Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Mr Skrunts on 14 April 2021, 22:05:02

Title: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 14 April 2021, 22:05:02
What do you all use.

My 2 main ones are Firefox & Chrome.  I have used Opera in the past and IE with out tweaking it I find is a waste of time.

Are there any others worth trying. :y
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: zirk on 15 April 2021, 21:45:20
What do you all use.

My 2 main ones are Firefox & Chrome.  I have used Opera in the past and IE with out tweaking it I find is a waste of time.

Are there any others worth trying. :y
Anything to do s Work sign in I use IE or what ever it's called these days.

For Home and Play I've been using UC Browser which, wait for it, is basically a China release of Chrome, but without all the Google Spying and the need for Google Sign in,s. Been using it for donkeys years and never had any issues.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: deviator on 16 April 2021, 08:37:29
For Home and Play I've been using UC Browser which, wait for it, is basically a China release of Chrome, but without all the Google Spying and the need for Google Sign in,s. Been using it for donkeys years and never had any issues.

So they've replaced the Google spying with Chinese spying?
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: STEMO on 16 April 2021, 11:40:09
For Home and Play I've been using UC Browser which, wait for it, is basically a China release of Chrome, but without all the Google Spying and the need for Google Sign in,s. Been using it for donkeys years and never had any issues.

So they've replaced the Google spying with Chinese spying?
The minute you open up any browser, you are being spied on.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 16 April 2021, 11:43:45
For Home and Play I've been using UC Browser which, wait for it, is basically a China release of Chrome, but without all the Google Spying and the need for Google Sign in,s. Been using it for donkeys years and never had any issues.

So they've replaced the Google spying with Chinese spying?
The minute you open up any browser, you are being spied on.


plus on google they use your microphone to listen in and then you see pop up adverts about the the things talked about.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 16 April 2021, 11:54:40
For Home and Play I've been using UC Browser which, wait for it, is basically a China release of Chrome, but without all the Google Spying and the need for Google Sign in,s. Been using it for donkeys years and never had any issues.

So they've replaced the Google spying with Chinese spying?
The minute you open up any browser, you are being spied on.


plus on google they use your microphone to listen in and then you see pop up adverts about the the things talked about.
Of course Amazon and Crapple would never stoop that low ;D
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: deviator on 16 April 2021, 12:17:50
Of course Amazon and Crapple would never stoop that low ;D

They licensed the tech to Google :D
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: zirk on 16 April 2021, 13:33:46
For Home and Play I've been using UC Browser which, wait for it, is basically a China release of Chrome, but without all the Google Spying and the need for Google Sign in,s. Been using it for donkeys years and never had any issues.

So they've replaced the Google spying with Chinese spying?
Correct, don't really have an issue with the  Chinese Spying on me whilst I'm outside of China and doing absolute nothing about it or with any of my info. What I do have a Problem with is the likes of Google having far to much information, Personal details and your whereabouts every second of each Day.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Mr Skrunts on 16 April 2021, 13:47:23
Personal details and your whereabouts every second of each Day.

So where does the data proction act come into where the the likes of google seem to be able to do what they want.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: STEMO on 16 April 2021, 14:21:32
Personal details and your whereabouts every second of each Day.

So where does the data proction act come into where the the likes of google seem to be able to do what they want.
You give them permission and, if you don't, their apps lose full functionality.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 16 April 2021, 16:27:21
Personal details and your whereabouts every second of each Day.

So where does the data proction act come into where the the likes of google seem to be able to do what they want.
The law in place where they are located takes precedence over local laws AIUI :-\
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: TheBoy on 17 April 2021, 11:44:52
Any mainstream browser will spy on you, on any device including mobile. Accept it, live with it, move on.

There are some niche ones that claim otherwise, but a few of these are known to send varying amounts of encrypted telemetry back.

Due to the various concerns around (browser based) tracking, many browsers, including Google's Chrome (remember, Google's whole business model is based around tracking for targetted advertisement) are allowing this to be disabled....    ....but it doesn't make a jot of difference, because server side tracking is more trivial now.

Accept the fact that you are tracked, and live with it. Or disconnect your devices from the internet permanently.

If you happen to have a facebook account, accept the fact, no matter what privacy settings you set, *ALL* your details, posts, contacts and so on are public.  Along that of all your contacts and friends. And their contacts and friends. And theirs. And so on.

To answer the OPs original question, for work it tends to be IE or Chromium Edge on my laptop, as that what it came with.  If I'm on a server, it'll be whatever is installed on said server, assuming it has a gui - the days of text based browsers is long gone ;D.  At home, it tends to be Chromium edge, simply because that is what is installed, and its no faff to keep it secure. IE if a specific site (usually some IoT device lurking in the house) needs it.  On my main PC, which I rarely switch on, I have a pretty full suite of mainstream browsers for testing, but on everything else its usually what the OS has as default.  Its only a browser, hard to get excited over, and the OS default (Chromium Edge on Windows, Safari on crApple devices, Chrome on Android shite) gets nicely updated regularly with the OS.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Nick W on 17 April 2021, 12:20:59
Of course Amazon and Crapple would never stoop that low ;D

They licensed the tech to FROM Google :D


Don't forget the other ways you can be tracked: bank card usage, all those loyalty cards which are designed to know what you buy and when/where, NPR cameras can link your car usage with your driver and other personal details, then there is facial recognition etc etc.

The thing that has changed is that such data used to be hard to collect, collate and analyse, especially if outside each system. Now, data is easy to get and not much harder to link together if wanted. That is never going to go away. The problem is that it's become so easy to do that we need to question who is collecting data, why and what they're doing with it.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: deviator on 19 April 2021, 12:39:04
It's long been known that if you have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled on your phone, it's been used to track you around shops/shopping centres. This has been going on for years. Why do you think they now offer you 'smart shopping' (Handheld scanner to scan the stuff you put in your bags)? It's so they have a better way to track you around the store.

One thing to remember when dealing with companies like Facebook, if they offer no discernable product/service, then you are the product. They offer you free usage of their systems in return for a profile they have about you.
Title: Re: Internet Browsers ?
Post by: Nick W on 19 April 2021, 17:07:38
It's long been known that if you have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled on your phone, it's been used to track you around shops/shopping centres. This has been going on for years. Why do you think they now offer you 'smart shopping' (Handheld scanner to scan the stuff you put in your bags)? It's so they have a better way to track you around the store.

That's a bonus; the real reason is to reduce the large number of expensive to run staff that are required to operate a shop.