Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Doctor Gollum on 22 September 2020, 14:08:13

Title: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 22 September 2020, 14:08:13
2012 (


019 (

Time to roll the dice...
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 22 September 2020, 23:18:51
If only the Chinese had checked the use by date on the packet of Bat Soup.   :-\              Sigh....                      ::)                           :D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 23 September 2020, 14:31:43
Historians have identified over the decades that many, but not all, of the World's major pandemics originated in China or Asia generally:

So, yes Bat Flue is far from a new concept.

As with our current challenge, and at least a few others, pandemics start when man encroaches on the animal kingdom and does not take the necessary basic hygienic precautions, when mixing with wildlife.  Bats seem to have caused this pandemic and others in recent times as warned about by a Chinese Wuhan-based virologist Shi Zhengli.  She has connected SARS to the current pandemic:

Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 23 September 2020, 14:36:34
I wish you would read the links...

It was discovered during a study of 300 or so bats in...


I know the Chinese own most of the Caribbean, but that's a stretch to suggest that it is in Asia ;D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 23 September 2020, 14:51:11
I wish you would read the links...

It was discovered during a study of 300 or so bats in...


I know the Chinese own most of the Caribbean, but that's a stretch to suggest that it is in Asia ;D

If YOU read my link you would read:

"Shi’s team used the antibody test to narrow down the list of locations and bat species to pursue in the quest for genomic clues. After roaming mountainous terrain in most of China’s dozens of provinces, the researchers turned their attention to one spot: Shitou Cave, on the outskirts of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan, where they conducted intense sampling during different seasons over five consecutive years.

The efforts paid off. The pathogen hunters discovered hundreds of bat-borne coronaviruses with incredible genetic diversity. “The majority of them are harmless,” Shi says. But dozens belong to the same group as SARS. They can infect human lung cells in a petri dish and cause SARS-like diseases in mice.

In Shitou Cave—where painstaking scrutiny has yielded a natural genetic library of bat-borne viruses—the team discovered a coronavirus strain that came from horseshoe bats with a genomic sequence nearly 97 percent identical to the one found in civets in Guangdong. The finding concluded a decade-long search for the natural reservoir of the SARS coronavirus."

GUATEMALA, or the Caribbean has nothing to do with what the Chinese 'bat woman' has found in regards to COVID 19.  Bats in China and Asia is the most likely source of COVID, as now a large part of the scientific community acknowledge .   ;)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 23 September 2020, 15:41:56
Actually it does :-X

The clue is in the header.
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 23 September 2020, 16:50:59
Actually it does :-X

The clue is in the header.

No, if you are referring to the Daily Fail claim that in GUATEMALA researchers found  various types of FLUE virus in bats of the little yellow-shouldered species, which is a fruit eating variety common across Central and South America, it did not specifically find proof of a connection with COVID 19, although there was a "possible" risk to human health if the flue strains developed with contact with humans.  COVID has been however linked to the bats of China, were the pandemic started and must be considered as the real centre of the crisis ;).
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 23 September 2020, 17:12:06
You didn't read it then ::)

Besides, Covid19 is a type of Batflu, granted an allegedly weaponised form of Batflu, but Batflu nevertheless.

It was a discovery that had implications as whilst they were confident at the time that it couldn't directly be transferred to humans, they did think that it may be possible to enter the food chain. Eight years later, here we are.

You should learn to spell flu whilst you're at it... ::)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 23 September 2020, 17:46:11
You didn't read it then ::)

Besides, Covid19 is a type of Batflu, granted an allegedly weaponised form of Batflu, but Batflu nevertheless.

It was a discovery that had implications as whilst they were confident at the time that it couldn't directly be transferred to humans, they did think that it may be possible to enter the food chain. Eight years later, here we are.

You should learn to spell flu whilst you're at it... ::)

Yes, I did and obviously unlike you recognised that COVID was not mentioned in the contemporary 2012 publication and as I have stated just the various flu strains identified as just being a "possible" threat to humans, just like all plagues and diseases could be a threat to humans and have proved to be later. You have wrongly linked that article to COVID without evidence.

You mentioning Latin American countries and linking it o the current COVID 19 is plainly wrong.  It is the Chinese strain of "Bat Flu" that has mutated into COVID 19 and that is were it has originated from, no matter what was discovered in 2012, which like fleas spreading the Black Death on rats is now disputed as the complete, definitive, answer to that pandemic.

Many other scientific and medical factors come into play and far more able people than you and I, and certainly not journalists, will one day fully understand all of them.  One things for sure, we, the human race, has, as I stated, historically suffered from these pandemics and no doubt will continue to until we learn to properly live in our organic World or destroy ourselves. ;)

As for me misspelling flu, that is below the belt................if I faulted everyone on the OOF for grammatical and spelling errors when posting it would become very tedious. ::) ::) ;D ;D ;)

Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 September 2020, 17:48:36
I think you two should get a room.  :)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 23 September 2020, 17:50:28
I think you two should get a room.  :)

Do you know I think we would get on with each other as we both have strong opinions that we could discuss for hours / days / years!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 23 September 2020, 17:54:47
I think you two should get a room.  :)

Do you know I think we would get on with each other as we both have strong opinions that we could discuss for hours / days / years!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)

Maybe.  Or you'd beat the crap out of each other!  ;D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 23 September 2020, 18:08:30
You made the link...

I merely pointed out that Batflu was discovered in 2012.In Guatemala.

So pop that in your flue and smoke it ;D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 23 September 2020, 19:33:21
You made the link...

I merely pointed out that Batflu was discovered in 2012.In Guatemala.

