Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: STEMO on 08 July 2022, 22:18:13

Title: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 08 July 2022, 22:18:13
There must be a few of you old codgers suffering from high blood pressure. Have you been to the docs and has anyone been prescribed Amplodine?
I took it for a couple of weeks and I've had to stop because of the side effects. Thought I might try and push through until I found this patient forum. People should be made aware of what these drugs actually do, instead of being left to read the patient information leaflet. FFS, one of the rare side effects is heart attack  >:(
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: VXL V6 on 08 July 2022, 22:28:35
I'm not an old Codger....honest.... but yes I'm on that one.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 08 July 2022, 22:56:01
I'm not an old Codger....honest.... but yes I'm on that one.
And are you tolerating it ok?
I've got a headache, pins and needles in my arms and numbness in my face, palpitations and a general feeling of being lethargic. Going to see the nurse next week for a blood pressure chart to complete at home, I'll ask her what the alternatives are.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: VXL V6 on 08 July 2022, 23:30:29
Can't say i've noticed any side affects apart from possibly tiredness but that's difficult to attribute to the Amiodipine as my job involves various early starts / late finishes and driving all over the Country so not the standard 9-5 and sleep patterns vary to accomodate.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: LC0112G on 09 July 2022, 00:23:31
It's Amlodipine.  ::)

My BP was slightly high 90/140, so they put me on 5mg a day. No side effects and if I behave before doctors appointments I can get my BP down to 80/120 ish.

However something makes me angry, grumpy and generally irritable. Newsnight, Question Time and Jeremy Vine to name but three. Don't think it's anything to do with the drugs though.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: LC0112G on 09 July 2022, 00:28:58
I've got a headache, pins and needles in my arms and numbness in my face, palpitations and a general feeling of being lethargic. Going to see the nurse next week for a blood pressure chart to complete at home, I'll ask her what the alternatives are.
They can give you a monitor which straps to your arm and you wear for 24 hours to see what is going on. They will tell you that you won't notice it. They're liars. It pumps up and takes a reading every 15 or 20 minutes during the day, and every hour at night. The daytime isn't too much of a problem, but the night-time stuff will wake you up every hour, so you'll get no sleep.
Once the 24 hours is up you go back to the surgery and they download the data. Lots of umming and arring, tutting and frowning, and thy then decide what to give you.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 July 2022, 02:08:03
I've got a headache, pins and needles in my arms and numbness in my face, palpitations and a general feeling of being lethargic. Going to see the nurse next week for a blood pressure chart to complete at home, I'll ask her what the alternatives are.
They can give you a monitor which straps to your arm and you wear for 24 hours to see what is going on. They will tell you that you won't notice it. They're liars. It pumps up and takes a reading every 15 or 20 minutes during the day, and every hour at night. The daytime isn't too much of a problem, but the night-time stuff will wake you up every hour, so you'll get no sleep.
Once the 24 hours is up you go back to the surgery and they download the data. Lots of umming and arring, tutting and frowning, and thy then decide what to give you.

Do they umm and arrr in Barnsley?  ???

Doesn't sound very Northern to me.  :-\                                                                             
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 09 July 2022, 07:19:57
It's Amlodipine.  ::)

My BP was slightly high 90/140, so they put me on 5mg a day. No side effects and if I behave before doctors appointments I can get my BP down to 80/120 ish.

