Omega Owners Forum

Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: Doctor Gollum on 08 March 2023, 20:17:53

Title: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 08 March 2023, 20:17:53
It's official.  (
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 08 March 2023, 20:20:57
Well blow me down  ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Marks DTM Calib on 09 March 2023, 07:52:03
They do make a difference, but as usual the idiots fail to look at how.

Its well proven they do nothing of benefit to the wearer (although as common sense is sadly not that common, many seem incapable of understanding that) but, that is well known and understood.

What they do achieve is ensuring the wearers breath is slowed down such that it does not travel so far from them and limits the field of potential infection, that is the same proven principle as to why they are worn in medical environments by staff.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 09 March 2023, 08:21:13
That's not what the evidence suggests.

Granted, the title of the thread is a little, er, dramatic but masks of any type offer negligible protection, whether it was knitted by Nana or  came from the hospital supplies according to the above report.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Marks DTM Calib on 09 March 2023, 08:40:24
That actually says very different to the thread title:

Ten studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask in the community studies only, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness/COVID-like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people). Unwanted effects were rarely reported; discomfort was mentioned.

And again when you read up on the study case, its only looking at the mask wearer and not the secondary effects (these are hard to measure and quantify, probably why they avoided it, as somehow you have to determine how mnay non wearers the test subject came into close contact with), we know very well the benefits to the wearer which are pretty much zero.

Its just yet another report and study which has been done to get some professor another paper on his portfolio and pay some bills using external funding, they know very well that a few shock words will spark an interest (even if they do contradict the basic laws of common sense and physics)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 09 March 2023, 10:39:29
That actually says very different to the thread title:

Ten studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask in the community studies only, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness/COVID-like illness (9 studies; 276,917 people); and probably makes little or no difference in how many people have flu/COVID confirmed by a laboratory test (6 studies; 13,919 people). Unwanted effects were rarely reported; discomfort was mentioned.

And again when you read up on the study case, its only looking at the mask wearer and not the secondary effects (these are hard to measure and quantify, probably why they avoided it, as somehow you have to determine how mnay non wearers the test subject came into close contact with), we know very well the benefits to the wearer which are pretty much zero.

Its just yet another report and study which has been done to get some professor another paper on his portfolio and pay some bills using external funding, they know very well that a few shock words will spark an interest (even if they do contradict the basic laws of common sense and physics)
No, no, no Mark, this won't do at all. Where's the drama? Who has been lying to us? Who is responsible for killing thousands of people unnecessarily? What are the ulterior motives of 'them'? You know.......'them'  ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 09 March 2023, 10:45:30
Dr Campbell ended with a list of people whom he wondered if would also apologise...

One name was missing... And it wasn't Sippy Cup ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 13:14:17
We observed a man and woman, probably in their early thirties, dragging a couple of masked kids aged about 8 and 10 around the supermarket last Sunday.

You could see the fear in their eyes.....and the kids looked defeated. :-\

The girl at the checkout knew them quite well and informed her they had decided to continue wearing masks 'just in case' the  chinky sniffle returned. :-[ :-X

Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 09 March 2023, 13:27:35
'just in case' the  chinky sniffle returned.
It never went away, whatever Boris claimed.

And even fully vaccinated, healthy people are falling ill with it, though hopefully not so ill to need a hospital or morgue visit.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 13:34:26
'just in case' the  chinky sniffle returned.
It never went away, whatever Boris claimed.

And even fully vaccinated, healthy people are falling ill with it, though hopefully not so ill to need a hospital or morgue visit.

Probably never will so we just have to live with it. I've had it and have had  worse colds/flu.

People are too fearful.

Lets face it it's hardly the black death. :)

As for being fully vaccinated, the people who have had the most jabs seem to catch covid more often.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 09 March 2023, 13:38:11
'just in case' the  chinky sniffle returned.
It never went away, whatever Boris claimed.

And even fully vaccinated, healthy people are falling ill with it, though hopefully not so ill to need a hospital or morgue visit.

Probably never will so we just have to live with it. I've had it and have had  worse colds/flu.

People are too fearful.

Lets face it it's hardly the black death. :)

As for being fully vaccinated, the people who have had the most jabs seem to catch covid more often.
Except me, I've had four jabs and zero covids
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 13:46:03 (

Looks like the 1348-1350 Black death originated in China or Mongolia. How history repeats itself. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 13:50:54
'just in case' the  chinky sniffle returned.
It never went away, whatever Boris claimed.