So pop that in your flue and smoke it ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D Let’s call it a draw :-* :-* ;D ;D >:( ;)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: biggriffin on 24 September 2020, 21:47:42
Would that be related to the European bat, or the lesser known Artic bat. Monty python voice off. ;D ;D :D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 24 September 2020, 21:53:33
Excuse me, but your parrot is dead...
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: ronnyd on 24 September 2020, 22:35:20
He's not dead, he's resting.   :y
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: 78bex on 24 September 2020, 22:55:15
Booger the bog roll is disappearing fast again, nipped around to the Veg isle & it all looked pretty sparse. I wish these medical expert doom sayers would just can it for the sake of the rest of us  :P
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: biggriffin on 25 September 2020, 15:08:51
What have the Romans ever done for us.
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: ronnyd on 25 September 2020, 16:44:32
Booger the bog roll is disappearing fast again, nipped around to the Veg isle & it all looked pretty sparse. I wish these medical expert doom sayers would just can it for the sake of the rest of us  :P
Blame greedy and lazy store management, they surely have the power to put restrictions on the amount of any items that they see are running down.
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: dave the builder on 25 September 2020, 20:13:07
What have the Romans ever done for us.
well there's the roads
and wine
it used to be safe to walk the streets at night , not anymore obviously  ;D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: biggriffin on 25 September 2020, 20:49:05
What have the Romans ever done for us.
well there's the roads
and wine
it used to be safe to walk the streets at night , not anymore obviously  ;D

 I Blame the people front of juddiea, for the crime,  Nah the juddiean people's front of juddiea.
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: dave the builder on 25 September 2020, 20:50:37
What have the Romans ever done for us.
well there's the roads
and wine
it used to be safe to walk the streets at night , not anymore obviously  ;D

 I Blame the people front of juddiea, for the crime,  Nah the juddiean people's front of juddiea.
what about the popular peoples front  :-\
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Nick W on 25 September 2020, 20:54:59
Booger the bog roll is disappearing fast again, nipped around to the Veg isle & it all looked pretty sparse. I wish these medical expert doom sayers would just can it for the sake of the rest of us  :P

So you want them to bog off?
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: 78bex on 25 September 2020, 23:27:24
Booger the bog roll is disappearing fast again, nipped around to the Veg isle & it all looked pretty sparse. I wish these medical expert doom sayers would just can it for the sake of the rest of us  :P

So you want them to bog off?

People think another full scale lock down is just around the corner & just buying a little bit extra,  then triggers the panic buyers.

Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: biggriffin on 26 September 2020, 11:29:20
Booger the bog roll is disappearing fast again, nipped around to the Veg isle & it all looked pretty sparse. I wish these medical expert doom sayers would just can it for the sake of the rest of us  :P

So you want them to bog off?

People think another full scale lock down is just around the corner & just buying a little bit extra,  then triggers the panic buyers.

 At most you need to self isolate for 14 days,, how many bog rolls do the ejits think they will need.
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: 78bex on 26 September 2020, 12:36:17
Booger the bog roll is disappearing fast again, nipped around to the Veg isle & it all looked pretty sparse. I wish these medical expert doom sayers would just can it for the sake of the rest of us  :P

So you want them to bog off?

People think another full scale lock down is just around the corner & just buying a little bit extra,  then triggers the panic buyers.

 At most you need to self isolate for 14 days,, how many bog rolls do the ejits think they will need.

It`not quite the March madness, but now locally Asda have limited the number of Bog rolls to 3 items, Tesco have said they`ll do the same & in Aldi it`s just one welder, 4 electric toasters &  no limit on sports bra`s; although all the pink ones have now been taken  >:(
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: dave the builder on 26 September 2020, 15:10:27
there's a lot of people who where shielding , started to go out and get back to some normality
and now are stocking up because they will be shielding again due to the rising case numbers  ;)
though i expect there's still plenty of rice and pasta in many cupboards round the country that will never see boiling water  ::)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: LC0112G on 26 September 2020, 20:51:35
Went to the local Tescos today for the weekly shop. No Bog-roll, and hardly any potatoes - only posh Baking spuds and silly little Cornish new's. Didn't need any bog roll, but tomorrows Sunday lunch is going to be a bit experimental without King Edwards or Maris Pipers. >:(
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 27 September 2020, 20:27:24
Boo hoo
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 27 September 2020, 21:40:11
To be fair King Eddies do make the best roasties with Maris Pipers coming in a close second, so I'd be miffed if I had to have some bland white potato type thing instead.  :(  ;)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 27 September 2020, 21:49:19
It's not as though there aren't readily available alternatives if you care to use some imagination ;)
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 28 September 2020, 09:26:35
It's not as though there aren't readily available alternatives if you care to use some imagination ;)

No not really, you have use King Eddies or Maris Pipers for roasties.  It's the law!  ;D
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: LC0112G on 28 September 2020, 17:57:53
It's not as though there aren't readily available alternatives if you care to use some imagination ;)

No not really, you have use King Eddies or Maris Pipers for roasties.  It's the law!  ;D

Exactly. I did have 5 small King Teds 'in stock', so bolstered those with one large Baking spud (which I made sure to give to someone else).

Roast Pheasant with stuffing (which MUST be stuffed up the bird, not baked separately) roast spuds & parsnips, boiled carrots, cauli, broccoli and sweede, and lashings of gravy. Washed down with some Rioja. Was yummy.
Title: Re: Just in case you thought Batflu is a new concept...
Post by: deviator on 29 September 2020, 15:02:59
I'm disappointed with this thread.

For the last time, it's not batflu, it's Kung Flu