However something makes me angry, grumpy and generally irritable. Newsnight, Question Time and Jeremy Vine to name but three. Don't think it's anything to do with the drugs though.
Of course it is, but I seem to have a mental block when trying to recall the name of it, Mike.
Title: Amlodipine
Post by: addy on 09 July 2022, 09:38:37
I was put on that, due to very high blood pressure. I was on it for a week and felt worse than before taking it.  Now on Felodipine and Clopidogrel 75mg after breakfast. And Candersartan at night. This combination seems to be working great at the moment. Now been told that it looks like could be having TIA's. And was told the other day, I could also be having small siezures, so no driving for me until proven I am not. :(
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: ronnyd on 09 July 2022, 10:58:29
I'm on it as well Steve. When they sorted my A/F the last time about three years ago, (bloody thing is back again, cardioversion is on July 21st), they tried taking me off the Amlodapine. Felt so shit that they put me back on it again. ;D. We're all different so drugs prescribed to us work for some but not others. Have they prescribed an alternative?
Sorry, hadn't read your replies. Doh.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Lizzie Zoom on 09 July 2022, 11:04:41
I am taking Amlodipine as well, have been for years, and have had no side effects to talk of ;)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 09 July 2022, 11:16:39
There must be a few of you old codgers suffering from high blood pressure. Have you been to the docs and has anyone been prescribed Amplodine?
I took it for a couple of weeks and I've had to stop because of the side effects. Thought I might try and push through until I found this patient forum. People should be made aware of what these drugs actually do, instead of being left to read the patient information leaflet. FFS, one of the rare side effects is heart attack  >:(

Well, if you will insist on going to see doctors, they will give you worrying news and strange tablets that make you feel odd.
This is why I dont go.
I could have all kinds of things wrong with me (on top of the obvious ones I know about) but I live in ignorant bliss.  :)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 July 2022, 13:01:58
I'm not an old Codger....honest.... but yes I'm on that one.
And are you tolerating it ok?
I've got a headache, pins and needles in my arms and numbness in my face, palpitations and a general feeling of being lethargic. Going to see the nurse next week for a blood pressure chart to complete at home, I'll ask her what the alternatives are.

That sounds more like the early symptoms of stroke to me.....and I'm a doctor. :)

Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 July 2022, 13:05:11
There must be a few of you old codgers suffering from high blood pressure. Have you been to the docs and has anyone been prescribed Amplodine?
I took it for a couple of weeks and I've had to stop because of the side effects. Thought I might try and push through until I found this patient forum. People should be made aware of what these drugs actually do, instead of being left to read the patient information leaflet. FFS, one of the rare side effects is heart attack  >:(

Well, if you will insist on going to see doctors, they will give you worrying news and strange tablets that make you feel odd.
This is why I dont go.
I could have all kinds of things wrong with me (on top of the obvious ones I know about) but I live in ignorant bliss.  :)

I try and follow this philosophy as best I can. I rarely see the quack. The last time I did he shoved a large tube down my throat and into my stomach. I watched the whole episode on a large television whilst trying not to gag. :)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: LC0112G on 09 July 2022, 13:36:39
I had no intention of going anywhere near the quacks, but got summonsed. Supposedly they get paid by the govt to do certain screening procedures, and blood pressure was one of them. I ignored the first two summonses and then got a snotty letter saying they would strike me off their lists if I didn't respond.

Next thing I know they're poking needles in me , doing ECG's, and several other things, in an attempt to find something - anything - wrong with me. Once they find something, no matter how trivial it is, you're summonsed every 6 or 12 months.

Yet if there is something wrong with you can you get an appointment to see a quack - can you hell.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 09 July 2022, 14:20:17
Today is my fourth day off it (apparently it takes 11 days to clear your system of it). I haven't taken my blood pressure today, I'm going to leave it until I feel a bit more 'normal'. Been up to Leeds with wifey this morning, spot of shopping (not me, her) and sit down fish and chips (no salt, honest guvnor). I feel better. Tingling in left arm is there but less so, headache has been settled with paracetamol, only up twice in the night for a pee, which is normal.
I'll convince the nurse, at my appointment on Wednesday, that taking my blood pressure for a week, minus Amplodine, is the best way forward. I'm sure she'll agree with me.   ::)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 09 July 2022, 14:22:42
I'll scour the internet later to find some quack saying that a glass (or two) of red wine is good for HBP and show it to the boss  ;D
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 July 2022, 14:36:06
I'll scour the internet later to find some quack saying that a glass (or two) of red wine is good for HBP and show it to the boss  ;D

I believe this to be true. It will also relax you while you are drinking it which will lower your heart rate and BP.

Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Migalot on 09 July 2022, 22:31:48
Stopped the BP drugs and, instead, take CBD and Ashwagandha. Pretty chilled these days.:y

Disclaimer: This is not advice, just my own experience. I am NOT a doctor!
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Migalot on 09 July 2022, 22:48:54
Stopped the BP drugs and, instead, take CBD and Ashwagandha daily. Pretty chilled these days.:y

Disclaimer: This is not advice, just my own experience. I am NOT a doctor!

Sorry for the duplicate post!
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: omegod on 09 July 2022, 23:52:08
Yeah I've been on it for a few years, 10 Mg daily along with Ramipril 10 Mg, been getting a lot of pins and needles lately actually so will mention it at my next check
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: johnnydog on 10 July 2022, 00:26:33
A lof of those side effects of Amplodine sound very similar to those you get when you're prescribed statins to reduce cholesterol. A few mates and work collegues have been prescribed statins, and the side effects are not pleasant - sickness, headaches, feeling knackered and especially aching joints (even more than normal ;D). The practice nurse tried to get me on them as my cholesterol was a little high at my last couple of MOT's, but I declined them with the likely side effects others had experienced. My mother had high cholesterol for years with no medication for it, and she lived to the ripe old age of 97. Statins - no thanks.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 10 July 2022, 06:54:17
A lof of those side effects of Amplodine sound very similar to those you get when you're prescribed statins to reduce cholesterol. A few mates and work collegues have been prescribed statins, and the side effects are not pleasant - sickness, headaches, feeling knackered and especially aching joints (even more than normal ;D). The practice nurse tried to get me on them as my cholesterol was a little high at my last couple of MOT's, but I declined them with the likely side effects others had experienced. My mother had high cholesterol for years with no medication for it, and she lived to the ripe old age of 97. Statins - no thanks.
And yet I've been on atorvastatin for about five years with absolutely no side effects.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: biggriffin on 10 July 2022, 08:17:01
There must be a few of you old codgers suffering from high blood pressure. Have you been to the docs and has anyone been prescribed Amplodine?
I took it for a couple of weeks and I've had to stop because of the side effects. Thought I might try and push through until I found this patient forum. People should be made aware of what these drugs actually do, instead of being left to read the patient information leaflet. FFS, one of the rare side effects is heart attack  >:(

Well, if you will insist on going to see doctors, they will give you worrying news and strange tablets that make you feel odd.
This is why I dont go.
I could have all kinds of things wrong with me (on top of the obvious ones I know about) but I live in ignorant bliss.  :)

I try and follow this philosophy as best I can. I rarely see the quack. The last time I did he shoved a large  :o down my throat I watched the whole episode on a large television whilst trying not to gag. :)

 Didn't know you made special videos Me Lud. Especially for the home team.
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: ronnyd on 10 July 2022, 12:12:32
A lof of those side effects of Amplodine sound very similar to those you get when you're prescribed statins to reduce cholesterol. A few mates and work collegues have been prescribed statins, and the side effects are not pleasant - sickness, headaches, feeling knackered and especially aching joints (even more than normal ;D). The practice nurse tried to get me on them as my cholesterol was a little high at my last couple of MOT's, but I declined them with the likely side effects others had experienced. My mother had high cholesterol for years with no medication for it, and she lived to the ripe old age of 97. Statins - no thanks.
Agree 100% with that jonnydog. Statins are pushed on to people by other people who don't need them. Got mine down by making lifestyle/eating changes.  :y
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 10 July 2022, 13:04:22
There must be a few of you old codgers suffering from high blood pressure. Have you been to the docs and has anyone been prescribed Amplodine?
I took it for a couple of weeks and I've had to stop because of the side effects. Thought I might try and push through until I found this patient forum. People should be made aware of what these drugs actually do, instead of being left to read the patient information leaflet. FFS, one of the rare side effects is heart attack  >:(

Well, if you will insist on going to see doctors, they will give you worrying news and strange tablets that make you feel odd.
This is why I dont go.
I could have all kinds of things wrong with me (on top of the obvious ones I know about) but I live in ignorant bliss.  :)

I try and follow this philosophy as best I can. I rarely see the quack. The last time I did he shoved a large  :o down my throat I watched the whole episode on a large television whilst trying not to gag. :)

 Didn't know you made special videos Me Lud. Especially for the home team.