And even fully vaccinated, healthy people are falling ill with it, though hopefully not so ill to need a hospital or morgue visit.

Probably never will so we just have to live with it. I've had it and have had  worse colds/flu.

People are too fearful.

Lets face it it's hardly the black death. :)

As for being fully vaccinated, the people who have had the most jabs seem to catch covid more often.
Except me, I've had four jabs and zero covids

That is because nobody likes you and they try to keep away from you. ;D

I had 2 early on, when the powers that be reckoned covid could be quite nasty.

We now know that covid is about as deadly as a wet fart. So deffo no more jabs or masks for me. :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 14:09:50 (

Looks like the 1348-1350 Black death originated in China or Mongolia. How history repeats itself. ::) ::)

At the end of that video it says that malnutrition played a part in the deaths due to years of famine because storms and drought. It seems climate change was about even all those years ago.  ;)

Incidentally, there was an interesting documentary on Channel 5 last night about the Black Death with Dan Snow. The second part is on tonight.  :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 09 March 2023, 14:14:34
Lets face it it's hardly the black death. :)
That partly depends on luck.  I knew far too many people who are no longer here due to catching the sniffle.  I don't directly know of anyone who died from flu (but that tended to be more elderly people, so that's probably why).

The vaccinations are likely to make it, at worse, like flu.  That alone makes it worth tolerating a small prick in the arm.

Its something we will always have to live with, that genie isn't going back in the bottle, but doesn't mean we can't take simple, easy, sensible steps to reduce spreading it.  Such as staying at home when you have it - the pubs will still be there in 2 weeks when you're better. Or wearing masks if appropriate.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 09 March 2023, 14:15:31
Incidentally, there was an interesting documentary on Channel 5 last night about the Black Death with Dan Snow. The second part is on tonight.  :)
Guessing thats a repeat, as sure I saw him do one 2 or 3 years ago?
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 14:19:59
Incidentally, there was an interesting documentary on Channel 5 last night about the Black Death with Dan Snow. The second part is on tonight.  :)
Guessing thats a repeat, as sure I saw him do one 2 or 3 years ago?

Possibly.  :y
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 14:22:05
As Covid originated from China are we all entitled to reparations from the bloke who looks like Winnie the Pooh? :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 14:36:45
As Covid originated from China are we all entitled to reparations from the bloke who looks like Winnie the Pooh? :)

The thing that I find amusing is that when Trumpy suggested that the virus might have escaped from the lab in Wuhan, they all went nuts and said he was racist and was promoting conspiracy theories. When Biden suggested that the virus might have escaped from the lab in Wuhan they all stroked their chins and went Hmmmm...... Maybe it did.  ::)

It seems to be mainstream opinion these days that the virus did indeed escape from the lab in Wuhan.  :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Andy B on 09 March 2023, 14:41:20
'just in case' the  chinky sniffle returned.
It never went away, whatever Boris claimed.

And even fully vaccinated, healthy people are falling ill with it, though hopefully not so ill to need a hospital or morgue visit.

Probably never will so we just have to live with it. I've had it and have had  worse colds/flu.

People are too fearful.

Lets face it it's hardly the black death. :)

As for being fully vaccinated, the people who have had the most jabs seem to catch covid more often.

My daughter was an ICU nurse on the covid wards at the height of it .... she saw loads die of it.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: dave the builder on 09 March 2023, 14:54:49
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 14:57:47
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X

Dave, you've come over all preachy. ::) >:D

I was happy to mix with both the jabbed and the not jabbed. No idea who gave covid to me.

For me personally, it wasn't very traumatic although obviously it doesn't take much to push an 80 year old with other health concerns into the next world.

I'm more interested in the excess deaths of young people (20-30), mainly with heart related problems.

Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 09 March 2023, 15:41:58
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X

Dave, you've come over all preachy. ::) >:D

I was happy to mix with both the jabbed and the not jabbed. No idea who gave covid to me.

For me personally, it wasn't very traumatic although obviously it doesn't take much to push an 80 year old with other health concerns into the next world.

I'm more interested in the excess deaths of young people (20-30), mainly with heart related problems.
Why would you be interested in it?
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 15:52:04
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X

Dave, you've come over all preachy. ::) >:D

I was happy to mix with both the jabbed and the not jabbed. No idea who gave covid to me.

