Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Shackeng on 06 December 2020, 18:25:13

Title: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Shackeng on 06 December 2020, 18:25:13
A neighbour due in for elective surgery had to first have a test. A few days later she was admitted and assumed the test was clear. A week after she left hospital, and 2 weeks after the test, she had a call from them. “We’re pleased to tell you that your test is negative.”
I feel so much more confident now.  :-X
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: dave the builder on 06 December 2020, 18:37:59
It's a complete sh*t-show
a relative was in hospital recently ,moved wards about 3 times in as many days  ::)
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Rangie on 06 December 2020, 19:07:37
Not  surprised a bit, the whole thing is a total shambles wait till after Xmas the numbers will go soaring.
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 December 2020, 19:16:03
Why wait until Christmas  ???

If it spikes more after a lock down than it would otherwise have, why bother locking down in the first case?
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: TheBoy on 06 December 2020, 19:25:49
The last lockdown needed to be 2 or 3 weeks longer, though that would have been game over for many businesses that rely on the public to visit.
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: TheBoy on 06 December 2020, 19:26:28
Not  surprised a bit, the whole thing is a total shambles wait till after Xmas the numbers will go soaring.
Its what to expect when you put the civil service in charge.
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 December 2020, 19:34:04
All the while celebs and wealthy are allowed to roam free, why should everyone else be forced to sit in their basements?

What’s good for the goose...
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 06 December 2020, 19:49:55
We are straying into criticising the NHS territory here. Careful or the thought Police will be round to reprogramme you into  worshipping the new National religion.
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: STEMO on 06 December 2020, 19:50:14
All the while celebs and wealthy are allowed to roam free, why should everyone else be forced to sit in their basements?

What’s good for the goose...
You think everyone should be treated equally? Donald will disown you.
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: dave the builder on 06 December 2020, 20:01:17
We are straying into criticising the NHS territory here.
As with many services, there are some members of staff who are fantastic and do a brilliant job  :)
BUT , there are also staff who turn up, do as little as possible and clock out ASAP and collect the pay cheque
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 06 December 2020, 20:06:05
Your not wrong.  :y
A few years ago I was in a hospital waiting room while swmbo was having a day surgery procedure. A woman in a nursey type uniform kept walking past with a clipboard every few minutes.
I had time to kill so had a little walkabout and kept an eye on what she was up to. She was simply walking round the block a few times, then turning 180 degress and walking round the block again in the opposite direction. She did this for a couple of hours.
A Saint made human to be sure.  ::) ;D
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: STEMO on 06 December 2020, 20:07:49
We are straying into criticising the NHS territory here. Careful or the thought Police will be round to reprogramme you into  worshipping the new National religion.
I thought that was BLM?

I see that, not satisfied with putting a black lives matter (keyboard just tried to make that capital letters, eff off), they now have rainbow coloured microphones. Black and gay and the world is you lobster, Rodney.  ;D
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 06 December 2020, 22:19:54
We are straying into criticising the NHS territory here. Careful or the thought Police will be round to reprogramme you into  worshipping the new National religion.
It would be somewhat ironic if the vaccine actually gives you full blown Batflu...
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Rangie on 06 December 2020, 22:39:31
Would be better if the powers that be just admitted that it's totally out of control & they haven't got a clue how to stem it, instead of issuing figures that are incorrect, I was speaking to my uncle in Australia today the area he is in have had no new cases for 36 days & a normal Xmas is looking very likely for them. My wife's cousin died last week from the virus he was only 61 but was a type  1 diabetic & had severe problems due to this.
Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: B52 on 07 December 2020, 07:41:00
From what I've read, Australia went in pretty quick and hard on lockdowns and other measures? Which also reminded me of this:

Title: Re: Brilliant Covid system
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 07 December 2020, 12:21:46
Victoria used it as an excuse to pass a whole raft of draconian police state laws and they've only just eased their lockdown, which was pretty much martial law with strict curfews. Whereas New South Wales were relatively normal. Australia closed its borders relatively early, beginning of Feb? Bros cruise got diverted to Perth and they only just got out before they closed the place...

Emirates, Qatar and Air China were all still flying in here a week before we got furloughed on March 23rd, yet the US flights stopped at the beginning of March.

Being an island should be our biggest defence.