He's very versatile BigGriff!  ;D
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 July 2022, 13:32:45
There must be a few of you old codgers suffering from high blood pressure. Have you been to the docs and has anyone been prescribed Amplodine?
I took it for a couple of weeks and I've had to stop because of the side effects. Thought I might try and push through until I found this patient forum. People should be made aware of what these drugs actually do, instead of being left to read the patient information leaflet. FFS, one of the rare side effects is heart attack  >:(

Well, if you will insist on going to see doctors, they will give you worrying news and strange tablets that make you feel odd.
This is why I dont go.
I could have all kinds of things wrong with me (on top of the obvious ones I know about) but I live in ignorant bliss.  :)

I try and follow this philosophy as best I can. I rarely see the quack. The last time I did he shoved a large  :o down my throat I watched the whole episode on a large television whilst trying not to gag. :)

 Didn't know you made special videos Me Lud. Especially for the home team.

He's very versatile BigGriff!  ;D

Cheeky F*uckers. ;D
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 July 2022, 13:35:26
The average age of this forum must be about 104..... :)

Ohh....lets start an old people and their ailments thread. ::) ::) ::) ;)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 10 July 2022, 14:30:48
The average age of this forum must be about 104..... :)

Ohh....lets start an old people and their ailments thread. ::) ::) ::) ;)
You seem to be happy to contribute  :)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 July 2022, 16:39:22
The average age of this forum must be about 104..... :)

Ohh....lets start an old people and their ailments thread. ::) ::) ::) ;)
You seem to be happy to contribute  :)

Being 34 I like to help the elderly when I can. :) :)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 10 July 2022, 17:23:15
The average age of this forum must be about 104..... :)

Ohh....lets start an old people and their ailments thread. ::) ::) ::) ;)
You seem to be happy to contribute  :)

Being 34 I like to help the elderly when I can. :) :)
I'm pleased to hear it. With being a pensioner I'm destitute, of course, so any financial help would be really appreciated  :-*
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 July 2022, 17:39:06
The average age of this forum must be about 104..... :)

Ohh....lets start an old people and their ailments thread. ::) ::) ::) ;)
You seem to be happy to contribute  :)

Being 34 I like to help the elderly when I can. :) :)
I'm pleased to hear it. With being a pensioner I'm destitute, of course, so any financial help would be really appreciated  :-*

You're married to a headmistress. They earn between £90-£120,000 a year so you can't be short of a bob or two. :)
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 10 July 2022, 18:01:09
The average age of this forum must be about 104..... :)

Ohh....lets start an old people and their ailments thread. ::) ::) ::) ;)
You seem to be happy to contribute  :)

Being 34 I like to help the elderly when I can. :) :)
I'm pleased to hear it. With being a pensioner I'm destitute, of course, so any financial help would be really appreciated  :-*

You're married to a headmistress. They earn between £90-£120,000 a year so you can't be short of a bob or two. :)
That's her money, I haven't got a pot to piss in 😢
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: BazaJT on 10 July 2022, 19:58:02
Isn't the idea of marrying a rich woman for her to keep you in the manner to which you'd like to become accustomed? :D
Title: Re: Amplodine
Post by: STEMO on 10 July 2022, 20:05:51
Isn't the idea of marrying a rich woman for her to keep you in the manner to which you'd like to become accustomed? :D
She married me for the sex and, now I've worn her out, she has no use for me 😢