For me personally, it wasn't very traumatic although obviously it doesn't take much to push an 80 year old with other health concerns into the next world.

I'm more interested in the excess deaths of young people (20-30), mainly with heart related problems.
Why would you be interested in it?

Because as human beings some of us are curious and interested as to why anomalies occur.

Others may have no interest outside of Corrie, Emmerdale, Cash in the Attic, and How clean is your house.

We are all different. :)

Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Rangie on 09 March 2023, 16:05:27
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X

Dave, you've come over all preachy. ::) >:D

I was happy to mix with both the jabbed and the not jabbed. No idea who gave covid to me.

For me personally, it wasn't very traumatic although obviously it doesn't take much to push an 80 year old with other health concerns into the next world.

I'm more interested in the excess deaths of young people (20-30), mainly with heart related problems.
Why would you be interested in it?

Because as human beings some of us are curious and interested as to why anomalies occur.

Others may have no interest outside of Corrie, Emmerdale, Cash in the Attic, and How clean is your house.

We are all different. :)

You forgot The Real Deal.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 09 March 2023, 16:11:46
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X

Dave, you've come over all preachy. ::) >:D

I was happy to mix with both the jabbed and the not jabbed. No idea who gave covid to me.

For me personally, it wasn't very traumatic although obviously it doesn't take much to push an 80 year old with other health concerns into the next world.

I'm more interested in the excess deaths of young people (20-30), mainly with heart related problems.
Why would you be interested in it?

Because as human beings some of us are curious and interested as to why anomalies occur.

Others may have no interest outside of Corrie, Emmerdale, Cash in the Attic, and How clean is your house.

We are all different. :)
Some of us realise that life is too short to be interested in things that may or may not be true and which we can do absolutely nothing about either way  :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 16:40:12
The results are skewed based on people who SHOULD have been wearing a mask saying they did  ::)
Because people Lie ,won't admit to wrong doing (like not wearing a mask when it's a job requirement )

If only a few thousand people got saved from serious illness or death because masks where worn ,
then that's a positive outcome  :)
I know people who where seriously ill ,and 2 of my friends died of Covid .

masks are still worn in Hospitals ,GP surgeries and chemists to name a few places .

Covid was a serious problem ,as is clearing the back log of health issues NOT dealt with because hospitals where full of people with Covid .

several people here will argue masks don't work, covid didn't happen ,Covid wasn't "serious" and have done  ::)
It wouldn't have been AS SERIOUS had people got with the program and implemented infection control .

Like wearing masks !

I CBA to say any further on the subject , I wasted my MASKED BREATH argueing and trying to educate idiots during the pandemic   :-X

Dave, you've come over all preachy. ::) >:D

I was happy to mix with both the jabbed and the not jabbed. No idea who gave covid to me.

For me personally, it wasn't very traumatic although obviously it doesn't take much to push an 80 year old with other health concerns into the next world.

I'm more interested in the excess deaths of young people (20-30), mainly with heart related problems.
Why would you be interested in it?

Because as human beings some of us are curious and interested as to why anomalies occur.

Others may have no interest outside of Corrie, Emmerdale, Cash in the Attic, and How clean is your house.

We are all different. :)

You forgot The Real Deal.

Is this the one with the orange bloke?

If some TV executive had said 20 years ago " I have a great idea, lets make 30 minutes of TV about a couple of women in marigolds cleaning another woman's cooker, millions will watch" ;D

Yet here we are.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 16:57:08
....and after cleaning the oven they then take great delight in cleaning the crapper. ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 17:00:40
I think that you either believe masks work or you don't, and generally people won't be persuaded otherwise whatever.   ::)

It's the same with Brexit, climate and scones.  :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 09 March 2023, 17:20:48
I think that you either believe masks work or you don't, and generally people won't be persuaded otherwise whatever.   ::)

It's the same with Brexit, climate and scones.  :)
Scones? Definitely not!
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 17:55:46
I think that you either believe masks work or you don't, and generally people won't be persuaded otherwise whatever.   ::)

It's the same with Brexit, climate and scones.  :)
Scones? Definitely not!

