33:03
Not very clear instructions on how to tie my shoelaces.
a lot will go wrong  ::)

FTFY Dave!  ;D

Tying someone else's shoe laces, whilst practising social distancing is quite complicated.

Good point Uncle STEMO, we need detailed instructions from the government!   >:(                                                       ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 12 May 2020, 22:34:32
Not very clear instructions on how to tie my shoelaces.
a lot will go wrong  ::)

FTFY Dave!  ;D

Tying someone else's shoe laces, whilst practising social distancing is quite complicated.

Good point Uncle STEMO, we need detailed instructions from the government!   >:(                                                       ;D
And a demonstration, I think. Boris on Gove would get the point across nicely.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 13 May 2020, 14:24:11
Hence i wear slip-on shoes  :)

with my Mum living 20 miles away now ,it was the only option

and YES , I've slipped on them many times  :-[
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 13 May 2020, 18:51:46
Still time now Lizzie. Good way to exercise your brain.

Well, yes Varche.  I did go to university late in life, so why not. :D ;)

I learnt French 30 years ago, but when I went to France and Belgium to WW1 battle sites I tried my new language in hotels and cafes.  In everycase the staff wanted to speak English......especially in Belgium!! ;D ;D ;D :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: STEMO on 13 May 2020, 19:00:25
Still time now Lizzie. Good way to exercise your brain.

Well, yes Varche.  I did go to university late in life, so why not. :D ;)

I learnt French 30 years ago, but when I went to France and Belgium to WW1 battle sites I tried my new language in hotels and cafes.  In everycase the staff wanted to speak English......especially in Belgium!! ;D ;D ;D :)
Did they roll their eyes a lot and mutter FFS ?  ;D
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 13 May 2020, 19:22:06
Still time now Lizzie. Good way to exercise your brain.

Well, yes Varche.  I did go to university late in life, so why not. :D ;)

I learnt French 30 years ago, but when I went to France and Belgium to WW1 battle sites I tried my new language in hotels and cafes.  In everycase the staff wanted to speak English......especially in Belgium!! ;D ;D ;D :)
Did they roll their eyes a lot and mutter FFS ?  ;D

Oh yes, plus they said something like "we [in Belgium] prefer to speak English",  whilst in France "We speak English here" ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 13 May 2020, 19:27:53
If French was my native language I would want to speak English too. Its a fickin horrible sounding language.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 13 May 2020, 19:30:27
If French was my native language I would want to speak English too. Its a fickin horrible sounding language.
Do you speak french and wear a disguise when driving CL-Eeyore ?
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 13 May 2020, 19:45:18
Don't you have some bricks to lay ?
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 13 May 2020, 19:59:05
Don't you have some bricks to lay ?
is that a YES  ;D

got some blocks to lay  :)

when i can get delivery  ;D

Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 13 May 2020, 21:03:49
Nice heavy 28nm variety I HOPE.
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: dave the builder on 13 May 2020, 21:18:33
Nice heavy 28nm variety I HOPE.
;D touche   :y
 just dense 7NM blocks  I don't build skyscrapers
i think 17.5 Nm is the densest i've seen

I don't know what they use in France  :-\
 I tend to get off the ferry, head straight  to "Eastenders" for the booze ,then blast up to Belgium for tobacco, and be back on the ferry as soon as possible  :)
Title: Re: Boris' (non) speech
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 13 May 2020, 23:24:03
Grrr. Used to use 28nm in certain applications for prestressed floors, if my memory serves. Its been a while though.