See?  Scones are contentious!  ::)

Especially in this part of the world.  ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 March 2023, 18:32:09
I like a 'scon' with jam and cream. ::) ::) ;)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 18:41:49
I like a 'scon' with jam and cream. ::) ::) ;)

The correct way to eat a scone.  :y

It's whether you put the cream or jam on first is what causes fisticuffs!  ::)  :)

Me? I like a bit of Marmite on mine.  :o  ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 09 March 2023, 20:26:32
I like a 'scon' with jam and cream. ::) ::) ;)
The correct way to eat a scone.  :y

It's whether you put the cream or jam on first is what causes fisticuffs!  ::)  :)

Me? I like a bit of Marmite on mine.  :o  ;D
My inflight solution to the jam/cream first is to turn said assemblage on its head that way, the jam or cream can be on top as desired :y

Marmite is only acceptable when blended with peanut butter :D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 09 March 2023, 21:41:11
My inflight solution to the jam/cream first is to turn said assemblage on its head that way, the jam or cream can be on top as desired :y

Sit on the fence why don't you?  ::)  Kernow and Devonia are perpetually on the brink of war over the scone issue!  ;D

Marmite is only acceptable when blended with peanut butter :D

Heresy!  >:(
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 09 March 2023, 21:50:13
Scones with button mushrooms........mmmmm😋
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 09 March 2023, 22:41:54
Scones with button mushrooms........mmmmm😋
You mean bivuits ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: mattbearman on 10 March 2023, 08:54:55
My inflight solution to the jam/cream first is to turn said assemblage on its head that way, the jam or cream can be on top as desired :y

Sit on the fence why don't you?  ::)  Kernow and Devonia are perpetually on the brink of war over the scone issue!  ;D

There's the Devon way (cream then jam), or there's the wrong way (jam then cream)... I may be biased on this  :D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Nick W on 10 March 2023, 09:04:01
My inflight solution to the jam/cream first is to turn said assemblage on its head that way, the jam or cream can be on top as desired :y

Sit on the fence why don't you?  ::)  Kernow and Devonia are perpetually on the brink of war over the scone issue!  ;D

There's the Devon way (cream then jam), or there's the wrong way (jam then cream)... I may be biased on this  :D

Jam first then cream. If you do it the other way, the heat from the scone melts the clotted cream too quickly.

What, your scones aren't warm or you don't have clotted cream? Then there's no hope for you.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Rangie on 10 March 2023, 11:38:44
Tastes exactly the same whichever ever way you do it, so not worth worrying about .
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: YZ250 on 10 March 2023, 11:47:48
Masks to scones ……. who’d have thought it.  ;D    I bet ugly people hoped masks would become mandatory.  ::)  :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 10 March 2023, 12:34:19
Masks to scones ……. who’d have thought it.  ;D    I bet ugly people hoped masks would become mandatory.  ::)  :)
Surprisingly, Opti seemed dead against them  :-\
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 10 March 2023, 12:39:15
Tastes exactly the same whichever ever way you do it, so not worth worrying about .
When I was working at GPO telephones, and calling at people's houses, I would often be offered a cup of tea. When asked how many sugars, I would say 'One and a half, please, put the half in first'. You'd be surprised how many people just did it, without question.  ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Rangie on 10 March 2023, 12:49:39
Tastes exactly the same whichever ever way you do it, so not worth worrying about .
When I was working at GPO telephones, and calling at people's houses, I would often be offered a cup of tea. When asked how many sugars, I would say 'One and a half, please, put the half in first'. You'd be surprised how many people just did it, without question.  ;D

There really are some daft buggers about..😂😂😂
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 March 2023, 13:00:20
Masks to scones ……. who’d have thought it.  ;D    I bet ugly people hoped masks would become mandatory.  ::)  :)
Surprisingly, Opti seemed dead against them  :-\

I do tend to frighten children and horses without a mask. ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 16 March 2023, 11:29:23
Well, opps me backwards.  I finally managed to catch the chinese sniffle* after 3 years, and I have to say it was the worse flu like thing I've ever had.  I wasn't expecting it to be any worse than a spot of flu, and was looking forward to a a few days of laying on the sofa being nursed with mugs of tea and biscuits.  Instead I was dead for a week.

*Most likely caused by being on a rammed, 3 car Chiltern slug DMU, with every knob jockey coughing their guts up, but far too ignorant to wear a mask, using the good old British "sod you Jack, I'm alright" view of it all.  Although I was also sat in a packed waiting room at the quacks**, and a bloke with covid came and sat next to me, emptying the contents of his lungs, but he was wearing a mask (in reality, I probably had already contracted it by then, looking at incubation times.

**NHS 111 sent me to pharmacist, who absolutely told me it wasn't shingles, so I had to then go to the walk in at the quacks, who within seconds, confirmed it was.  That's another ailment I wouldn't wish on anyone, as that does smart a bit.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: STEMO on 16 March 2023, 11:38:00
You're a sickly lad, no wonder no one goes to meets any more  ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 16 March 2023, 12:01:46
I think basic common sense tells us that masks will work to an extent, but are obviously a long way from being a complete barrier to spreading the sniffles.
When elderly and clinically vulnerable people were dying in pretty large numbers, it was only common decency to use masks when near other people, as it really was possible it could just save someones life.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: dave the builder on 16 March 2023, 12:15:40
Well, opps me backwards.  I finally managed to catch the chinese sniffle* after 3 years, and I have to say it was the worse flu like thing I've ever had.  I wasn't expecting it to be any worse than a spot of flu, and was looking forward to a a few days of laying on the sofa being nursed with mugs of tea and biscuits.  Instead I was dead for a week.

*Most likely caused by being on a rammed, 3 car Chiltern slug DMU, with every knob jockey coughing their guts up, but far too ignorant to wear a mask, using the good old British "sod you Jack, I'm alright" view of it all.  Although I was also sat in a packed waiting room at the quacks**, and a bloke with covid came and sat next to me, emptying the contents of his lungs, but he was wearing a mask (in reality, I probably had already contracted it by then, looking at incubation times.

**NHS 111 sent me to pharmacist, who absolutely told me it wasn't shingles, so I had to then go to the walk in at the quacks, who within seconds, confirmed it was.  That's another ailment I wouldn't wish on anyone, as that does smart a bit.
I hope you fully recover soon Jamie .

you should consider high strength vitamin  C and D3 to boost your immune system  ;)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Rangie on 16 March 2023, 12:26:25
I hope your other half realised how desperately ill you were & treated you accordingly , but really TB man up .😄
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 16 March 2023, 13:20:20
Just like Manflu then :D

Joking aside, glad to see you are actually dead :y
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 16 March 2023, 14:10:39
I hope your other half realised how desperately ill you were & treated you accordingly , but really TB man up .😄
She knows she's a lucky woman, so kept bringing me stuff apparently.  Not that I touched any of it, although she did force feed me my various pills I needed (unrelated to the sniffle).

On the upside, it made me shingles a lot less painful than it could have been.  Every cloud, and all that....
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 16 March 2023, 14:10:59
glad to see you are actually dead :y
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Rangie on 16 March 2023, 14:19:57
I hope your other half realised how desperately ill you were & treated you accordingly , but really TB man up .😄
She knows she's a lucky woman, so kept bringing me stuff apparently.  Not that I touched any of it, although she did force feed me my various pills I needed (unrelated to the sniffle).

On the upside, it made me shingles a lot less painful than it could have been.  Every cloud, and all that....

Fortunately I've not had shingles but wife had it about 5 years ago & found it extremely painful & uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 16 March 2023, 14:21:43
glad to see you are actually dead :y
Oh ffs :D

What I actually meant was glad to see that you AREN'T actually dead :y Obviously.

I can't even blame Steve Jobs for that :-[
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: ronnyd on 16 March 2023, 15:57:37
I hope your other half realised how desperately ill you were & treated you accordingly , but really TB man up .😄
She knows she's a lucky woman, so kept bringing me stuff apparently.  Not that I touched any of it, although she did force feed me my various pills I needed (unrelated to the sniffle).

On the upside, it made me shingles a lot less painful than it could have been.  Every cloud, and all that....

Fortunately I've not had shingles but wife had it about 5 years ago & found it extremely painful & uncomfortable.
SWMBO had Shingles the first time when in her teens and she was quite poorly, or so she told me. ;D  She got it again about ten years ago and she didn't feel as rough as the first time but the irritation was a constant nuisance. It then developed into something called Post Herpetic Neuralgia, which causes irritation under the skin. Which means that scratching doesn't make the slightest difference. ::) Thankfully it's now almost gone but it's been a nuisance to her for years.  :(
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 16 March 2023, 17:09:17
Well, opps me backwards.  I finally managed to catch the chinese sniffle* after 3 years, and I have to say it was the worse flu like thing I've ever had.  I wasn't expecting it to be any worse than a spot of flu, and was looking forward to a a few days of laying on the sofa being nursed with mugs of tea and biscuits.  Instead I was dead for a week.

*Most likely caused by being on a rammed, 3 car Chiltern slug DMU, with every knob jockey coughing their guts up, but far too ignorant to wear a mask, using the good old British "sod you Jack, I'm alright" view of it all.  Although I was also sat in a packed waiting room at the quacks**, and a bloke with covid came and sat next to me, emptying the contents of his lungs, but he was wearing a mask (in reality, I probably had already contracted it by then, looking at incubation times.

**NHS 111 sent me to pharmacist, who absolutely told me it wasn't shingles, so I had to then go to the walk in at the quacks, who within seconds, confirmed it was.  That's another ailment I wouldn't wish on anyone, as that does smart a bit.
I hope you fully recover soon Jamie .

you should consider high strength vitamin  C and D3 to boost your immune system

Don't indulge him.

He's being a nancy boy. :)
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 16 March 2023, 17:34:44
Well, opps me backwards.  I finally managed to catch the chinese sniffle* after 3 years, and I have to say it was the worse flu like thing I've ever had.  I wasn't expecting it to be any worse than a spot of flu, and was looking forward to a a few days of laying on the sofa being nursed with mugs of tea and biscuits.  Instead I was dead for a week.

*Most likely caused by being on a rammed, 3 car Chiltern slug DMU, with every knob jockey coughing their guts up, but far too ignorant to wear a mask, using the good old British "sod you Jack, I'm alright" view of it all.  Although I was also sat in a packed waiting room at the quacks**, and a bloke with covid came and sat next to me, emptying the contents of his lungs, but he was wearing a mask (in reality, I probably had already contracted it by then, looking at incubation times.

**NHS 111 sent me to pharmacist, who absolutely told me it wasn't shingles, so I had to then go to the walk in at the quacks, who within seconds, confirmed it was.  That's another ailment I wouldn't wish on anyone, as that does smart a bit.
I hope you fully recover soon Jamie .

you should consider high strength vitamin  C and D3 to boost your immune system

Don't indulge him.

He's being a nancy boy. :)

Yes he needs a few pints of high strength beer and a Lamb Naga. That will sort him out!  :y                                                                                       ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 17 March 2023, 12:04:16
Yes he needs a few pints of high strength beer and a Lamb Naga. That will sort him out!  :y                                                                                       
I'm struggling with appetite currently, not that that is necessarily a bad thing, LOL.

Sadly, nobody does a lamb naga like Tiffins used to, and they have long since closed, been a Turkish restaurant for years now :(.  On the upside, cutting down on the number of nagas I was scoffing each week 10 years ago is also not a bad thing!  I reckon the only eat-in curry I've had this year was when we went out with Mr and Mrs Gixer to the Kushboo.  Now there is a strange place, always has been, always will be ;D
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 17 March 2023, 21:30:30
Yes he needs a few pints of high strength beer and a Lamb Naga. That will sort him out!  :y                                                                                       
I'm struggling with appetite currently, not that that is necessarily a bad thing, LOL.

Sadly, nobody does a lamb naga like Tiffins used to, and they have long since closed, been a Turkish restaurant for years now :(.  On the upside, cutting down on the number of nagas I was scoffing each week 10 years ago is also not a bad thing!  I reckon the only eat-in curry I've had this year was when we went out with Mr and Mrs Gixer to the Kushboo.  Now there is a strange place, always has been, always will be ;D
That the place with the, er, slightly eccentric owner by the bike place? 🤔
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 17 March 2023, 22:50:00
I too lost my appetite for a couple of weeks or so. Its a strange feeling having no interest in eating.  :-\
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: Raeturbo on 17 March 2023, 23:23:04
I too lost my appetite for a few hours… they were the worse of my life😰
Title: Re: Masks don't work...
Post by: TheBoy on 18 March 2023, 09:30:20
Yes he needs a few pints of high strength beer and a Lamb Naga. That will sort him out!  :y                                                                                       
I'm struggling with appetite currently, not that that is necessarily a bad thing, LOL.

Sadly, nobody does a lamb naga like Tiffins used to, and they have long since closed, been a Turkish restaurant for years now :(.  On the upside, cutting down on the number of nagas I was scoffing each week 10 years ago is also not a bad thing!  I reckon the only eat-in curry I've had this year was when we went out with Mr and Mrs Gixer to the Kushboo.  Now there is a strange place, always has been, always will be ;D
That the place with the, er, slightly eccentric owner by the bike place? 🤔
Thats the one.  Funny as fook, as long as it's not you waiting for a drink to arrive...